FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores


Mar 7, 2006
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FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products even in stores

This has to be one of the stupidest things the FDA is about to have ever done.
Just imagine not being able to drink a cup of your favorite herbal tea to relax. Read on...

There is a crisis in health freedom. On April 30, 2007 the FDA will close the public comment period on a "Guidance" which will classify every alternative practice as medicine so that only licensed physicians can carry out the procedure AND vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc., will suddenly become "untested drugs" which will be forbidden.

Bad? Real Bad! But public outcry can stop this assault on your health and your freedom.

Spread the word! Tell everyone in your Circle of Influence, professionals, alternative practitioners, nutrient and herb companies, everyone! Let them know how important their participation is to make sure the FDA backs off from this repressive course.

Please share this link with them and urge them to take action: Democracy In Action

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Stop Codex: Protect Health Freedom :: HealthFreedomUSA.org

Take action now at Democracy In Action


Read more about what people are saying about this at Yahoo! Answers - The FDA is about to deal a final, fatal blow to the alternative medicine industry, outlawing nutritional suppl
Read what has happened in other countries across the world due to CODEX, which FDA is trying to do now in full view of the public.

In the mid-1990s my mother, then in her 80s, had a stroke. She lived in Germany. When she left hospital, I was ready with a nutritional plan that included high-dose vitamins: C, E, and B � especially Inositol, as well as Co-enzyme Q 10. I went to the pharmacy, whose owner was a family friend for some 25 years, and handed him my list.
He handed me a small packet with a price sticker of DM 200 (then about $200) containing vitamin E capsules manufactured by one of Germany's largest pharmaceutical companies. The source was synthetic, not the "mixed" version from living plant sources I wanted which contains the whole E spectrum. The package contained a total of 10,000 international units of E, the equivalent of a mere 25 capsules of 400 IU each that we are used to buying (I take that many in 3 days). Our bottles contain 90 capsules and cost about $20. If Codex rules in Canada, we will likely pay $800 for a bottle of 90 capsules of low-quality vitamin E � if Health Canada lets us buy that many at once, and if you can find a doctor willing to prescribe it.
He then handed me a tube-shaped metal container with vitamin C effervescent tablets. Each tablet, when dissolved in water, would release 10 mg of vitamin C in a refined sugar solution. Thus, this ridiculously low amount, was to be taken in a toxic medium that would neutralize the vitamin without it doing anything at all. The cost: about $10 for 12 tablets.
Then he asked me, "What's Co-enzyme Q 10? Are you allowed to buy all this in Canada in such dangerous dosages?" When I told him what I take daily, his eyes popped. Then I asked, "Why can't I buy these supplements here?" He replied, "Well, Germany is a Codex country." Oddly, Germany has several government-run hospitals where environmental illness is treated with nutrients only, intravenous vitamin C etc. Life is full of paradoxes and few more follow below.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, a medical doctor and naturopath well known to Toronto readers, is currently the president of "Friends of Freedom International" in which capacity she attended the Codex meeting in Bonn last November. She describes Codex as "the ultimate Big Brother marching backwards into the future."
Effective 1 August, all vitamin and mineral supplements on the so-called "positive list", including everything from Beta Carotene to Zinc, will only be available in the 25 EU countries if they comply with specific rules set out in the 10 June 2002, EU Directive Relating to Food Supplements. All products must show maximum safe levels "as established by science."
Those nutrients found in the mythic "balanced diet" are to be subtracted from the final values, and Article 6 (2) decrees that labels shall "not attribute to food supplements the property of preventing, treating or curing a human disease, or refer to such properties."
So, the Directive's "science" knows nothing of Vitamin C preventing and curing scurvy, Vitamin D preventing and curing rickets and osteoporosis, or vitamin B curing and preventing anemia. It also ignores the mountain of evidence showing our diets are chronically deficient in essential nutrients because of factory-style farming practices.
To "ensure a high level of protection for consumers and facilitate their choice", they even included baking soda and table salt. We must assume they will be unavailable as of 1 August anywhere in Europe � with interesting consequences for the tourist industry in the baked goods paradises Austria, Switzerland and France.
Now, there is also a "negative list" covering essential fatty acids, phytonutrients, all the enzymes and more. Those cannot be marketed at all, until the EU scientific committee in charge has made a final decision. So, forget omega-3 and omega-6 fats, cod liver oil, and much more.
The effect of this directive will be that thousands of products and businesses will be gone this year. In the UK alone some 21 million people will suddenly have no access to any supplement vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fatty acids and more. Since the onus is on businesses to produce the scientific information on safety, they can't produce or sell anything � not even to physicians who have the power to prescribe any toxic drug as well as any essential nutrient. Obviously, there will be ludicrous enforcement issues: Picture basement-concocted vitamins sold in dark alleys alongside crack and Ecstasy.
I would rather play it safe and than do nothing and be sorry. I don't care how it sounds, the FDA is already trying to pass something that will make this take effect. A lot of people are discussing it right now on the message boards.

