What are you thinking about? Part VIII

Too much.
Old flame's birthday was yesterday.
25 people fired from work yesterday. Makes at least 32 in 2 weeks. Think they are done, for now.
Too much.
Old flame's birthday was yesterday.
25 people fired from work yesterday. Makes at least 32 in 2 weeks. Think they are done, for now.

Ouch that's a mess with the mass firing. Performance issue or what? Over the years, I've seen some of my co workers were let go for stealing, dishonesty, and DUI on the job to name a few.
Ouch that's a mess with the mass firing. Performance issue or what? Over the years, I've seen some of my co workers were let go for stealing, dishonesty, and DUI on the job to name a few.
Whoa,@soulchill. Company is having money issues? Are they just making changes?

It was a combination of things. Some of the previous were performance related. The company is fine, just not optimal on staffing. Some things were probably easy to cut - we had a Microsoft Exchange admin and we are now completely on Office 365. I figured some would be coming later when a large project completes, but they seem to have decided that we can get through it with who's left. And some other departments might still get touched. None of the cap-ex got cut, we actually got allowed more money for our big project.

I couldn't understand much of the CEO in the big meeting today, it's hard enough normal, but I can't tell if it's because he mumbles, has a low voice, or just talks low. I did get from talking to others was that it wasn't the "do more with less" speech. We to the "don't be a hero" speech. They know that some things won't get done, and as a team, we need to find ways to be more efficient. So it was more like "do more of what's important and less unnecessary" speech. Push back, respectfully, about why you are tasked with things if it seems like unnecessary work. Make suggestions on how to be more efficient. Evidently he said something about not being a maverick, so think we aren't supposed to implement changes without them being approved. There was also a bit of a my way or highway attitude to it. They won't accept people bringing morale down, so if you can't feel it, fake it and treat people with respect, or leave.

Honestly, I don't think it affects our group much directly. Other than we have a few people who know a lot and can do a lot, so we might get asked to do more. We have 4 main people on our engineering team, and none of us were touched. The operations guys we did lose, honestly weren't big performers. We were supposed to lose 3, but it seems like someone in another department was concerned about us not being able to support them.

We did have a pretty big stealing issue a few years ago, but this seemed focused on the under performers.
It was a combination of things. Some of the previous were performance related. The company is fine, just not optimal on staffing. Some things were probably easy to cut - we had a Microsoft Exchange admin and we are now completely on Office 365. I figured some would be coming later when a large project completes, but they seem to have decided that we can get through it with who's left. And some other departments might still get touched. None of the cap-ex got cut, we actually got allowed more money for our big project.

I couldn't understand much of the CEO in the big meeting today, it's hard enough normal, but I can't tell if it's because he mumbles, has a low voice, or just talks low. I did get from talking to others was that it wasn't the "do more with less" speech. We to the "don't be a hero" speech. They know that some things won't get done, and as a team, we need to find ways to be more efficient. So it was more like "do more of what's important and less unnecessary" speech. Push back, respectfully, about why you are tasked with things if it seems like unnecessary work. Make suggestions on how to be more efficient. Evidently he said something about not being a maverick, so think we aren't supposed to implement changes without them being approved. There was also a bit of a my way or highway attitude to it. They won't accept people bringing morale down, so if you can't feel it, fake it and treat people with respect, or leave.

Honestly, I don't think it affects our group much directly. Other than we have a few people who know a lot and can do a lot, so we might get asked to do more. We have 4 main people on our engineering team, and none of us were touched. The operations guys we did lose, honestly weren't big performers. We were supposed to lose 3, but it seems like someone in another department was concerned about us not being able to support them.

We did have a pretty big stealing issue a few years ago, but this seemed focused on the under performers.

Yikes. That's some big changes. Did you and others receive evaluations based on performances?

When I read your post, I feel l like I am having Office Space moment. I am used to hearing stories directly from my hubby used to work at major defense companies. The biggest problem is the lack of management, and very slow-paced.

work itself out office space GIF
[It'll just work itself out naturally. Office Space.]
It was a combination of things. Some of the previous were performance related. The company is fine, just not optimal on staffing. Some things were probably easy to cut - we had a Microsoft Exchange admin and we are now completely on Office 365. I figured some would be coming later when a large project completes, but they seem to have decided that we can get through it with who's left. And some other departments might still get touched. None of the cap-ex got cut, we actually got allowed more money for our big project.

