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  1. kokonut ‘may already have been compromised,’ security expert says

    Law says you have to buy insurance (or have insurance). Sticker shock will be rampant in 2014.
  2. kokonut ‘may already have been compromised,’ security expert says

    State confirms health website security breach | Burlington Free Press | Some people are so easy to trust a system that has not been fully security tested and verified and enter all of their personal info. Have you already entered your personal info? Take heed...
  3. kokonut ‘may already have been compromised,’ security expert says

    Hey, I didn't vote for the guy. For those who did, enjoy the rainbows and unicorns.
  4. kokonut ‘may already have been compromised,’ security expert says

    Sticker shock hits health exchange shoppers Remember, you still have to pay a much, much higher deductible before claims can kick in. And for the Bronze plan it covers only 60% leaving you responsible for the 40%. Enjoy your year in 2014...
  5. kokonut

    Dangerous "Knockout Game" Spreads in USA

    I don't know about that unless they are stupid enough to go after a KKK member. But it is a curious thing seeing which people they are targeting when if done the other way around the media would be all over it like white on rice calling it a hate crime. Btw, the "knockout game" is also called...
  6. kokonut

    Dangerous "Knockout Game" Spreads in USA

    Either that or something to raise their own "esteem" within the ranks of their friends.
  7. kokonut

    Dangerous "Knockout Game" Spreads in USA

    Blog: Rash of black-on-white-violence confounds New York City's media outlets Go on. Nothing to look here. No hate crime here. Though one got ask why the black on white attacks? Had it been the other way around you'd have Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton slobbering all over the place about the...
  8. kokonut

    Dangerous "Knockout Game" Spreads in USA

    Dangerous Games - "Point 'em Out, Knock 'em Out" Good example when a gun probably saved the victim's life. The attacker, well, he had it coming. Anybody who does the knockout thing is an idiot and moron with no ounce of respect.
  9. kokonut

    Two men used heimlich maneuver to rescue shark from choking on moose steak.

    I'd let the shark choke. not worth losing a limb or life. bye bye sharkie.
  10. kokonut

    this IS one insane waterslide...

    Looks like fun.
  11. kokonut

    150 years since Gettysburg Address

    Never knew she was a Native American.
  12. kokonut

    Affordable Car Act....

    I don't think the Onion can do it any better than that. Drives a point through and through.
  13. kokonut

    George Zimmerman arrested for domestic violence

    "There is a long history of accusations against Zimmerman not holding up …."
  14. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Do you have access to a complete history and story about the deaf person?
  15. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Not fixated. You seem to be for some reason. I've stated before in AD that speaking has nothing to do with intelligence. Either a person can speak, cannot speak or chooses not to speak. Nothing to do with intelligence. I know very successful deaf people who do not use their voice. For me, it is...
  16. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Function like a person with mild hearing loss? Again, no instances of a person with mild hearing loss that was misdiagnosed by a medical professional as mentally retarded. You can stop flailing your arms, now.
  17. kokonut

    150 years since Gettysburg Address

    It means that govt gets its power from the people and not the other way around which is why people escaped from a tyrannical King in England to live in the new world called America. And declared its independence in 1776 from England.
  18. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Sounds like severe or profoundly deaf and not about mild hearing loss. Sad, though.
  19. kokonut

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Despite what Mew said?? Mew never stated that it doesnt happen when other people judge deaf people for the way they speak.