As one person at Yahoo! Answers - Should America permit the FDA to ban all herbs, supplements and natural healing aids? said:

The American FDA plans to pass a new regulation giving them unlimited control over all natural, organic and holistic healing products and practices. This document is called “Docket No. 2006D-0480. Draft Guidance for Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration.”
Given their attitude towards all such health options, it is likely that many, if not all, of the effective and inexpensive holistic alternatives available today would be literally forced off the market. This plan is not only intrusive, but also ridiculous- if the law is passed, vegetable juice would be considered a “drug”! Bottled water to treat “dehydration” would be a “drug”! Everything from massage oil, yoga mats, and simple green tea would almost certainly be outlawed or unfairly policed.
Is this acceptable to us, the public? We alone have the ability to stop this regulation from becoming reality in a matter of weeks- the FDA accepts petitions and complaints only until April 30- then it is LAW.
If you care about this affront to our freedom as consumers, please make your voice heard and ACT NOW! Also, you can read the full story here:

Alert: FDA Attempting to Regulate Supplements, Herbs and Juices as "Drugs"
Vegetable Juice a DRUG?

then the person also mentions...

Remember: we have only 16 short days to act!
Codex will be good if it comes with free universal health care for all Americans. This way Americans will have full access to health care than rely on supliments and midnight infomercial products.

If Codex and free universal health care come together, consumers will be prohibited from using herbs and supplementaries (vitamins) without doctor consent.

This is an ideal Big Brother medical system. If the consumer does not have the right to buy herbal tea or vitamins (such as Vitamin C) without doctor consent to relieve some symptoms or try some self-treatment which should be a personal right, this is a big infringement on personal freedom.

What you say goes against a personal choice to use "untested" products to take care of oneself without doctor's consent.

That is the aim of Codex.
Does FDA will removes all vitamins and minerals at Wal-Mart to become into empty shelves?

Is it means that I can't buy vitamins myself?
Yes, the store shelves will be emptied OR you have to get doctor's consent to purchase the vitamin and mineral supplements.

It happened in Australia already. Look at the question itself.

4.) Was the ban on supplements in Australia that eliminated over 1600 products from store shelves part of Codex?

Australia has “harmonized” itself through the Trans Tasman Agreement (4) with CODEX and with New Zealand. It has further “harmonized” itself with the Pan Asian Agreement (5). Thus, while not declaring itself to be “harmonized” with CODEX, Australia has accepted its standards via these agreements. It is clear that the “CODEX mind” was at work in Australia but since Australia has not yet made its schedule for the implementation of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS public, no public act of “harmonization” with CODEX has yet taken place. Instead, CODEX’s standards have been accepted through another doorway in both Australia and New Zealand. It is more likely that it was an action based on the Trans Tasman Agreement. After all, if consumers get used to not having supplements available to them, they won’t make too big a fuss when it becomes official.

Red Flags - Codex Questions
Damn, FDA is fucking insane...

I feel sorry for Wal-Mart for losing their profit...
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That is very disappointing to hear the news. I have had heard about it a few years ago. I think that FDA gave some of its money to Europe to ban the alternative medicines. FDA won it. Now, you said that it is coming here in the USA. Do you think that we could contact the Representative about it? Will it work that way?

