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  1. C

    is this rude or disrespectful?

    There will always be morons ready to make you look like a freak. Since you can't really control other people's behaviors, it's best to just ignore them and move on. If they do the whole staring thing, shoot them a look, ask them if they have a question, or just stop what you're doing and freeze...
  2. C

    is this rude or disrespectful?

    It's a question of intent. There's a difference between plugging up your ears to make fun of deaf/hh people and plugging up your ears to try to understand what it's like to have hearing loss.
  3. C

    World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur

    Cause the whole world has one uniform opinion. :whistle:
  4. C

    fm and wheelchairs

    :werd: Always better to have too many security measures than not enough. This coming from someone who has missed their bus stop many a time. :)
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    Campbell Soup recalls 15 million pounds of SpaghettiOs

    Is it just me or is December 2008 to June 2010 a huge period of time? :confused:
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    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    ":eek: How did you know that was your sign name? Who told you?"
  7. C

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    ":giggle: Nice. You just called yourself a dickwad." :whistle:
  8. C

    The L Word fight in ASL

    Can someone post a transcript? :ty:
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    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Classic. :roll: Kids ask questions cause they're curious. Then the parents always have to come and ruin it by instructing them to ignore anyone who isn't totally within the bounds of "normalcy."
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    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Maybe just me but that was probably more due to the school setting than their deaf/hohness. What school isn't cliquey?
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    Do you move around or curse when in pain?

    "Fuck" is usually the first word out of my mouth. :cool2:
  12. C

    gay McDonald's commercial

    I definitely wouldn't advise any queer kid to come out to their knowingly homophobic parents while the kid still completely emotionally and financially dependent on them. Bad move.
  13. C

    Have you ever been pulled over by the cops?

    Nope. But I've had them offer me a ride several times. :cool2:
  14. C

    Hispanics abandon Arizona, fleeing economy, immigration law

    Kind of like how "I'm not racist, but..." is almost always followed by a racist comment. :hmm:
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    Phantom Sounds .. Audio Halucinations?

    Anyone who finds this thread interesting should check out the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks.
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    Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals

    1. Unconstitutional. 2. Further reveals the racist motives behind these set of laws.
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    Hispanics abandon Arizona, fleeing economy, immigration law

    They don't want to put up with racist crap. Can't blame them.
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    How to change the world?

  19. C

    "Faster than speedlimits"

    :eek: $568 for 3mph over the limit? That sucks.