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Yeah... President Bush!![]()
Yeah... President Bush!![]()
I did not see it says anything about grim reaper? Do they really exist?
Ur right, in the bible it did not say anything about it. Maybe people made them up, who knows. Do we have angel of the death? How do we get from here to there after we dies? Do we need to look at our own dark side first then ask Lord to forgive us before enter to heaven?I never thought of " grim reaper ". Good question. But, the bible didn't say about grim reaper, did it ?
Ur right, in the bible it did not say anything about it. Maybe people made them up, who knows. Do we have angel of the death? How do we get from here to there after we dies? Do we need to look at our own dark side first then ask Lord to forgive us before enter to heaven?
I have seen hooded figures at night between wake and sleep couple of times, they sure do look alike grim reaper.![]()
If that were true, Heaven wouldn't be very "heavenly."There is no hell !! Everybody goes to the same heaven !!
I just want to explain a little bit here. When people were born and grew up without Jesus Christ as their Saviour ... they will go straight to hell. Why ? Because, they chose themselves to hell by rejectin' Christ and THAT is their judgment. I just learned it from an elder who taught about this when I questioned him about it. I thought the same thing as you. But, I was wrong. I just learned it in about 3 weeks ago. That elder graduated at University after studyin' the bible for 4 years. He also explained that God didn't do anythin' when people go to hell after they die UNLESS they CALL upon Him and, then He will save them from goin' to hell by acceptin' Christ as their Saviour. I know it is a little bit vague to understand, but I understand completely when he explained with his ASL with his action to give an illustration/visual. He is deaf man himself.
You know the pic of the Cross acrossin' the gap of 2 canyons ? One canyon is where we were born and grew up and in the middle ( gap one ) is hell with wide open this BIG... and the other side is heaven ( 2nd canyon ). Jesus is the Cross and He put that Cross for people to walk upon and walk to Him meanin' to accept Him as their Saviour. Without Him ( Cross ), they will FALL in hell.
That's what the elder explained to me about this picture.
I remember one person who mentioned to me about one deaf man who was experiencin' near-death ... he complaints to someone about that awful and terrifyin' experience in his room where he was layin' on his bed, said that he saw a ghost ( demon ) peekin' at him behind the wall. That demon doin' at it again and again. So, it obviously that the demon was waitin' for the deaf man to die so, that demon can take him to hell. Why ? Because, that deaf man rejected Jesus Christ in his life until his death. When someone told some Christians about it, it upsets to some Christians who knew that deaf man and asked why they didn't tell them to come to the deaf man to get to know Jesus Christ before that deaf man die. But, it was too late.
I had one deaf friend ( old ) who mentioned to me a long time ago about that deaf woman. My friend told me that she was takin' care of that deaf woman in her home ( hospice ). That deaf woman was very small and fragile elder ( I met her a few time. She was very sweet ! ) Anyways, my friend told me that that elder told her that she saw an Angel smilin' at her in her room when she was on her bed. Angel was standin' at her feet. She died in a day or 2 and the Angel took her Home to meet the Maker. Of course, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour for a long time.
Yes it is not your time to die, ur really truly blessed to witness God's word by telling u, not your time yet. I am sorry about ur husband passed away and glad ur still here with us to share your expiernce here on AD. What a beautiful message He gave it to u.Oh Well.... I dont know if i should call it ghost or spirit... It did happened to me....5 months before bad car accident my husband passed away in my arm... at the car accident .. i was taken to the hospital in ICU in the critical condition... i was unconscious for first three days in ICU... i dont know if it was a dream or my husband actually came to me in spirit or ghost,,, telling me it was not my time to go... told me not to worry he would always take care of me... then I wake up ... saw my interpreter standing beside me.. i asked for my husband.. she was puzzled.. she told me he passed away 5 mpnths earlier... i was so confused... it still haunts me ever since for past 12 yrs...
