Since Bush became President in 2000...

Tousi said ~
Reba deserves this week's AD Most Patient Poster of the Month!! Whereas I'd prolly let 'em stew in their own ignorance. Lol!

Agree Tousi, I just can't waste time on the Clintons..
except to say - Bill is still whoredoggin and was observed with his little hottie in Vegas - one of his haunts.
He will be calming down a little when Hill is running for President, he will have to behave more.

PAC sweetie said ~Nah, You don't know about me, though.

Your statement about Obama is completely BS, that it.
That is where you are wrong, I know you all too well, you are a stereotypical 19 year old.

I stated nothing about Obama - Correct yourself!

Thank You for the much needed intermission DarkDog :ty:

BTW - Great Posts JAG :ty::bowdown::cool:
Agree Tousi, I just can't waste time on the Clintons..
except to say - Bill is still whoredoggin and was observed with his little hottie in Vegas - one of his haunts.
He will be calming down a little when Hill is running for President, he will have to behave more.

That is where you are wrong, I know you all too well, you are a stereotypical 19 year old.

I stated nothing about Obama - Correct yourself!

Thank You for the much needed intermission DarkDog :ty:

BTW - Great Posts JAG :ty::bowdown::cool:

Hell no, I'm not damn stereotypical, you are stereotyical over liberal and democrat, plus you just nothing to know about my intelligence, personal information and life.

You said that you stated nothing then you are fool and check your post below.

If I'm liberal then that's MY business, not yours, NONE of them are get right or wrong.
MetroGuy03 -

George W. Bush wanted to cut the tax in order to reduce wealthy people's taxes. It helped people to find new jobs but that was a temporary..

That's correct. He also cut the taxes for middle class as well. Low income people have almost no taxes depends on how much they makes a year.

George, the father, signed the ADA, and it was not his idea. The idea came from a Congressman, Tom Harkin who bought up the issue. It was a good thing that George passed the law..

Can you please give me the reference for that?

What about a green party? It's not on the list. Does this mean that it cannot fix our country because it is already screwed up big times? (I don't have time to watch it on T.V.)

To be honest with you, I don't really know much about Green Party. It is seen like not too common for USA from what I seen. I haven't met a person that is a member of Green Party yet... Just Republicans, Democrats, and Independants. That's it.

Many new laws passed that might be good, but fine prints don't reveal the information in the public. Green energy in the bill which is included the nuclear energy in the fine prints for example. ADA does not mention how many people or employees work are allowed to apply for a lawsuit unless we tell deaf people if we know the answer. Mouth to mouth is helpful or here on alldeaf posts, too.

In my own understanding that ADA law only exist to the workplace of more than 15 workers. If the workplace have less than 15 workers, no one can file lawsuit against them. In my opinion, I think its lame because it should be allowed for anyone to file lawsuit against the workplace of any number of workers for ADA violation.
MetroGuy03 - you are wrong.

Bush had to sign the ADA because he was forced to accept both House of Representatives and Senators (included Democrats and Republicans). Otherwise, they will be very angry at him for not signing the ADA papers.

In fact, Tom Harkin is the only one that bought up the ADA. Again, ADA idea came from Tom Harkin. This made Bush to sign it. Why? Tom's old brother was deaf! Tom realized about the deaf world problems. Did you know that Tom knows the sign language? He is a good signer..

I need to see the reference, please.

It is NOT true that Clinton doesn't support Gay because you forgot which party had the most seats at the House of Representatives. Gay policy was not successful as you know now what was really going on.

If that is not true... Please explain to me why did he signed the bill, Do not ask, Do not tell? That was an anti-gay movement.

Did you know that Bill Clinton is poll follower? He has no personal opinions about any subjects. He usually check on the polls to see what is most popular and just pass it. Why do you think why he is still very popular by today? He did his jobs to make Americans happier. I am afraid that Hilary Clinton might do the same thing. She should have personal opinions about these subjects instead being poll follower just like her husband did.
Interesting to read your cons/pros post, MetroGuy03.

Bush´s economy

The Truth About George W. Bush - Economy

and you can click "Issues" and see the list, you can pick and read if you want to... War issues, same-sex marriage, etc. It will tell you everything.

Clinton´s economy

The Clinton Presidency: Historic Economic Growth

BBC News | BUSINESS | Bill Clinton's economic legacy

Truth in Clinton's America

It was Bill Clinton who did good with the budget and also reformed welfare as well.

Thanks for the references! More than 90% of them are correct. One thing I'm concerned since most of them were written on newspapers which is not always "real" facts.

By the way, I agree completely with you about the way Bill Clinton did with the budget. I wish George W. Bush would never get us into serious debt in the first place. Sighs.
Hell no, I'm not damn stereotypical, you are stereotyical over liberal and democrat, plus you just nothing to know about my intelligence, personal information and life.

