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  1. whodatshroom

    I'm Back!

    Thank you!!! :giggle:
  2. whodatshroom

    I'm Back!

    I'm not going nowhere. I was gone for a while. But now I'm back.
  3. whodatshroom

    I'm Back!

    Hey ya all!! Do you guys remember me? I used to be on alldeaf last year...I guess I stopped posting because I was getting too addicted to it. Then I got bored with it, but now...I'm back. I hope someone remembers me. :naughty:
  4. whodatshroom

    Live Journal

    yeah people can stalk u but on LJ, you can set the privacy settings to private, friends, or public. It doesn't matter which one you want, but my LJ is mostly friends. So I'm not worried about. I only have few friends on there and thats why I made the post about LJ, to get more friends lol.
  5. whodatshroom

    Live Journal

    I am curious, does anyone in here have LJ???
  6. whodatshroom

    World Free of Diseases/Virus

    I was born deaf, my mom was very healthy when she was pregnant with me. I guess I'm one of few kids who were born deaf and so on. They found out I was deaf at age 6 months and I started school right away.
  7. whodatshroom

    Attention Alex:

    That's fine if it gets moved, but I don't like it when my thread gets moved to somewhere where it doesn't belong. My recent thread, "For Guys Only" a question about if they thought women get it easier than they do got moved to, DEAF/HEARING RELATIONSHIP. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT...
  8. whodatshroom

    Attention Alex:

    I have one huge question about moving posts. On the main page, under General Discussion. Why does it say Off-Topic discussions & polls about anything you wish to speak your mind about, when people keep moving posts to other places? Reason I am asking you this is because I...
  9. whodatshroom

    This is for Guys only:

    Levi, Well, I don't really know how to rephase that, you'll have to ask someone to explain it to you. One question, why the hell did this topic get moved to Deaf/hearing relationship. This has NOTHING to do with that. This is all about general discussion, basically asking what your...
  10. whodatshroom

    How are you affected by the power outage?

    ::scoffs:: :roll: It was just a freaking power outrage. Alot of people make big deal out of it. I live with my power going out all the times. It's just normal techincal problem.
  11. whodatshroom

    This is for Guys only:

    Do you guys think women get it easier than you do? I don't know if this belongs in other location. But if it does, my apologies. What I meant by this question, do you think they get it easier than you in life and also in body development? I hear guys bitch about how women get it...
  12. whodatshroom

    will you come over and clip my toenails?

    :barf: how fucking gross
  13. whodatshroom

    Body piercing and Tatoos Ruins?

    When I got my eyebrow pierced when I was going to NTID. I came home with a friend to my town to visit. Some of the people in my town are pretty much goody 2 shoes. When they saw my piercing they right away believed I was a badassed girl. They didn't really talk to me whole that lotta...
  14. whodatshroom

    who went to the party

    You live in Clearwater Florida? OMG that's so frigging awesome, I went there for my class trip in 2002 on February. I went to the beach there too. I loved it there, and wished I could stay.
  15. whodatshroom

    How do you feel....

    You're not the only one, My friend Brieana always promises me something and never does it. So I just dont really believe her when she promises stuff anymore. People are rude and ignorant sometimes.
  16. whodatshroom

    Yay! A Rainbow Forum!!!!!!1

    YAY, I'm glad theres a forum on Lesbians/Gays/Bi and stuff, It's pretty cool!
  17. whodatshroom

    Who is Bisexual and Bisexual-curious here?

    I'm bi, nothing wrong with that. It's all good, I'm being me. Period.
  18. whodatshroom

    Love Or Money?

    That part is over, there's 2nd part, only the girl the guy picked is the girl who's going to pick who she wants. Reason she is doing that is bec she chose 1 million over the guy, and they are giving her 2nd chance to win 2 million if she doesnt fail. If she does, the guy she picks end up...
  19. whodatshroom

    Happy Birthday Whodatshroom!

    Thank you very much :D
  20. whodatshroom


    I collect shrooms, like shroom candles, posters, lamps, blankets, and so on. Yes, I know I'm a shroom freak. I also collect tigers and hippie stuff, Im a major hippie too.