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  1. S

    Job Interview

    very interesting. in germany I haven't been getting any questions from my boss about drugs, exercise and health. they are most questions about experience job. that is all!!! I would get a job in america. I am big curious. :)
  2. S

    My Trip to Turkey: (pictures)

    I went to Turkey, Alanya, Pamukkale, Antalya and side. My friend and i enjoyed there for 2 weeks. we love dancing and eat turkish Foods, like Doener Kepab. *yummy* I am happy for you, you had much fun there. Honestly, I came from germany to USA. the same the Airport in america are strictly...
  3. S

    California Proposition Eight - Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

    *umm* your part was right. But, it isn't 100% right. I don't think so the U.S. is full of judgement PPL. Can you imagine, if you live with your husband in small town. many 99 the same sex marriage out of one. How do you feeling? it isn't comfortable, because too many gays or lesbians in small...
  4. S

    Where's the Love???

    the same, I am not honor of Bush. Forget it!!!
  5. S

    Fast-food ad ban could cut child obesity: U.S. study

    My belief, the parents should take responsibility for their kids. that is point!!!
  6. S

    Why are you deaf if you know?

    My mom got no room oxygen in her pregnant, that i become deaf in birth. But, i am proud of deaf ;)
  7. S

    have you ever

    hey, what if you hit a squirrel. Are you gonna crying or what? that is life!!! drive forwards. But if you hit a big animal, like Deer and your car would become box LOL anyway, You would be different feeling about that. :)
  8. S

    Bad News

    when she was pregnant week?
  9. S

    Recycle Bags from Store

    haha!!! I am sorry!!!! :giggle:
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    California Proposition Eight - Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

    yes, i heard about that. *puzzle* But, there allow 3 or 4 women with one man. *pfffuuiiiiii* How sad, that California ban on same sex marriage. In Germany is fine. I still don't understand...
  11. S

    Photo Booth!!

    heh :lol:
  12. S

    name of perfume

    which is she or he? for woman, i suggest "Miracle" or "issey" or "jean Paul Gaultier" for man "armani" or jean Paul Gaultier" or etc...
  13. S

    Obama's future secretary of state?

    yes, i like Wikipedia. that is ONLY good an information for History, personality, famous etc..
  14. S

    Do you think Osama Bin Laden died?

    yes, right! he is somewhere hiding.
  15. S

    The 'Pregnant Man' Is Expecting Again

    yeaaah, I agree with public people. what they think about a man(woman's gender) get pregnant. he has too high expect that he would get POSITIVE from received eMail and calls. Nah, I already know that gays and lesbian and transexual are against him. if he didn't let something some magazine...
  16. S

    Obama's future secretary of state?

    yeaaah, the same on my mind. She is great job. when Hilary told Obama, if he wons on election. She would support him. it heard like promise. excellent together work with him....
  17. S

    Christmas Tree

    i am the same with moonflower, so i wouldn't allergy to false tree, but real tree, yes!!! i prefer beautiful real tree, tho. :)
  18. S

    Thanksgiving Day (Nov 27th)

    shorty dude!?!.. i dont know, you are tall than him or he is tall than you LOL anyway, Bill Miller are going to DPHH in next week. If you are going there, too. Then you will see him ;)
  19. S

    Interview TODAY at 11:30am in PST!!!

    :fingersx::fingersx: Mr. superdorky, i will pray for you. good luck for an interview.
  20. S

    Deaf man's 7,000 child porn files

    OMG!!!! i can't believe, what he do care about seven thousand files on his computer. He is sick. the same happen in Germany, oh well.... But not a deaf man ;)