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  1. R

    Anyoneeeee of you???

    Nice lunch break! I should try to work that into the contract at the next union meeting ROFL. But Yeah, I think some guys just can't handle taking care of kids other than their own :shrug: I've always wanted to try working in the professional child care field though, I guess I'm just one of the...
  2. R

    **Fun** Pick the month you were born:

    I loved a gangster at the dinner table because I think I need serious help <---- Thats my better half's... I like it :D
  3. R

    **Fun** Pick the month you were born:

    I smelled a baseball bat at the dinner table because thats how I roll. Haha! That is how I roll!
  4. R

    hearing aid and yawning

    Yes my HAs go silent when I yawn, I've always thought it was strange but kinda cool at the same time :D
  5. R

    So I interpreted today, but was I right?

    Thanks I feel much better about my decision. But I have never had a single class, I am learning sign from my coworkers because... well I need to learn soon since I'm going deaf myself and my coworkers want to help me communicate better. And the only person that actually didn't know that I was in...
  6. R

    Anyoneeeee of you???

    Um, nope... no baby fever here, I take care of my roomates kids.... all natural BIRTH CONTROL! See, even guys use it :P
  7. R

    So I interpreted today, but was I right?

    At work this morning, our union rep just showed up out of the blue. The same person that we have been trying to get into contact with for quite some time now. One of my other coworkers wanted to bring up the subject of deaf drivers to him personally. I ended up terping for him. He said I did a...
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    New Signers' Funny Mistakes

    Once I suggested that my friends dog needed to piss... except instead of signing piss, I signed penis. You should of seen some of the comments after that!
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    Guilty or Not Guilty? [A Game]

    So Guilty! Have you ever told your supervisor to go..... him/herself?
  10. R

    Guilty or Not Guilty? [A Game]

    Guilty. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
  11. R

    Well Well... ADers... [Merged]

    All of the above for me :D
  12. R

    Help and Opinions Needed RE: Driving

    OK guys, we had our meeting today and there still is no answer. Now we're being told that we have to contact this guy at the union office (apparently we were suppose to call him awhile ago) and talk to him about it. So for now, we have to wait. Thanks guys :D
  13. R

    Hearing aid moments

    Just got new HA last friday and yesterday, for the first time in years, I was actually able to hear my boss talking to me from behind! Then today I was able to hear him from the inside of one of my trucks with him still about 10 ft away from the truck itself! I was very shocked lol
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    Honestly, I do agree with you MeNoHear. But I can also understand the ban on religion related conversations due to many different personal veiws on many related topics, and how one person interprets a passage to mean one thing where another sees something completely different. Personally I am a...
  15. R

    cell Phones to Use

    deffenatly the Crackberry or Sidekick would be what you're looking for. I use the Crackberry 7290, you can install IPrelay on it to basically turn it into a TTY. IPrelay came with my phone but I've never used it since I do stick with IM and SMS, but I've heard great things about it. you can...
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    What's everyone's plans for today?

    Since I just got sent home early from work due to me hurting my back, I'm gonna relax and take it easy for the rest of the day :D
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    michael phelps

    And people say potheads can't do anything! I guess this proves them wrong :D
  18. R

    Odd/Funny Names

    Anita Boner...yeah, one of the customers on the trucks I load. She ALWAYS gets stuff LOL
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    Summer plans?

    Work, maybe take a small camping trip :D
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    A confession to make...

    I relate to that.