Not just Bush who failed -- former presidents before him have failed as well. I am positive sure that Obama will fail durin' in his presidency years, too. None of them have the answers to resolve all these problems. I mean, none of them.
sorry but Bush has the worst rating in the history. How do you explain that? that is the real example of epic fail. In fact - Bush made bunch of records that will be recorded into Guinness World Records
1. Worst Presidential rating in the history
2. Highest deficit in the history
3. Largest voters turnout in the history(it means they care and DESPISED Bush & Republican)
4. has many of his friends/associates were found guilty of -----
5. many more....
Not just Bush who failed -- former presidents before him have failed as well. I am positive sure that Obama will fail durin' in his presidency years, too. None of them have the answers to resolve all these problems. I mean, none of them.
He deserves a good kick in the ass, despite the bad actions he has done to the americans in the past eight years. Bush = EPIC FAIL.
Damn..Will someone just fast forward us to January 20 now? I cant stand to see that asshole occupying Barack's house.
lol, Bush has done to made severely damage in 8 years.