Since Bush became President in 2000...

As I have read some of your posts of you all guys, the mention of "national News" - - have you ever watch the news about anything that was told on news from Australia?

Nope not at all. :( Austrailia isn't alone... Most tv news what I saw from USA news networks only focus on USA, Middle East (because we have wars there), China, Japan, Mexico and Europe...
Nope not at all. :( Austrailia isn't alone... Most tv news what I saw from USA news networks only focus on USA, Middle East (because we have wars there), China, Japan, Mexico and Europe...

that's strange, Metroguy03, I wated Channel Nine, "National Nine News" which I always watch that, that news constantly tells the news in the USA, like for example if something had made world headlines, like the war, we mentioned that in Australia... but the most interesting thing, is that we don't hear anything about in europe only tragdies that is all.. USA and IRAQ incidents is the main focus, but wwhy can't the media just drop it off, our newspaper gave up repoirting about the iraq wars, they just didn't think it was necessary as there was plenty of different news, besides these wars by the president bush.
that's strange, Metroguy03, I wated Channel Nine, "National Nine News" which I always watch that, that news constantly tells the news in the USA, like for example if something had made world headlines, like the war, we mentioned that in Australia... but the most interesting thing, is that we don't hear anything about in europe only tragdies that is all.. USA and IRAQ incidents is the main focus, but wwhy can't the media just drop it off, our newspaper gave up repoirting about the iraq wars, they just didn't think it was necessary as there was plenty of different news, besides these wars by the president bush.

That is because USA is involved this wars, and we, Americans have the right to know what is happening there whether we agree with this war or not. It will continue going on until this war is over.

Also I learned that many countries around the world focus on our country, USA more than they did to their countries. One time I went to Canada for vacation and I turned the television on at the hotel room, almost every channel have news that just focus on USA. They got about two or three channels that focus on Canada only. Also my friend who was in Thailand when Clinton's Impeachment Trial... Guess what? She said every Thailanders didn't do anything but just watch Clinton's Impeachment Trial. My friend who came from Paris, France, he told me that Paris only have two local news but the rest of them just focus on USA only. That made me wonder why USA is very important to many countries around the world? Why not they focus on their countries too?
That is because USA is involved this wars, and we, Americans have the right to know what is happening there whether we agree with this war or not. It will continue going on until this war is over.

Also I learned that many countries around the world focus on our country, USA more than they did to their countries. One time I went to Canada for vacation and I turned the television on at the hotel room, almost every channel have news that just focus on USA. They got about two or three channels that focus on Canada only. Also my friend who was in Thailand when Clinton's Impeachment Trial... Guess what? She said every Thailanders didn't do anything but just watch Clinton's Impeachment Trial. My friend who came from Paris, France, he told me that Paris only have two local news but the rest of them just focus on USA only. That made me wonder why USA is very important to many countries around the world? Why not they focus on their countries too?

maybe because of hollywood? And yeah, I felt like they might not focus on their country. I don't even know what happen to every country. lol
That is because USA is involved this wars, and we, Americans have the right to know what is happening there whether we agree with this war or not. It will continue going on until this war is over.

Also I learned that many countries around the world focus on our country, USA more than they did to their countries. One time I went to Canada for vacation and I turned the television on at the hotel room, almost every channel have news that just focus on USA. They got about two or three channels that focus on Canada only. Also my friend who was in Thailand when Clinton's Impeachment Trial... Guess what? She said every Thailanders didn't do anything but just watch Clinton's Impeachment Trial. My friend who came from Paris, France, he told me that Paris only have two local news but the rest of them just focus on USA only. That made me wonder why USA is very important to many countries around the world? Why not they focus on their countries too?

I has to honset with you, it´s not really USA, we focus on but it´s just daily news from the world comes only if there´re something serious. It look like that US are common who have more serious news than other countries.
I has to honset with you, it´s not really USA, we focus on but it´s just daily news from the world comes only if there´re something serious. It look like that US are common who have more serious news than other countries.

I am sure about every country around the world have serious issues as USA do. Sometime some government refused to share it in the public in their countries that left millions of people misinformed or uninformed. In my own understanding that USA has strong media system than compared to any countries around the world. That might explains why USA discuss more news than anywhere in the world.
That is because USA is involved this wars, and we, Americans have the right to know what is happening there whether we agree with this war or not. It will continue going on until this war is over.