I am pretty sure that we cannot contact the FDA because they do not give a damn about it, and they want the money from us.

I was told that all drug stores will sell very low amount of alternative medicines like 50 mg or 100 mg of Vitamin C. This won't help them to get better so they will have to see their doctor for a prescription (modern medicine). I think that FDA is a horrible.
I'm really disappointed about this too. What if you disagree or are allergic to all antibiotics your doctor gives you and you want to try something else such a vitamin C supplement or an alternate remedy your doctor refuses to let you try, but you cannot. Your right has been taken away. That is the real problem with Codex.

What if you make a discovery that something really works for you that does not support the doctor's opinion, and that something is the only cure you have? What if you are dying, and that's the only cure you have? There is a huge death toll from prescription drugs and even the FDA has admitted it. Even doctors themselves are angry about an unaware public regarding the FDA.

So many Americans are unaware of the huge death toll from prescription drugs and they think the drugs they see on TV are safe. Statistics have proven that prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists. A FDA senior drug researcher (who had been working with the FDA for 20 years) who blew the whistle on Vioxx gives an insider's look at the FDA's corruption: The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower

Canada and Mexico are not safe either, because the FDA has already violated the Administrative Procedures Act by engaging in conferencing with their regulatory counterparts in Canada and Mexico.

What you can do is to contact the reps in an effort to fight what the FDA is trying to do... this may be your best defense... if you find a way to fax them a typed personal letter (better than form letters), even if it's only two sentences long, that's even better in getting your message across. Remember: if the FDA wins, it's your life put on line from being forced to resort to treatment only by prescription drugs without being able to resort to alternatives if you feel a need.

I don't mean to sound like an alarmist but the nature of the subject itself requires proper inspection. The documentation itself is as vague as it can get and this gives the FDA greater flexibility to do whatever it wants if it goes into effect.

Here is what you can do to let your voice be heard:

1. Submit comments online. Be sure you include the Docket No 2006D-0480 with your comments. [this is the FDA website - this comment period expires April 30th, 2007]

2. You can also send comments via snail mail to:

Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305)
5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061
Rockville, MD 20852

3. You can call and chat up the following people and let them know what you think:

Sheryl Lard-Whiteford at 301-827-0379
Daniel Nguyen at 301-827-8971
Ted Stevens at 301-594-1184
Wayne Amchin at 301-827-6739

4. In addition to the above comment submissions, write or call your representatives and senators! You can find the contact information for your representatives in the House and Senate here.

(Source: Vegetable Juice a DRUG?)

Another site says:

1. Lodge a complaint with the FDA by clicking here [my comment: this is the same as above]. MAKE SURE you include the docket number 2006D-0480. But don't trust this to be enough. The FDA will probably simply delete half the complaints it receives, so don't trust your complaint to actually count. It's important to continue...

2. Send a strongly-worded letter to your representatives in Washington. Be sure to cite Docket No. 2006D-0480. Draft Guidance for Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. Tell them you support open access to vitamins, herbs, and supplements, and you do not want CAM to be regulated by the FDA.

3. Send this story to everyone you know. Spread the word. Raise the alarm. With enough public support, the FDA will be forced to back off this insane proposal.
I feel that FDA will going to removes all OTC and non-Rx meds from store in near future and force all people to visit doctor office to get right meds.

I don't have insurance right now but only have medicaid but limited to visit any doctors. :(
The more, the more, they are taking our freedom. State Governments or Federal Governments has to stop making up ridicilous laws! If they decide to raise the strict of law, they should STOP calling our country a freedom!
I've said it plenty of times and twice on AD. A civil war is going to break out in some several odd years if things continue the course. It's not just this, its so much more. People are too blind to see it, even I'm not sure all of that's been going on but this FDA thing is just the tip of an megalithic iceberg.
The problem is that the U.S. is already bound by an international agreement to comply with CODEX. Our government may be unable to fight this. The United States is pressured for CODEX compliance even as we speak. The FDA has already declared its intent to comply with CODEX in a public statement. In other words, this is for REAL. Let's look at what CODEX involves:

The German plan calls for the following:

• No vitamin, mineral, herb, etc., can be sold for prophylactic (preventive) or therapeutic use.
• None sold as a food can exceed potency (dosage) levels set by the commission.
• CODEX regulations for dietary supplements would become binding -- eliminating the escape clause within the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that allow a nation to set its own standards.
• all new dietary supplements would automatically be banned unless they go through the CODEX approval process.

