Should I Get An Implant?

Well, what are your reasons for wanting the CI?
Are you merely curious how are you gonna hear, or do you want to hear better,
or your background is mostly hearing - hearing family, hearing friends, hearing environment in other words,
or you are Deaf and signing, but want to both hear well and continue to be Deaf?

It is important to realize what your motivation is, because at 25 it will be a lot of hard work to learn to hear through CI.
Which you need realize now, research now.

What speaks for getting an implant is the fact you grew up "hearing", you do speak, hear and rely on listening rather than lipreading
which indicates to me you most likely do have some sound recognizance.
even if you are Deaf, not deaf, then you still will have good use of CI in any other circumstances like HA, only better,
so it is still well worth the effort. but are you willing to put in so much determination and hard work, so many hours just to use your CI
like mostly Deaf use HA?

Now which ear? I will get CI too, and personally I am opting for the worse ear, because to me it is the logical choice of balance.
If I implant the better ear, I will put too much sound into one, "good" side. then no matter how loud the HA on the worse side will be,
I will always feel like the other is somewhat "overloaded" with loudness. Like I am hearing with only one ear.

But if I implant the worse side, then with it will bring it up to the level with the better HA side.
Something to the tune of connected vessels filled with liquid, if you get the comparison.
If you put one container up high, all the liquid ends up in the lower one, get it? but if you balance them adequately,
they both end up with even level of liquid. hope it's not too silly, lol

However, the last word belongs to the doctor. I will listen to his advice. If he tells me the nerves in the 'worse ear' are too bad
to be implanted or something to the tune, then I will have no choice. oh, well. life..

Well, what are your reasons for wanting the CI?
Are you merely curious how are you gonna hear, or do you want to hear better,
or your background is mostly hearing - hearing family, hearing friends, hearing environment in other words,
or you are Deaf and signing, but want to both hear well and continue to be Deaf?

It is important to realize what your motivation is, because at 25 it will be a lot of hard work to learn to hear through CI.
Which you need realize now, research now.

What speaks for getting an implant is the fact you grew up "hearing", you do speak, hear and rely on listening rather than lipreading
which indicates to me you most likely do have some sound recognizance.
even if you are Deaf, not deaf, then you still will have good use of CI in any other circumstances like HA, only better,
so it is still well worth the effort. but are you willing to put in so much determination and hard work, so many hours just to use your CI
like mostly Deaf use HA?

Now which ear? I will get CI too, and personally I am opting for the worse ear, because to me it is the logical choice of balance.
If I implant the better ear, I will put too much sound into one, "good" side. then no matter how loud the HA on the worse side will be,
I will always feel like the other is somewhat "overloaded" with loudness. Like I am hearing with only one ear.

But if I implant the worse side, then with it will bring it up to the level with the better HA side.
Something to the tune of connected vessels filled with liquid, if you get the comparison.
If you put one container up high, all the liquid ends up in the lower one, get it? but if you balance them adequately,
they both end up with even level of liquid. hope it's not too silly, lol

However, the last word belongs to the doctor. I will listen to his advice. If he tells me the nerves in the 'worse ear' are too bad
to be implanted or something to the tune, then I will have no choice. oh, well. life..
should not the last word belong to YOU..

so much for choice..
"Loss" is not a value-based language. It is a fact. A person had something and now they don't. That's a factual description of a loss. Whether or not that thing they lost is positive or not is something for that person to determine. My mother had a skin cancer. She underwent a procedure, and now she doesn't. She lost her skin cancer. That's a good thing. Some people place a value on hearing, just like some people place a value on having a house. Other people do not place a value on either of them. There is no right or wrong in that regard. If someone values hearing, that is not for anyone to tell them they are wrong to value it.