I couldn't understand much of the CEO in the big meeting today, it's hard enough normal, but I can't tell if it's because he mumbles, has a low voice, or just talks low. I did get from talking to others was that it wasn't the "do more with less" speech. We to the "don't be a hero" speech. They know that some things won't get done, and as a team, we need to find ways to be more efficient. So it was more like "do more of what's important and less unnecessary" speech. Push back, respectfully, about why you are tasked with things if it seems like unnecessary work. Make suggestions on how to be more efficient. Evidently he said something about not being a maverick, so think we aren't supposed to implement changes without them being approved. There was also a bit of a my way or highway attitude to it. They won't accept people bringing morale down, so if you can't feel it, fake it and treat people with respect, or leave.

Honestly, I don't think it affects our group much directly. Other than we have a few people who know a lot and can do a lot, so we might get asked to do more. We have 4 main people on our engineering team, and none of us were touched. The operations guys we did lose, honestly weren't big performers. We were supposed to lose 3, but it seems like someone in another department was concerned about us not being able to support them.

We did have a pretty big stealing issue a few years ago, but this seemed focused on the under performers.

Yikes. That's some big changes. Did you and others receive evaluations based on performances?

When I read your post, I feel l like I am having Office Space moment. I am used to hearing stories directly from my hubby used to work at major defense companies. The biggest problem is the lack of management, and very slow-paced.

work itself out office space GIF
[It'll just work itself out naturally. Office Space.]

If the company have stock, the shareholders takes control of the company as it's all about money. For some time at work, the manager could not order supplies even paper towel/soaps and ordered not to fuel trucks at the end of the quarter to save every penny to please shareholders. It's not a surprise to me that many companies/managements is going downhill... I have noticed in many places that has poor management.
Thinking whether it is appropriate to hold a birthday party at an elementary school or after school.
If the company have stock, the shareholders takes control of the company as it's all about money. For some time at work, the manager could not order supplies even paper towel/soaps and ordered not to fuel trucks at the end of the quarter to save every penny to please shareholders. It's not a surprise to me that many companies/managements is going downhill... I have noticed in many places that has poor management.
We're private, so we don't get much info. I do know that the owners have not been taking a salary for a while now and have been putting their own money back into it. They are definitely committed to the company. It was actually a more encouraging talk than expected.
Yikes. That's some big changes. Did you and others receive evaluations based on performances?

When I read your post, I feel l like I am having Office Space moment. I am used to hearing stories directly from my hubby used to work at major defense companies. The biggest problem is the lack of management, and very slow-paced.

work itself out office space GIF
[It'll just work itself out naturally. Office Space.]
LOL, just waiting for the glitch to fix itself! They guy beside me went around the newly empty cubes looking for a stapler.

We do get reviews, and think that was used in decision making. We are a very small team, now smaller. I lost a bit of time on my projects training people in other groups. It struck me that our team might take over some other group responsibilities. We're a bunch of alphas - it'd be like a Viking raiding party.
Thinking whether it is appropriate to hold a birthday party at an elementary school or after school.
One of my daughter's schools didn't allow it (first or second grade). I think one of those years, they were allowed to bring in cookies (not cake) at lunch, but you had to be sure not to have nuts, chocolate, strawberries, ...
LOL, just waiting for the glitch to fix itself! They guy beside me went around the newly empty cubes looking for a stapler.

We do get reviews, and think that was used in decision making. We are a very small team, now smaller. I lost a bit of time on my projects training people in other groups. It struck me that our team might take over some other group responsibilities. We're a bunch of alphas - it'd be like a Viking raiding party.

Ha! Was it a red Swingline stapler? My dad still has a vintage grey Swingline stapler he took it from his work loooooong time ago. It is probably older than me. It still works pretty well. LOL

Hope it goes well with your group!
One of my daughter's schools didn't allow it (first or second grade). I think one of those years, they were allowed to bring in cookies (not cake) at lunch, but you had to be sure not to have nuts, chocolate, strawberries, ...

My son's school doesn't allow cookies, cakes or balloons or anything like that except I don't have any problem with that. It is just that I remember growing up in schools my classmates and I never had a birthday party at schools. It makes me wonder how birthday parties at school started later. I am told a while ago birthday parties are a distraction to education and birthday parties are more appropriate after school.
Thinking about those people in Houston area.. some were hit with flooding. They got as much as 10 inches of rain Tuesday and more on the way through the weekend.
Ha! Was it a red Swingline stapler? My dad still has a vintage grey Swingline stapler he took it from his work loooooong time ago. It is probably older than me. It still works pretty well. LOL

Hope it goes well with your group!
Thanks, it'll be fine I think. Someone had a red one, Swingline really nailed it to start making them after the movie. I forget what kind we had growing up. It was a tank - all metal with rubber on bottom. I remember putting thick stacks of paper in there and basically doing CPR to try to staple it. I'll have to look for it when I go back this weekend.

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