Search results

  1. evil_queen_lisa

    Invite Self Over

    maybe i should clarify, i don't live in the same town, i live about 3 hrs away. So she wanted to come sleep over and everything. *EQL*
  2. evil_queen_lisa

    Invite Self Over

    Hey all, I didn't grow up deaf, so I'm still getting used to Deaf culture. I have a question for all of you who did. I have a friend who is Deaf,( went to residential school since age 5, lived in the dorms, doesn't speak). So anyway, i was a little taken aback today when she asked if she...
  3. evil_queen_lisa

    Blackberry Playbook

    i like the size of the playbook better than the iPad
  4. evil_queen_lisa

    Anybody deaf who can speak multiple languages?

    i can read french, speak french, but i can no longer understand spoken french. However, i am late deaf and grew up immersion french. *EQL*
  5. evil_queen_lisa

    Phonak FM System

    Deafdyke - it depends on each student. Some dhh kids stay until 21 to improve their math and english if they are not great in those skills. Some graduate at 17 like the 'typical' kids. Ryancher - I recommend FM. I have Naida V UP myself with ML10i and a Smartlink+. It works quite well. Someone...
  6. evil_queen_lisa

    the new Phonak Naida IXs

    if i remember correctly, the JR isnt actually any different than the regular, it just comes with the smaller earhook as standard. Physically it is the same aid though. *EQL*
  7. evil_queen_lisa

    FM system repair expensive...any help?

    where do you go to school? many areas have laws that the school has to accommodate you... maybe they will pay to fix it or get you a new one??? don't sacrifice your education for $$.. if the newer one works better, use it.. don't just use an older, crummier one. *EQL*
  8. evil_queen_lisa

    MRI Tomorrow

    emailed my ENT to find out about results... I guess thats good.. tho i guess it doesn't mean there was NOTHING in the results.. just nothing urgent... hmmmmm next appointment November 2 *EQL*
  9. evil_queen_lisa


    in Ontario (toronto) they only do ABI if you have NF2, and even then i think only a few have been done. *EQL*
  10. evil_queen_lisa

    CI Evaluation on monday

    dr phil, just curious, did you have 0 hearing when you went 'deaf'? in both ears? *EQL*
  11. evil_queen_lisa

    Some babies born deaf aren't deaf after all! Don't rush CI!

    i would assume is has something to do with brain plasticity. The brain adapts and rewires itself, especially fast in young children. I guess it would have to be a very specific type of loss, where the hair cells themselves are fine but somewhere the neuron connections are not great until they...
  12. evil_queen_lisa

    Perfecting lipreading skills?

    try watching the news muted. They usually focus on the speakers face, there are often pictures to help hint at the topic, and they switch topics often enough that if you get lost, it's only a minute or two before you can try again :D *EQL*
  13. evil_queen_lisa

    New Signers' Funny Mistakes

    i think i just told my sign teacher that i am yet-deaf instead of late-deaf. He figured it out when he asked me if i grew up hearing or HOH though (i hope anyway!) Woops!! *EQL*
  14. evil_queen_lisa

    When will Canadians see IP Relay?

    ive been using the Rogers IPRelay since the day it came out. Works well WHEN there is someone available on the other end. Often I request a call and don't hear anything back for hours, by which point its too late. Can't get rid of my voice plan and portable TTY just yet i guess. Hopefully it...
  15. evil_queen_lisa

    Virgin Mobile - $25 data Plan a month!

    *sigh* phone plans are sooo much cheaper in the states compared to Canada :( *EQL*
  16. evil_queen_lisa

    Hi Phonak ?

    i assume you dont microwave your hearing aids, just the beads, right? if you have corrosion, then it sounds like maybe a moisture problem corroded them, which would cause some poor connectivity between the HA and any battery. You'd have to send them back to get that fixed. Happened to me once...
  17. evil_queen_lisa

    Hearing Aid Beads

    i just use regular pony beads :D i can send you some beads free if you want. I have TONS! *EQL* Edit: if you look at my user profile picture, you can see the beads i wear on my tubes
  18. evil_queen_lisa

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    eql2006 i believe is my skype name. Someone please correct me if im wrong! *EQL*
  19. evil_queen_lisa

    MRI Tomorrow

    i bet the neuro will want a recent one. Maybe you should contact the office and see if they will; maybe they can get you in BEFORE your appnt so that it speeds up the process? *EQL*
  20. evil_queen_lisa

    Buzzing in ear

    my tinnitus varies between a higher pitched electrical sound and a lower pitched 'fuzzy radio' sound. *EQL*