"i'm a little bit deaf"....

Who cares what hearing people think? This is AD. AllDEAF. Only thing that matters is what AD thinks. We don't need hearing folk excuses.
Yeah yeah...because understanding other people is so last year.
How does understanding someones ignorance make things all better? Have you been in our shoes?
How does understanding someones ignorance make things all better? Have you been in our shoes?

It doesn't make things "all better" but understanding ups the chances of stating your side in a way that the other one can understand your point.
It doesn't make things "all better" but understanding ups the chances of stating your side in a way that the other one can understand your point.
Much respect. Understanding does not make things better. Nor does stating our side. How does it up our chances? It continues day after day. Month after month. Year after year. 50 plus yrs of this. Still waiting. Not happening.
Much respect. Understanding does not make things better. Nor does stating our side. How does it up our chances? It continues day after day. Month after month. Year after year. 50 plus yrs of this. Still waiting. Not happening.
Totally agree. Those who have not been in our shoes do not understand. How can they? I gave up on this recently with my last job. Just so done with that.
What's a "little bit"?...find it odd some people do say that...either you're Deaf or HOH...unless you want to explain about ur CI or HA....Many times I've been conversing with people and letting them know that I'm Deaf...and they say..."I'm a little bit Deaf in this ear"...

I say that all the time at work; it's just another way of saying "I didn't hear you."
There was an article where the woman said she didn't say "hoh" anymore because people wouldn't listen to her needs about facing her, speaking clearly and slowly and often say they forgot She was hoh the blog it was posted on is livingwithhearingloss.Com. When she said she is a little bit deaf people would remember to face her or speak slowly and never forgot she couldn't hear well.
I have a progressive, mid-frequency hearing loss. I was diagnosed in my late teens with a mild loss and am now in my 30s and moving from 'moderately-severe' to 'severe' loss. I am also beginning to describe myself as deaf when speaking to hearing people (though not yet when speaking/signing to deaf/Deaf people). When I tell a hearing person that I am Hard of Hearing, what they hear most is that I said "hearing", and if there's one thing I'm not, anymore, it's hearing. I can definitely understand those who feel a need to say they are deaf (when actually HoH) to convince hearing to actually bother to accommodate their needs.
What I find funny is when I tell people I am hoh, they always tell me that they have some kind of hearing loss also. So I offer to hook them up with my audie to see if they need ha and rhey always tell me "Oh it's not that bad, I'm just a little bit hoh." (Or something along those lines.) Why did they bring it up if it was a none issue?!?!

I have that problem too!
its easier to tell them, i am deaf, there are always two options, they ignore me after wards, or they look at me very interested and ask me veeeery slowy, you can read my lips, yeah ? :mrgreen:
I was at Costco a while ago returning my item. A Costco worker told me, "Hey, I wear hearing aids, too! Give me a high five! I hear okay with my hearing aids." He kept babbling that how much it was cool to meet a nice lady with hearing aids. I don't think he knows what HOH term is yet.
I get this from hearing folks that when they don't realize I wear an HA only if its not showing, they won't notice right away, only if I am speaking and if I don't hear them right away, I always turn my ear and try to read their lips, they catch it right away that I am hoh. I still think of myself as deaf because without my HA I can't hear squat! Most hearing people do not identify the word HOH because they don't really see that often in young folks, however, they do with older folks.

What irks me is when they ask me if I can read lips really well when they are moving their mouth without sounds. I can't stand that!!!! Its like they are testing me?! And always ask me if I can teach them cussing signs. Sorry, I won't do that anymore! They want to learn, get a book or go on YT.

And another thing, they always ask me if I know sign language and they are like, but you aren't deaf. Ohhh really? Like I am NOT supposed to know signs because I can hear some? They get all shocked when I tell them that I am fluently in ASL.
Why is that so shocking? I swear some hearing people's thinking??? Worries me. LOL
I get this from hearing folks that when they don't realize I wear an HA only if its not showing, they won't notice right away, only if I am speaking and if I don't hear them right away, I always turn my ear and try to read their lips, they catch it right away that I am hoh. I still think of myself as deaf because without my HA I can't hear squat! Most hearing people do not identify the word HOH because they don't really see that often in young folks, however, they do with older folks.

What irks me is when they ask me if I can read lips really well when they are moving their mouth without sounds. I can't stand that!!!! Its like they are testing me?! And always ask me if I can teach them cussing signs. Sorry, I won't do that anymore! They want to learn, get a book or go on YT.

