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  1. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    :eek3: FJ, just who are the Deaf people you are talking about and just who are the hearing people you are talking about? I just have a feeling you are grasping at straws here now. Can you please focus on a subject we all can follow and understand?
  2. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    :hug: Thank you so much. May I quote you on this for my signature?
  3. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    If you'll look at post 190, I apologised for this. I'll apologise again, I'm very sorry for this gross mistake. I am not embarrassed to admit I made a mistake and will always own up to my errors by apologising.
  4. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    I don't know who said it, I won't excuse my blindness for this one. I know someone on this forum stated those and I personally felt it was wrong. I apologise for this gross error on my part. I am glad you are socialising with the Deaf Community, now if you can understand our feelings...
  5. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    Can you two ladies agree to not use the word N*z*? For some people, it elicits memories they wish not to revisit. Thank you. :hug:
  6. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    Honey, you have been the judge, jury and executioner of many parents here who chose NOT to implant their children. Just because you KNOW the DoDA couple doesn't mean you know the whole Deaf community. Get real, FJ. You need to immerse yourself in the Deaf Community and that doesn't mean...
  7. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    Like you aren't telling us that we are misleading our own children, setting them up for failure without a CI, telling us that without the CI, deaf children will be social miscasts? Basically you just defined yourself and your behaviour to a perfect T. Pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot.
  8. M

    Weird thing your pet does

    Aww you be careful... I just might visit you and tuck Oreo in my big purse! LOL LilBit surprised me last night when niece & her bf came over for dinner. Their sweet boy Max, a BT, still a pup.. he was just so excited and running about the flat. LilBit growled and snapped at Max each time Max...
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    :hug: Beo!!
  10. M

    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    Please practise what you preach, kind sir. You should utilize the ignore button on both jillio and deafdyke because your diatribe towards them requires an apology.
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    5-Year-Old Wants Cochlear Implant for Christmas

    It is very nice to learn about your daughter besides her "famous" CIs. You've put Miss Kat and CI together all the time and interject Miss Kat and her CIs in almost anything CI related. :roll:
  12. M


    I haven't been actively involved in this forum for a while and it is because of some members' superior attitudes towards the Deaf Community here. It sickens me. I won't name any names and it's not allowed anyhow. Those people know who I am talking about. I find it terribly sad that a hearing...
  13. M

    Pics of you - Part V

    Now tell me.. "What did the doorknob say?" :hmm:
  14. M

    Asperger Syndrome--let's discuss

    This is why my oldest sister refused to medicate my nephew when he was diagnosed with ADD. Ritalin had too many side effects than positive benefits.
  15. M

    TSA Worker Faces Child Porn Charges

    Imagine how the children were feeling when he was "feeling them up" while getting paid for it. Ugh..
  16. M

    What's your dinner tonight?

    Just made chunky veggie lasagna with 2 cheeses (havarti and marble), homemade buns (fresh dough) and chef's salad. Oldest niece is coming over for dinner with her boyfriend and we're looking forward to seeing them in a few hours.
  17. M

    Asperger Syndrome--let's discuss

    Well said. :hug: Botts! Some people do not realise they actually self-project a lot of damage towards other people with ASD as well as other behavioural oddities. IMHO, to be an oddity is much better than to be a bully. I am an oddity and I find myself closer to members who identify...
  18. M

    Asperger Syndrome--let's discuss

    :hug: You just said it so compassionately, I'd think you were a parent already. Do you think you can share more about your job? Like jillio said, accomodations for other disabilities have really grown.
  19. M

    TSA Worker Faces Child Porn Charges

    A sick pervert. :eek3:
  20. M

    Guest Cat

    Have you realised the cat has adopted you? :)