My daughter just broke her nose last Thursday. She was in P.E. at school playing basketball. This girl was shooting basketball and she accidently hit a boy's head and the boy chased her. The girl was running and looking back and by the time she turned around, she hit Jacey (my daughter) on the nose with her head. It knocked her down and it bled and bled!!!! The school called me and I had to come and get her. Took her to the dr. They said I had to wait til Monday (today) to see what I needed to do. So the dr calls me.. and said she has a fractured naval bone with a displacement so they referred Jacey to a Specialist this Wednesday. Jacey isn't gonna be too happy about that. The dr also said something about her nerves were mildly damaged. This is making me nervous. Should I be worried? I broke my nose twice but never went to a specialist. Of course my nose is crooked.. its not straight. Here's a pix of Jacey's nose. This was the 2nd day (Friday) I took the picture but now.. its black and blue on both lower eyes and nose. I'll take a picture today.