Find out what it is to be a stereotype dude!
Seldom does it have to do with ones intlligence or lack of.
Start thinking for yourself and stop being led by others.

You said that you stated nothing then you are fool and check your post below.
I reread that and see nothing negative or derogatory - What did you see? Maybe I can explain it to you.

If I'm liberal then that's MY business, not yours, NONE of them are get right or wrong.
PAC sweetie, I don't care what you have been led to become - but - right back at ya babe! If no one else can comment on your very liberal leanings then you too should refrain from commenting on anyone else.

Again, wisdom will come with age and experience. You will get there someday.

You have some good postings on this thread.
There are many points where I think your view has be skewed by the MSM and popular liberal opinion, but, I have to say "Kudos" because you are thinking and asking questions and debating respectfully - Two Thumbs Up :)
Find out what it is to be a stereotype dude!
Seldom does it have to do with ones intlligence or lack of.
Start thinking for yourself and stop being led by others.

I reread that and see nothing negative or derogatory - What did you see? Maybe I can explain it to you.

PAC sweetie, I don't care what you have been led to become - but - right back at ya babe! If no one else can comment on your very liberal leanings then you too should refrain from commenting on anyone else.

Again, wisdom will come with age and experience. You will get there someday.

You are stereotyical, that what you are called by yourself, not for me, then why does you fucking care about my intelligence and none of your business.

You did put an negative about him, as mentioned that he support muslim and would takeover USA, that's completely BS, it's from anti-Obama fans then you don't know about him, either.

You don't understand about me, that's much far, my status is liberal, democrat and you can't attack against my personal, such as gay, suport abortion or whatever.

It has NOTHING with age, there's certain of members are middle age (30's-50's), are immature or getting our attention, can't tell you about member's name. Your older so enough to be stupid or immature over forum.

*You started insulted me by called stereotyical and talked about my age then I decided to debate with you, ever again and again until everything has been cut, why can't you respect my personal, when section is non-debate, such as general and even current event, when some members can disagree about others than political, that's suppose to cut off.

I'm apologize about you if you feel too disturbed by me, every people are different, if you don't like it then don't reply post or ignore an coment.
I need to see the reference, please.

Tom Harkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If that is not true... Please explain to me why did he signed the bill, Do not ask, Do not tell? That was an anti-gay movement.

The reason is that the Government does not want gay people to join the army just because they are gay. It thinks that they "interfere" the army activities for sex pleasure, and it afraid that they would loose the war because of it. Some gay people really want to join the service to be proud. The gay has nothing to do with sex pleasure. The government refused to believe it.

Some extremely wealthy gay people and the organizations sponsored the bill to become a law. Some congress people approved it, but there were many Republican seats at the House of Representatives that were against any of Clinton's plans because it was obvious that Clinton is a Democrat. The Congress people are just such a big baby that do not understand what the gay want to do for our country. The army had a form that asked men if they are gay or not. Many gay men were upset about it, and they were not allowed to join the military. Clinton finally understood what was going on, and it was a very difficult for him to make a decision. My opinion is that he really does not care about it, but he had to help them what they want. The law was successfully passed. Later, it became weaker. I don't know what is going on because I don't follow up the news.

Did you know that Bill Clinton is poll follower? He has no personal opinions about any subjects. He usually check on the polls to see what is most popular and just pass it. Why do you think why he is still very popular by today? He did his jobs to make Americans happier. I am afraid that Hilary Clinton might do the same thing. She should have personal opinions about these subjects instead being poll follower just like her husband did.

It is always possible that we really don't know what's in their mind. It is not only Hilary - it really does the same thing for all parties. I mean all of them - Democrat, Republicans, Independent, Green Party, etc. They all want to be in the power.

PAC sweetie - :ty:
You an addition that makes my life fun
Try not to be so :hyper: and such an angry young man, you can be :Owned: by the Dems if you want to
:ily: man!!


BTW, Drew's Dad wants to start an arguing thread, Meet you there!!
You have some good postings on this thread.
There are many points where I think your view has be skewed by the MSM and popular liberal opinion, but, I have to say "Kudos" because you are thinking and asking questions and debating respectfully - Two Thumbs Up :)

Thank you, ASLGAL :)

I have done some of my research on politics. I still need to do some more to understand some issues better. I read newspaper, internet newes and watch news on television daily to catch up what is happening to ours world. I was republican and democrat before. I know the difference between two parties and I don't always agree with them.

FYI, I'm not 100% liberal. Sometime I could be very conversative or liberal depending on what issue we deal with. I consider myself as moderate person.

