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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    Be sure to sign this particular petition at Democracy In Action - before April 30th when it expires. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT PETITION. I'm worried. No one here seems to understand the real, imminent danger and consequences behind CODEX. This is serious enough, and it is not a matter of...
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    The problem is that the U.S. is already bound by an international agreement to comply with CODEX. Our government may be unable to fight this. The United States is pressured for CODEX compliance even as we speak. The FDA has already declared its intent to comply with CODEX in a public statement...
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    I'm really disappointed about this too. What if you disagree or are allergic to all antibiotics your doctor gives you and you want to try something else such a vitamin C supplement or an alternate remedy your doctor refuses to let you try, but you cannot. Your right has been taken away. That is...
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    Yes, the store shelves will be emptied OR you have to get doctor's consent to purchase the vitamin and mineral supplements. It happened in Australia already. Look at the question itself. 4.) Was the ban on supplements in Australia that eliminated over 1600 products from store shelves part...
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    If Codex and free universal health care come together, consumers will be prohibited from using herbs and supplementaries (vitamins) without doctor consent. This is an ideal Big Brother medical system. If the consumer does not have the right to buy herbal tea or vitamins (such as Vitamin C)...
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    Don't believe me? All you have to do is look at FR Doc E7-3259 and Issues and Action - <-- this congress link is very important to read
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    I would rather play it safe and than do nothing and be sorry. I don't care how it sounds, the FDA is already trying to pass something that will make this take effect. A lot of people are discussing it right now on the message boards. As one person at Yahoo! Answers - Should America permit the...
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    Read what has happened in other countries across the world due to CODEX, which FDA is trying to do now in full view of the public. LIFE UNDER CODEX In the mid-1990s my mother, then in her 80s, had a stroke. She lived in Germany. When she left hospital, I was ready with a nutritional plan...
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    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

    FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products even in stores This has to be one of the stupidest things the FDA is about to have ever done. Just imagine not being able to drink a cup of your favorite herbal tea to relax. Read on...
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    Know Your NES History?

    Only 850 the first time. The 2nd time, I decided to test how much I could remember from the brief glimpse I had at the game titles. What happened was total recall. This is part of an ongoing experiment I have with memory. But if you want to see the best award image, here it is:
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    Discuss about dangerous dogs

    I noticed you posting this to Cane Corso, and no she's not being ignorant. It is in the training and treatment of dogs that usually defines the way they will treat people. If a dog was bullied by kids while it was a puppy, it will probably grow a fear or dislike for kids. The stature...
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    "Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They" should've been "Medical Researchers--How Reliable and Trustworthy Are They?" Extracted from the .doc file: Scientists often base their own conclusions on what "they" think/feel is correct, including those who decide what is legitimate and what...
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    "Page not found" error still displayed. Similar error as I will have to attach a .doc instead.
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    Trying to post a news article

    I just now had this problem for the first time... "Page not found"... what is going on?
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    A page came up saying "Page not found" when I tried to post my message but I can post/edit short messages like this one. I will try again later.
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    jillio, you are amazing. Smith did not say that. Richard Feynman and Richard Smith are two different people. Read what I said again. Do you realize what has just happened? Richard Feynman, one of the greatest scientists ever - yes, the scientific method existed even during the atomic bomb era -...
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    Conspiracy, Bias, or Just Plain Stupidity? About Natural Health Research Today: May 2006 He represents scientists who report to him. The belief that "modern medicine is scientific". It is not. Even great scientists have tesified about how our researchers are being unscientific. Richard...
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    Did you see this: "In the USA the Congress's Office of Technology Assessment concluded that over 75% of sickness care has never been proven safe or effective in clinical trials." Congress concluded this.
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    We tend to interpret data as we want to interpret data. You claim the British Medical Journal is not credible because of your beliefs.
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    Medical Researchers--How Reliable Are They?

    Four untruths! (By the way--why insist on using labels, especially if the British Medical Journal, which is well-respected by scientists worldwide, reports such a thing?) If even a drop of one statement you say is untrue, then that makes it an untruth. There is no need for an "conspiracy theory"...