If these draconian measures are adopted, any party to GATT (which includes the United States) that does not accept the new standards can be heavily sanctioned (fined) by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO will have the right to levy enormous fines on any nation that gets "out of line," with the potential to cripple entire sectors of that nation's economy.



Following is what the pharma dominated German government would allow us to have if they get their way within the Codex process (which they dominate by being the host country for the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use):

Vitamin C (225 mg)
Vitamin E (15 mg) (Gamma Tocopherol)
Magnesium (400 mcg)
Vitamin B-12 (9 mcg)
Vitamin B-6 (5.4 mg)
Beta Carotene (4 mg)
Vitamin D (5 mcg)


The FDA says, in their own web site, that they intend to "harmonize our domestic laws" with the draconian CODEX dictates: "FDA plans to amend its regulations and procedures for consideration of standards adopted by CODEX. This action is being taken to provide for the systematic review of CODEX standards in order to enhance consumer protection, promote international harmonization, and fulfill obligations of the United States under international agreements" — which you never voted for. (Emphasis added.) Go to the jackal's den and read about their intentions from their own web site.

FDA statement on intent to comply with Codex can be found at http://www.fda.gov/ola/1997/319.html


Americans gasp at the thought. It goes against everything America stands for. Many believe this can't be possible. The truth is, it's not only possible, it's required by the Codex Alimentarius agreement.

In fact, under the terms of the Uruguay Round of GATT, which created the World Trade Organization, the United States agreed to harmonize its domestic laws to the international standards. This includes standards for dietary supplements being developed by the United Nation's Codex Alimentarius Commission's Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use.

The Uruguay Round Agreements carry explicit language clearly indicating that the U.S. must harmonize to international standards:

"Members are fully responsible under this Agreement for the observance of all provisions.... members shall formulate and implement positive measures and mechanisms in support of the observance of the provisions.... by other than central government bodies." [WTO TBT Agreement at Article 3.5]"

In other words, the federal government must NOT ONLY CHANGE FEDERAL LAW, but must ALSO require state and local governments to change their laws as well to be in accordance with international law.

Not only that, but Codex Alimentarius is now enforceable through the World Trade Organization (WTO). If a country disagrees with or refuses to follow Codex standards, the WTO applies pressure by withdrawing trade privileges and imposing crippling trade sanctions. Congress has already bowed to this pressure several times and so have the governments of many countries.

While the exemption clause (USC 3512(a)(1) and (a)(2) was created to supposedly protect our laws from harmonization to international standards, it has proven to be totally ineffective. The United States has already lost seven trade disputes despite the exemption clause.

I've said it plenty of times and twice on AD. A civil war is going to break out in some several odd years if things continue the course. It's not just this, its so much more. People are too blind to see it, even I'm not sure all of that's been going on but this FDA thing is just the tip of an megalithic iceberg.

Go check out the thread "Is your freedom in DANGER?" at On-Topic Debates, vote there ;)

Yeah I agree, a megalithic iceberg drop smashing our freedom :(
i read on t.v. somewhere with an author of a book about herbs.

he says that there's are always alternative to medicines the herbs can cure couple of things..

FDA is afraid people will choice herbs instead of doctor's preception

this is a fishy issue that i'm seeing right now..

FDA is starting to be strict on food too not just herbs, etc.. also food such as peanut butter, bread, dog food, cat food, etc.. they're telling the companies "you have this.. and it has to be on recall" all the sudden the stores cannot sell them at all.. FDA also go in each stores secertly and look around for trouble if they found out a tiney weiney thing they tell the store to stop selling it or they lose the lincense to sell food/drug.
All i can see is, greedy is controlling. Doctors trying very hard to make more money, even like 100 000 dollars a month they make, is still not enuf for them just like sports, movie stars, complain, complain, complain. It is outrageous.

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