Thanks! :) Interesting biography about Tom Harkin. I wish this biography will elaborate about his involvement on ADA. I looked it up on ADA guidebook and it didn't say anything about Tom Harkin. That is why I never heard of him before. Thanks again for mentioned his name. :)

The reason is that the Government does not want gay people to join the army just because they are gay. It thinks that they "interfere" the army activities for sex pleasure, and it afraid that they would loose the war because of it. Some gay people really want to join the service to be proud. The gay has nothing to do with sex pleasure. The government refused to believe it..

I heard that before. That is really ignorance of them to think that way. I personally know a several gay people that served their duties in Iraq and Afghantan just because they wanted to fight for ours freedom and their freedoms. Two of them told me it was hard for them to deal with it since they're not allowed to discuss their personal lives while another soldiers discussed about their wives, children and everything. They had to lie to them just to protect themselves. They said if this bill never passed at the first place, their lives would be easier and able to have an honest lives.

Some extremely wealthy gay people and the organizations sponsored the bill to become a law. Some congress people approved it, but there were many Republican seats at the House of Representatives that were against any of Clinton's plans because it was obvious that Clinton is a Democrat. The Congress people are just such a big baby that do not understand what the gay want to do for our country. The army had a form that asked men if they are gay or not. Many gay men were upset about it, and they were not allowed to join the military. Clinton finally understood what was going on, and it was a very difficult for him to make a decision. My opinion is that he really does not care about it, but he had to help them what they want. The law was successfully passed. Later, it became weaker. I don't know what is going on because I don't follow up the news..

I can understand that. The reason why that bill became weaker because of many gay right activists feel that bill is a serious dicrimation against homosexuality. They have to fight to change that bill. Come on, think about it why do people needs to hide their sexual perference for? They should have an honest lives without worrying about getting rejected.

It is always possible that we really don't know what's in their mind. It is not only Hilary - it really does the same thing for all parties. I mean all of them - Democrat, Republicans, Independent, Green Party, etc. They all want to be in the power.

That is very true. Only way to do it to boost their popularity. It is pretty sad that not many politicans are being true to themselves with their opinions whether it is popular or not.
How will you expect to believe everything what the reporters say on a national news?

Please remember, just keep in your mind, that Time Warner controls almost all media. Whatever he believes in, then he tells his employees what he want them to say on the national news because he is a big boss. He owns CNN and some T.V. stations - unsure CBS. A Fox Channel is a good friend of Time Warner and involved with the same political.

I hope that you are not brainwashed whatever they say on the news. You need to ask yourself to see whether this reporter's statements on the news is true or false. That's up to you what you believe in. Hope that helps. Actually, I really cannot watch all the news all the times because there is almost no sense of humor or interesting subjects. The news give us sad and negative issues for years. That's why I am so sick of it.

I just support Hilary. I know that I don't expect to believe what she says on the news, but a least some of her statements might be benefited for us. I really cannot support Republican because Republican Congresses threatened Clinton which was very wrong. Come on. They need to stop being act a jerk. We need them to help our country to get better - I don't want the Congresses acting teenagers to fight each other. I want them to be respected each other at the HR. They already wasted billions of dollars for silly things.
MetroGuy03 said ~FYI, I'm not 100% liberal. Sometime I could be very conversative or liberal depending on what issue we deal with. I consider myself as moderate person.
Yes. That is apparent from your postings.
The most important thing to me is that someone not spout the rhetoric lines (don't care which party) and have their own opinion and be able to back that opinion up with facts :)

Many good points and confirming that MSM is influenced by the owners political views. Although folks who are liberal dispute it when talked about in the Print Media and majority of MSM being liberal, they have no problem pointing to a FOXNews(which isn't as consevative as everyone thinks) or a Rush Limbaugh type program is supposed to be conservative.

About this statement
I really cannot support Republican because Republican Congresses threatened Clinton which was very wrong.
Given the obvious continued hatchet job the Dems Congress does and continues to do on the President now, how do you justify supporting a Dem.
Same/Same behavior wise or do you look at Dems behavior in a less critical light? Just wondering your stance.

PAC sweetie - :ty:
You an addition that makes my life fun
Try not to be so :hyper: and such an angry young man, you can be :Owned: by the Dems if you want to
:ily: man!!


BTW, Drew's Dad wants to start an arguing thread, Meet you there!!

Who? from CI section? I'm not argue with him or others for stupid reason, hehe.
Yes. That is apparent from your postings.
The most important thing to me is that someone not spout the rhetoric lines (don't care which party) and have their own opinion and be able to back that opinion up with facts :)

Many good points and confirming that MSM is influenced by the owners political views. Although folks who are liberal dispute it when talked about in the Print Media and majority of MSM being liberal, they have no problem pointing to a FOXNews(which isn't as consevative as everyone thinks) or a Rush Limbaugh type program is supposed to be conservative.

