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  1. DeafSCUBA98

    For you financial wizards out there ...

    i put my money in paypal money marketing account.. thats nice because there's no terms on how long u must have ur money in like most CD says must leave ur money in for 5 years 1 year 10 month, etc.. and paypal can be 2 weeks, 1 month, etc.. and u get an average of more than 5%.. about the...
  2. DeafSCUBA98

    look who's singing

    on second one.. was the bird purring?
  3. DeafSCUBA98


    welcome to alldeaf enjoy your stay :D
  4. DeafSCUBA98

    Breaking News..

    i'm sure they're starting to clean up right now.. since they are done searching for people. i'm going there again on wednesday to take a look and i'll let you know what they look like.. maybe take a pics.. hmm..
  5. DeafSCUBA98

    Gas is going to be 90 cents / gal again next year

    its $2.84 here still.. hasn't been down for few days.
  6. DeafSCUBA98

    Tell us something we don't know...

    back when i was in high school say maybe 1997 when i'm 17 yrs old.. i had this car 1988 pontiac lemans, I really love that small car, anyway there was a long huge land full of mud at the college campus, the henniepin(sp) tech college, i decide to drive on the grass and mud to give a wild drive...
  7. DeafSCUBA98

    Any tips on finding Childcare for Deaf Kids

    i'm aware that more and more day care centers are using sign language to communicate with babies and toddlers. maybe that will help too... but i doubt they will know whole ASL.. just some basic ones.
  8. DeafSCUBA98

    Bottled Water VS Tap water

    i like tap water better than bottled water because tap water contains flouride(sp) which is good for your teeth.
  9. DeafSCUBA98

    Deaf Freedom: add $20 charge for Goverment

    its not a hoax.. i got that too.. its for passage deaf travel people who are going on a cruise.. since the governemt port tax increased and it is subject to change so we all cruise people have to pay an extra $20 for the goverment tax increase.
  10. DeafSCUBA98

    This video is creepy! "ELEVEN" 9/11

    yeah and there is only 64 passangers not 65 as the youtube mention.
  11. DeafSCUBA98

    Argument/Insult Thread

    yo mama why did you put me in diapers when we can just pee in the fat mama's home into a rotten one!
  12. DeafSCUBA98

    Who is single here?

    my terms for the word "single" means isn't with someone.. maybe you think different..
  13. DeafSCUBA98

    Who is single here?

    u got me confused here... you're saying u're single and is getting married in 6 months?????
  14. DeafSCUBA98

    Who is single here?

    aw rachel.. :hug: sorry to hear that.. hope someday you'll get a better guy.. you still have plenty of time :D by the way.. are you going to renissance festival this sept 8th for Sign language day?
  15. DeafSCUBA98

    i'm sad

    dude.. i feel ya.. i'm in same sitution right now with finicially problem pretty much going on the same as urs. I'm now thinking of moving.. to an affordable place and start a new budget and so forth... hang in there.. once you get everything straighten out.. and smooth.. the future will be...
  16. DeafSCUBA98

    Gas is going to be 90 cents / gal again next year

    i'm same as you.. i always look at business newspaper and look at stock for crude oil prices per barrel. once i see $1 down.. i predict that gas price will go down in few days.. and sure did happen. but once a while it didn't happen, however most of the times i notice it does happen that they...
  17. DeafSCUBA98

    Guy caught Bonds 756th ball will be taxed if he keep it.

    i personally don't believe it will be taxed if he keeps it.. but again i can be wrong.. for sure i know it will be taxed if he SELL it. maybe its true because its like he won the lottery.. or won a car at casino slot machines.. but i still believe it won't be taxed if he decide to keep it...
  18. DeafSCUBA98

    Gas is going to be 90 cents / gal again next year

    there's no need to pray .. because once we get to new tech we have to use that fuel source other than gasoline. so it might only affect to people who still use unleaded fuel 10 years later. those will be good for those people who put their classic car in storage
  19. DeafSCUBA98

    Gas is going to be 90 cents / gal again next year

    well i doubt it will be 90 cents next year.. however experts believe it will happen couple years later when the demend for oil is down.. such as alternative to fuel. like hybrids, electricy, water, etc.. they believe it will happen 10 years later where we don't need oil anymore or so.
  20. DeafSCUBA98

    How to sign "tatoo" ?

    i'm same with tousi