And another thing, they always ask me if I know sign language and they are like, but you aren't deaf. Ohhh really? Like I am NOT supposed to know signs because I can hear some? They get all shocked when I tell them that I am fluently in ASL.
Why is that so shocking? I swear some hearing people's thinking??? Worries me. LOL

I was thinking about it but on the converse of not being "Deaf enough" don't you feel like as HoH you get clumped in with late deafened adults or anyone and anyone who says "oh I'm losing some of my hearing". What we experienced growing up with severe/profound HL even though we can talk and use HAs is soooo different we're much closer in that regard to those who identify as Deaf than most people who identify as HoH ya know? I was talking with @deafdyke the other day about people not realizing how HARD it is to try to understand people who talk and even to talk back sometimes. At the end of a long day at work when I'm tired I don't even feel like trying to talk or to hear, I just sign, say a few words. People might think I'm "Deaf" then when I'm really "HoH' but some amplified sound is not close to being hearing. I don't know it's such a weird place to be.
I was thinking about it but on the converse of not being "Deaf enough" don't you feel like as HoH you get clumped in with late deafened adults or anyone and anyone who says "oh I'm losing some of my hearing". What we experienced growing up with severe/profound HL even though we can talk and use HAs is soooo different we're much closer in that regard to those who identify as Deaf than most people who identify as HoH ya know? I was talking with @deafdyke the other day about people not realizing how HARD it is to try to understand people who talk and even to talk back sometimes. At the end of a long day at work when I'm tired I don't even feel like trying to talk or to hear, I just sign, say a few words. People might think I'm "Deaf" then when I'm really "HoH' but some amplified sound is not close to being hearing. I don't know it's such a weird place to be.
I think with being born deaf like I was, I am deaf, period. there is a HOH and hearing loss. two different things here. Hearing loss who loss some of their hearing and still be able to hear most of the time. I cant stand when someone comes up to me and identify their hearing loss to mine. its like they need to feel included or something? drive me nuts.
I think with being born deaf like I was, I am deaf, period. there is a HOH and hearing loss. two different things here. Hearing loss who loss some of their hearing and still be able to hear most of the time. I cant stand when someone comes up to me and identify their hearing loss to mine. its like they need to feel included or something? drive me nuts.

Good point. I guess I am more Deaf than hearing. I just can use hearing aids and went to a lot of speech therapy through elementary school and can talk. I think when and if I feel more comfortable with my ASL I'll feel more comfortable with that. I'm so mad I was exposed to SE and SEE and all that crap instead of just being taught ASL when I was little. It's kept me from my identity.
Good point. I guess I am more Deaf than hearing. I just can use hearing aids and went to a lot of speech therapy through elementary school and can talk. I think when and if I feel more comfortable with my ASL I'll feel more comfortable with that. I'm so mad I was exposed to SE and SEE and all that crap instead of just being taught ASL when I was little. It's kept me from my identity.
Exactly, same here! I didnt know ASL UNTIL I WAS IN MY 20'S. Talk about being left out. When I went to Independence Jr High I was in 8th grade. I didnt have a lick of ASL in me. There was some deaf girls who signed ASL and I was totally LOST, I was signing SEE and some PSE and they looked at me like I was a lost puppy. Until I got to HIgh school I then learned how to use ASL from my ex B/F friends. That is when it really took off, I was 17 or 18 at the time. I was so exposed to their ASL it took me a while to learn it, but I finally learned how to ASL and I was so proud of that, until that moment when I felt included in the D/deaf community, I knew who I was!
zeefour & peekaboo what about the ones I have read posts from that got no form of sign language? It looks like your folks tried the best they knew of.
zeefour & peekaboo what about the ones I have read posts from that got no form of sign language? It looks like your folks tried the best they knew of.
My mother knew sign language before I was born, taught music to the deaf, after I was born, knowing I was deaf, she "STRICTLY FORBID ASL" in the home. My sister was the only one that signed to me, ONLY to tell her NOT to sign to me NO MORE, wanted ONLY SPEECH, because the school I went to told her to NOT use sign language in the home, only until after I got older, my mother would sign after meeting my deaf friends, then she pretends she knows sign language, to make herself look good in front of me, I knew she wasn't fooling me. And when she went to church, she wanted "ME" to teach her sign language because I was NOW fluently in ASL BUT no one is church was deaf. For hearing parents who THINK they know what is best for their deaf children, they should really focus on ASL first and then speech... If they want to learn. SHouldnt their self-esteem comes first?
And... I wanted to teach my kids ASL, guess who told me to STOP using ASL to my children... YES my mother. WHY? Because I was not deaf enough to be signing or teaching them. DO you know how that made me feel. I was so proud of my kids learning to do the ABC's alphabet. ASL wasnt good enough for me nor my kids, but it was good enough for her and her church. :wtflol:

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