About this statement

Given the obvious continued hatchet job the Dems Congress does and continues to do on the President now, how do you justify supporting a Dem.
Same/Same behavior wise or do you look at Dems behavior in a less critical light? Just wondering your stance.

I had watched Fox News, sometime when some of time that CNN don't show on CC, plus Fox News is rather to be neutral over parties, also doesn't similar to their tv shows like Family Guy, even movies are more liberal to me.
How will you expect to believe everything what the reporters say on a national news? .

I usually don't just believe everything what any reporters said on news or newspaper or internet news. I rather to hear both sides before I have my own opinions.

Please remember, just keep in your mind, that Time Warner controls almost all media. Whatever he believes in, then he tells his employees what he want them to say on the national news because he is a big boss. He owns CNN and some T.V. stations - unsure CBS. A Fox Channel is a good friend of Time Warner and involved with the same political. .

I am aware of it. That is why I don't just go ahead and believe everything what they said without listen to another sides first before I have my own opinions. I don't trust CNN and Fox News since both news networks focus on one side instead being neutral and show both sides. I feel that MSNBC (sp?) is more neutral than CNN or Fox News. I am not sure if Time Warners own MSNBC too.

I hope that you are not brainwashed whatever they say on the news. You need to ask yourself to see whether this reporter's statements on the news is true or false. That's up to you what you believe in. Hope that helps. Actually, I really cannot watch all the news all the times because there is almost no sense of humor or interesting subjects. The news give us sad and negative issues for years. That's why I am so sick of it..

I understand. Thanks for pointed it out. I apperciate that. :) I agree that news tends to give us sad and negative issues for years. In my theory that news is crying for attention by throwing away the bad news to catch people's attention which is working. Also I noticed that newspaper tends to put negative or sad stories on first few pages and postive and happy stories on last few pages of newspaper.

I just support Hilary. I know that I don't expect to believe what she says on the news, but a least some of her statements might be benefited for us. I really cannot support Republican because Republican Congresses threatened Clinton which was very wrong. Come on. They need to stop being act a jerk. We need them to help our country to get better - I don't want the Congresses acting teenagers to fight each other. I want them to be respected each other at the HR. They already wasted billions of dollars for silly things.

That is completely understandable. I agree completely about the way republicans act lately. They needs to grow up and start to treat each other right whether they agrees with them or not.
I usually don't just believe everything what any reporters said on news or newspaper or internet news. I rather to hear both sides before I have my own opinions.


I am aware of it. That is why I don't just go ahead and believe everything what they said without listen to another sides first before I have my own opinions. I don't trust CNN and Fox News since both news networks focus on one side instead being neutral and show both sides. I feel that MSNBC (sp?) is more neutral than CNN or Fox News. I am not sure if Time Warners own MSNBC too.

I depend on MSNBC, BBC World and DW-World de because they are neutral and take both sides.
I usually don't just believe everything what any reporters said on news or newspaper or internet news. I rather to hear both sides before I have my own opinions.

I am aware of it. That is why I don't just go ahead and believe everything what they said without listen to another sides first before I have my own opinions. I don't trust CNN and Fox News since both news networks focus on one side instead being neutral and show both sides. I feel that MSNBC (sp?) is more neutral than CNN or Fox News. I am not sure if Time Warners own MSNBC too.

I understand. Thanks for pointed it out. I apperciate that. :) I agree that news tends to give us sad and negative issues for years. In my theory that news is crying for attention by throwing away the bad news to catch people's attention which is working. Also I noticed that newspaper tends to put negative or sad stories on first few pages and postive and happy stories on last few pages of newspaper.

That is completely understandable. I agree completely about the way republicans act lately. They needs to grow up and start to treat each other right whether they agrees with them or not.

there is another reason that the news shows the bad stuff. People watch it and think, "Hey, maybe my life isn't so bad after all!" It makes people feel better about what is going on with them, so they continue towatch it day after day, and the producers make money.
there is another reason that the news shows the bad stuff. People watch it and think, "Hey, maybe my life isn't so bad after all!" It makes people feel better about what is going on with them, so they continue towatch it day after day, and the producers make money.

Interesting perceptive. I didn't feel that way when I watch or read the bad/sad stories. I feel bad for these people that went though the difficult times. Few bad/sad stories that I can related to that because of my past. I honestly don't think many people would feel "Hey, maybe my life isn't so bad after all!" at all. I am sure many people like me out there would feel "I'm glad I am not involved that situations" when something happened around them in person instead hear it from the news.
Since I have created this thread, it is my thread, but I would like to ask a question wheter it would relate to this.

As I have read some of your posts of you all guys, the mention of "national News" - - have you ever watch the news about anything that was told on news from Australia?

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