I never said that Deaf kids should be kept away from other Deaf kids nor would I agree to such nonsense, so why did you ask me about it? That's known as a leading question - like a lawyer who asks a witness "have you stopped beating your wife?" The question is designed to convince the jury that the person was beating his wife, when maybe he never was. So, in the language of lawyers, "your honor, I object to the question." :)

Revert does not mean moving back, by the way - it means to return to a previous state. It doesn't imply that the previous state was bad, good, the same. I recently reverted to being a guitar player - does that mean I moved backwards or in someway became not equal with my prior self? No it doesn't.
"Loss" is not a value-based language. It is a fact.

well damn i guess i will hold your hand..
which dictionary of the English language would you like to use to start with the meaning of the word "loss" it is still value based language being sued to describe a "fact" only in one ideological construct. obviously Deaf do not view it as a loss at all to us it is a Gain, so your facts are not facts, they are measurements in one construct only,

A person had something and now they don't. That's a factual description of a loss.

thats only a factual description in one framework, in other frameworks that fact does not hold, and yes i've studied at a university level, lets dance shall we.

Whether or not that thing they lost is positive or not is something for that person to determine.

well how does that work with your loss being a fact then? are you not here claiming its relative?

My mother had a skin cancer. She underwent a procedure, and now she doesn't. She lost her skin cancer. That's a good thing. Some people place a value on hearing,

value denotes worth, ie something of value something more valuable, worth denotes non equality in comparisons.
i thought we were equal?

just like some people place a value on having a house. Other people do not place a value on either of them. There is no right or wrong in that regard. If someone values hearing, that is not for anyone to tell them they are wrong to value it.

i see you dropped the dying comparison, good its a start, so now at least we agree beign Deaf is not at all like it is to be Dead we might actually make some progress. alas a start.

I never said that Deaf kids should be kept away from other Deaf kids nor would I agree to such nonsense, so why did you ask me about it?

I ask YOU about it because YOU are supporting the every entities and combined system that does it. so i ask you here, rather then continue to support them instead back your words up and help us stop them!!
help us stop them!

That's known as a leading question - like a lawyer who asks a witness "have you stopped beating your wife?" The question is designed to convince the jury that the person was beating his wife, when maybe he never was. So, in the language of lawyers, "your honor, I object to the question." :)

then as you will know if you've ever been ina court you need to more specific on the grounds of your objection. pls give it another shot..

Revert does not mean moving back, by the way - it means to return to a previous state.

or go back to a previous state, indeed. but if we are equal why the rush to prevent one from "going back" which itself is ideological loaded such is back is to what moving forward would be?

It doesn't imply that the previous state was bad, good, the same. I recently reverted to being a guitar player - does that mean I moved backwards or in someway became not equal with my prior self? No it doesn't.

actually it does when the word is used to justify the keeping away of Deaf children from other Deaf children, the same practice was used in assimilating natives too.

right if and people decided to keep you away from other guitar players against your will so that you wouldn't "revert" to being a guitar player would you believe that language and idea as holding gultar players equal to those who do not play?
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Hoichi I give up. Loss and Gain are not value based, they are a description. In fact, it's very easy to change a loss into a gain just by changing what you are talking about.

And I already did give the basis for my objection. If you'd like me to spell it out "objection your honor, counsel is leading the witness"

God bless. If you are offended by that, I retract it :)
Hoichi I give up. Loss and Gain are not value based, they are a description. In fact, it's very easy to change a loss into a gain just by changing what you are talking about.

And I already did give the basis for my objection. If you'd like me to spell it out "objection your honor, question is leading the witness"

God bless. If you are offended by that, I retract it :)

well in the English language loss and gain are most certainly value based words.
they indeed are words use din describing things, but the words are themselves value laden.
from the stock market, to the actual criminal courts re theft, to everyday language, and to here in this very forum and from your propaganda organs. "loss" is a value based word actually meaning a "loss" of something ie a lacking of something. the language itself is the language and the words used are actually value based words.

to be very precise with my question.
are you claiming those on this forum who experienced the every practice the very entities you support do to Deaf children are lying?

are claiming the actual reports form the very professional bodies in the combined system in regards to how many of them actually DO keep Deaf kids away from other Deaf kids are lying?

is this your claim?

its the question specific enough for you?
"Loss" is not a value-based language. It is a fact. A person had something and now they don't. That's a factual description of a loss. Whether or not that thing they lost is positive or not is something for that person to determine. My mother had a skin cancer. She underwent a procedure, and now she doesn't. She lost her skin cancer. That's a good thing. Some people place a value on hearing, just like some people place a value on having a house. Other people do not place a value on either of them. There is no right or wrong in that regard. If someone values hearing, that is not for anyone to tell them they are wrong to value it.