Doctors kept telling me over over they did not believe I survived..... i asked them if i was on death bed... they said yes.....
wow what a beautiful story. True, it is up to us to make the choice to accept Him or not. Yes I have experince darkness before I called His name to came into my life and saved me from my own hell. True, I saw this demon stand by and haunted me which I believe it was best thing ever it happened to me because that was when I called His name for the first time. He came to me, what a sad experience. He was sitting on right chair and gave me a sad look. It broke my heart to see Him with the way He looked at me. I knew I was in big trouble then, but took me awhile to get back to feet and try to stay strong and faithful to Him. Tonight I just made big enemy with those elite hearing Catholics because of my own limit. I just lost my interest in following Catholic doctrine. U know my father saw three angels before he died to take him to heaven, he was very Catholic then. Shame now that I have lost my faith in CC and have to keep my faith in bible only from now on and stay with inner circle of deaf people and of course Reba who inspire me with her belief who love Jesus Christ as our savior.
I don't have to "presume". God has given us His will in His Holy Book the Bible. In the Bible, Heaven is always called "holy". That means there is no sin present in Heaven. God doesn't allow sin in Heaven. People who haven't had their sins cleansed away by the blood of Jesus Christ can't enter Heaven. If they could bring their sins into Heaven, Heaven would no longer be holy and clean. Heaven would become like Hell.are you sure? do you presume to know god's will in the matter of souls?
What a beautiful story to share. Yeah, I know Reba is a good person who will not shake her faith in Christ.
I've seen people's " sad " faces when Jesus shown me in a long time ago. That was when I first stepped in Metro bus at that time when I was 18 years old. I was shocked to see their faces sooo sad -- and, then I realized that they don't know who Jesus Christ really was. Some of them readin' their newspapers... some of them lookin' out the window to see some views while ridin' in Metro bus... some of them readin' their books. Jesus was showin' me their true faces behind their faces.... their inner souls. I was the only one smilin' the whole time ... a very happy soul after I found Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Jesus was the most sweetest I've ever had in my entire life and He still is.
One day, a cop told me that I was just like an Angel after I ministered him about Jesus Christ. He and I were befriends while his duty was watchin' people on the street in downtown Seattle. It was a good thing that I ministered him BEFORE his boss told him not to have a " chat " while he was workin' on the street. God's timin' was always perfect. I can see that God's timin' was always there BEFORE anythin' start closin' in. It was such a beautiful experience for me and I smiled alot when I looked up in the sky and said " I know you did it ! "I can feel Him laughin' at times and He had a wonderful smile back, too. You may wonder how I know that He smiles, because I smiled. When I laughed, He laughed. *chuckles* It was amazin' to see a SMALL glimpse of His Personality that He certainly have a sense of humor. I am not kiddin' to tell you this. I just love Him so, because He NEVER hurts me, not even one bit in a single day. Never.
He does have sense of humor personality I love that. True He never hurt us only us sinners hurt Him becasuse we did not know Him.
Care to tell me what CC stands for ? It was really nice sharin' all this with you here.Thanks for sharin' yours.
CC stands for Catholic Church, I should have said Roman Catholic Church which stand for RCC. I did not know there was Greek Catholic Church somewhere in Europe. I am not sure if GCC survived after WW2.
God doesn't only know what he tells you in the bible. for all you know he could have a completely different plan for humans than he states in the good book
THAT I can agree upon.God doesn't lie.
Yeah! Satan is sitting next to God. Satan and God are both hermaphrodites and married to each other!There is no hell !! Everybody goes to the same heaven !!
THAT I can agree upon.
Problem is... the books have been written by people.
Not just that... these books are selected by people and other books have been denied by people, in fact, other god-inspired books have been banned. Burned.
... so how can this be a book of god? Who is cocky enough to say (s)he knows what god means..
Yeah! Satan is sitting next to God. Satan and God are both hermaphrodites and married to each other!![]()
If you sincerely confess your sin and repent, He will he going to hell for badmouthing god? i thought He forgives