Also I learned that many countries around the world focus on our country, USA more than they did to their countries. One time I went to Canada for vacation and I turned the television on at the hotel room, almost every channel have news that just focus on USA. They got about two or three channels that focus on Canada only. Also my friend who was in Thailand when Clinton's Impeachment Trial... Guess what? She said every Thailanders didn't do anything but just watch Clinton's Impeachment Trial. My friend who came from Paris, France, he told me that Paris only have two local news but the rest of them just focus on USA only. That made me wonder why USA is very important to many countries around the world? Why not they focus on their countries too?

I thought that the war was over as it was told in the news down here, maybe they just lost interest?

Interesting that they are focusing the news onto the United states of america, but why does they just focus on their country.

Yeah, it is nothing to do with hollywood, PowerON, hollywood is just a movie business, it has nothing to do with the politics and the president right?
I thought that the war was over as it was told in the news down here, maybe they just lost interest? ?

The war will not be over for a while... I think it will end if new democrat president won the election and take the troops out of Iraq and Afghanisten. I heard that President Bush wants to have another war against Iran too. I hope it will NOT happen. :(

Interesting that they are focusing the news onto the United states of america, but why does they just focus on their country.?

That's what I want to know.

Yeah, it is nothing to do with hollywood, PowerON, hollywood is just a movie business, it has nothing to do with the politics and the president right?

Right on. They can say anything to support or against the politics if they wants to. Right now they're extremely careful with what they said because they said something that offended millions of Americans and refused to watch their movies which hurts their businesses. For example, Mel Gibson said something hateful against jews that pissed Americans off and refused to watch his new movies. That's why they don't want to risk to lose their businesses and watch out what they says.
That's what I want to know.

same here, i would like to know if someone has a good reason of sources that proves that.

Right on. They can say anything to support or against the politics if they wants to. Right now they're extremely careful with what they said because they said something that offended millions of Americans and refused to watch their movies which hurts their businesses. For example, Mel Gibson said something hateful against jews that pissed Americans off and refused to watch his new movies. That's why they don't want to risk to lose their businesses and watch out what they says.

Yeah, that was the real reason, they are careful, but lately, I have heard that mel gibson is at it again and it happens with Lindsay lohan >.<
MetroGuy03 said:
Not always true. Its state governors faults too.

I know, it sometimes not true, and it occurs to be the same to our prime minister in Australia.. have you ever heard of John Howard?
I know, it sometimes not true, and it occurs to be the same to our prime minister in Australia.. have you ever heard of John Howard?

Yes I heard of John Howard. Some of my friends in Sydney told me that he is exactly same as George W. Bush and Tony Blair (former prime minister of Great British). I am not sure if that is true. I haven't do my research on John Howard yet.
Yes I heard of John Howard. Some of my friends in Sydney told me that he is exactly same as George W. Bush and Tony Blair (former prime minister of Great British). I am not sure if that is true. I haven't do my research on John Howard yet.

It would be true, becuase John Howard is obviously a good friend of George W. Bush... pfft! These Prime Ministers of Australia and England are just so unbelieveable, Tony Blair retired due to whatsoever they had to force him out, I am not sure if it is true, unless there is a true source of it. No wonder these people are cruel to their people of their country. :rl:
It would be true, becuase John Howard is obviously a good friend of George W. Bush... pfft! These Prime Ministers of Australia and England are just so unbelieveable, Tony Blair retired due to whatsoever they had to force him out, I am not sure if it is true, unless there is a true source of it. No wonder these people are cruel to their people of their country. :rl:

Yeah I heard. Tony Blair was forced to resign because of Britishs are fed up with him for his close relationship with George W. Bush and caused problems in their country. I heard new prime minister is becoming good friend with George W. Bush too! Sighs!
Yeah I heard. Tony Blair was forced to resign because of Britishs are fed up with him for his close relationship with George W. Bush and caused problems in their country. I heard new prime minister is becoming good friend with George W. Bush too! Sighs!

They never change, these days!
Actually we can... IMPEACH THEM!

Impeach them? It would be a possibility, but who would do that for the UK PM and I wouldn't give a shit about John Howard anyway. Neither does for George Jnr.

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