Well those people did not want to talk so thosefore, just be patience till they feel to talk again.
Not always about those people but personal of their are hurting by person who did on the blame.
That is all, I can say here...
Those news comes out as TOP STORY about him being preggy within two sides, hoax and true.
In my other words from my support group are dispression about him being transation and have a baby.
I not understand how those people got banned for what reasons ?? Why cant they give chance to solve the problems. I been seen many people has little and big deals to have to solve the problems. Sigh.
Dark Sides:
When someone ask you to pay for and keeping picking till you becomes...
he is do for his wife because she cant have baby herself. he loves her that much that he would do that for her.
other word, she is NOT, not MTF, she is bio-female, she had to have a hystercosmy.
other, other word, he is former SHE.
Is that simply ?
I did play with this spammer, too. They are so idolt! I go ahead report about it because I just notice that they asked you for Password!!!! PASSWORD, Yes!!!
I am not sure if I am in right thread but anyway, I find this strange technology so here is Welcome to Wibrain!
Any feedback about this ???
How I find this was in DeafNation the vlog about wibrain......