This is for Guys only:


New Member
Mar 8, 2003
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Do you guys think women get it easier than you do?

I don't know if this belongs in other location. But if it does, my apologies.

What I meant by this question, do you think they get it easier than you in life and also in body development?

I hear guys bitch about how women get it easier because some of them don't have to work hard labor. They also bitch how they can't hit any women and so on. I also often hear guys say women have more power.

Tell me your opinions guys, and tell me why you think that. If you are just going to put yes, and not put down your reasons, then don't bother posting. I want to know your opinions and why. Thank you :fly3:
whodatshroom said:
Do you guys think women get it easier than you do?

I don't know if this belongs in other location. But if it does, my apologies.

What I meant by this question, do you think they get it easier than you in life and also in body development?

I hear guys bitch about how women get it easier because some of them don't have to work hard labor. They also bitch how they can't hit any women and so on. I also often hear guys say women have more power.

Tell me your opinions guys, and tell me why you think that. If you are just going to put yes, and not put down your reasons, then don't bother posting. I want to know your opinions and why. Thank you :fly3:

Heck no, women get it worse. :(

I sympathize every time when a female friend of mine has a nerve-shattering period or endures a miscarriage. A kick in the nuts doesn't even come close to either of those two, or anything else, for that matter. Even in body development, women have it bad, what with developing breasts being sore or whatnot.

Plus, women have the possibility of being sexually harassed; and if they are raped, they'll have to endure bullshit like "You deserved it," or "You're a slut." <-- That kind of shit pisses me off, makes me want to take a bat to people who think they'd lie about something so tragic.
Women got it worse cos there's five days outta da month when they can't "function" right. *Lookit Tousi runnin' for his dear life!* :D

I don't really understand what you asked the questions very clearly. Would care to rephrase what you means your question?
I don't see the logic in moving this to Deaf/Hearing Relationships. This topic is about male opinions on wether or not women have it easier in life or not; how the heck does that signify it as a relationship topic?!

Whichever mod moved this needs to move this back to General Discussion. >:|
Levi, Well, I don't really know how to rephase that, you'll have to ask someone to explain it to you.

One question, why the hell did this topic get moved to Deaf/hearing relationship. This has NOTHING to do with that. This is all about general discussion, basically asking what your opinions are on about women and why. It has nothing to do with relationship. Whoever moved this must be blind. Please move this again to General Discussion or Penisarium. This doesn't belong in Deaf/Hearing Relationship. :nono:
my point of view is different than the guys u heard about.

I think i'm lucky to be a male! proud of it.. i know i'm sorry for those women who get their PMS, birth etc... yes, sometimes i do want to experience labor, i'm curious about this, but can't do it oh well.

Mostly guys need to protect their balls :)

but i'm glad i'm a male not female, cuz i don't have to experience in shaving my legs and underarm.
altho im a female i wanted to make a post in here even tho its directed to the men --

granted we may have it "worse" than the guys in ref to periods, PMS, childbirthing and etc etc -- but we also have positive things -- we handle stress better than men (at the risk of this becoming debative), and what whodatshroom has mentioned "..women have more power." may also be accurate as well :-x

i can consider to start new thread in the on topic debate forum so the women and men both can debate on general living, workforce and etc

*bows out of this thread and lets the men post their thoughts*

(whodatshroom -- i agreed with u ref to this having been moved to relationship forum when it didnt belong there :applause: for having it moved back to general discussions)