I never said that Deaf kids should be kept away from other Deaf kids nor would I agree to such nonsense, so why did you ask me about it? That's known as a leading question - like a lawyer who asks a witness "have you stopped beating your wife?" The question is designed to convince the jury that the person was beating his wife, when maybe he never was. So, in the language of lawyers, "your honor, I object to the question." :)

Revert does not mean moving back, by the way - it means to return to a previous state. It doesn't imply that the previous state was bad, good, the same. I recently reverted to being a guitar player - does that mean I moved backwards or in someway became not equal with my prior self? No it doesn't.

You may want to check your dictionary... I have never come across someone who has said they lost their cancer...why? Because loss is associated with negitivity... they did not lose it... they survived it...

Deprived of something they had

I am not deprived of my hearing... I have gained so much more... wonder of i could say I am a hearing survivor :)
His/her speech discrimination scores are probably not low enough when wearing both hearing aids. The insurance companies, following Medicare's lead, have a high threshold we have to pass to be approved. Unfortunately, that does not mean we can hear/understand speech well enough to enjoy life (I'm late deafened, I've taken ASL classes, I'm not ready to rely on ASL & interpreters - and I'm just stating the facts, not arguing for or against CIs).
Still does not make sense to me... it throw negitivity on the person and starts the whole process...
Well I'm 27 and I started losing my hearing when I was 20 from an accident and from loud noise. I was in the army. I am being implanted in a couple weeks actually but my decision was based on the fact that I was born hearing and I had career goals I refuse to change so it's important for me to gain my hearing back at any means necessary. Now if my career goals didn't need for me to have my hearing and comprehension of medical terms and peoples lives then I probably wouldn't be getting one. I taught myself how to sign and I'm going to school for ASL as well. A CI won't make you injoy life any better at the end of the day your still deaf and that goes for me as well.

Now both of my ears are very bad but my right is worse and we are implementing that ear with a AN cochlear implant and I'm getting a Phonak hearing aid for my left. And in a year or so if I feel the need to do so I will implant my left.

The decision is ultimately up to you. Make a pros and cons list and go from there. Do all your research and see if this is the best choice for you. I would still learn to sign and be apart of your deaf culture because I. Some cars the CI doesn't even work. If you have any hearing left you'll lose it and ASL would become your language. Dont veer away from the deaf culture if you get a CI because that is your culture that you were born into. A CI doesn't make you a hearie.
aweet-princess i want to state here that in the heated exchange of our last discussion, i posted a number of statements that were uncalled for, and were unbecoming a Deafie engaged in the fight for our future. there was no need for me to post those statements, which were attacks on you. and so i apologize to you for them. very sincerely. for what its worth. i'm sorry.

so you don't misunderstand the following post, i know your getting a CI and i understand i wont change your mind, and i accept that fully so all cool. you made your choice, alright. i also hope one day you can help us, that is Deaf in saving our language and culture. i'm sure you would agree a world with no Deaf is a poorer world period.

i have a couple of questions here though

what does make one hearie?
what does make one Deafie?

you state you felt CI is the right thing for you because you were born hearie, -ok. can we not also reverse that very valid statement to those Born Deaf?

if CI is the right thing for those born hearie, should then -non assimilation and Sign be the right thing for those born Deaf?

its a sincere question regarding your last sentence,

in another thread a pro CI video was posted as an OP about a girl implanted with the actual title, " hearing recipient." are CI companies now implanting hearing children?

it is good to see.
In what way? exactly what do you mean?


if you give others the last word that means you don't have the last word, they have it, you just gave it up.
thus they are making the choice not you..
You may want to check your dictionary... I have never come across someone who has said they lost their cancer...why? Because loss is associated with negitivity... they did not lose it... they survived it...

Deprived of something they had

I am not deprived of my hearing... I have gained so much more... wonder of i could say I am a hearing survivor :)

yeah, but that's exactly what he said:

John Stegeman=Whether or not that thing they lost is positive or not is something for that person to determine.

that's the gist of it - whether you view the loss as something positive or negative is up to YOU.
So, for you your hearing LOSS - because as deaf you sure do have some type of a hearing loss, maybe sensorineural hearing LOSS? - being deaf is a positive experience, not negative. your hearing loss is positive experience for you.
as simple as that.

And yes, although it is probably not technically correct, in a way you may say you 'lost' your cancer.
Did you had cancer once? yes. now you don't? no. so - you 'lost' it. do you grieve loss of cancer? probably not.

  1. 1.
    past and past participle of lose.
  1. 1.
    unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.
    "Help! We're lost!"
    synonyms: off course, off track, disorientated, having lost one's bearings, going around in circles,adrift, at sea, astray
    "I think we're lost"
  2. 2.
    denoting something that has been taken away
    or cannot be recovered.
    "if only one could recapture one's lost youth!"
    synonyms: bygone, past, former, one-time, previous, old, olden, departed, vanished, forgotten,consigned to oblivion, extinct, dead, gone
    "lost traditions"
Hope that helps :)

if you give others the last word that means you don't have the last word, they have it, you just gave it up.
thus they are making the choice not you..

So you believe I should disregard my medical doctor's advice which ear I should implant, and implant the one where I end up not getting any sound from CI?

aweet-princess i want to state here that in the heated exchange of our last discussion, i posted a number of statements that were uncalled for, and were unbecoming a Deafie engaged in the fight for our future. there was no need for me to post those statements, which were attacks on you. and so i apologize to you for them. very sincerely. for what its worth. i'm sorry.

so you don't misunderstand the following post, i know your getting a CI and i understand i wont change your mind, and i accept that fully so all cool. you made your choice, alright. i also hope one day you can help us, that is Deaf in saving our language and culture. i'm sure you would agree a world with no Deaf is a poorer world period.

i have a couple of questions here though

what does make one hearie?
what does make one Deafie?

you state you felt CI is the right thing for you because you were born hearie, -ok. can we not also reverse that very valid statement to those Born Deaf?

if CI is the right thing for those born hearie, should then -non assimilation and Sign be the right thing for those born Deaf?

its a sincere question regarding your last sentence,

in another thread a pro CI video was posted as an OP about a girl implanted with the actual title, " hearing recipient." are CI companies now implanting hearing children?

it is good to see.

I'm not saying this is for everyone I can only speak for myself but prior to losing my hearing while I was in middle school I always said I will be a doctor and I'm going to med school. Yes I joined the military but that are paying for me to go to school. I never lost sight of med school.

After losing so much of my hearing if what made the choice on a CI easy for me cause if I can't understand what is going on with a patient and if I need to interpreter something clearly and be able to explain something that can change or save this persons life I need to be able to hear and understand for myself for.

Since I was born hearing I want to remain in the hearing world and be apart of the deaf world as well. I also play viola and cello and since I learned my ear it's important to me to regain that ability as well but I can always be a deaf cellist or violist. I miss sounds of nature and environmental noise. Hearies are better than deafies and deafies aren't better than hearies. Now like I stated if it wasn't for the career I chose I probably wouldn't be worried about a CI. I also read about prison systems not having interpreters for prisoners and they have to wait months with no help it's crazy so I also want to work with prisoners as well medically and in there cases. I read that in prison Deaf people aren't aloud to sign because the guards think they are planning an excape or something crazy and that really bothers me cause I bet they don't tell Hispanic not to speak Spanish or anyone else that doesn't speak English so why can't a Deaf person sign.

If I was born deaf no I would not get a CI. Hearing aid maybe but no CI that would not make me a hearie and I would not be in the hearing world.
yeah, but that's exactly what he said:

that's the gist of it - whether you view the loss as something positive or negative is up to YOU.
So, for you your hearing LOSS - because as deaf you sure do have some type of a hearing loss, maybe sensorineural hearing LOSS? - being deaf is a positive experience, not negative. your hearing loss is positive experience for you.
as simple as that.

And yes, although it is probably not technically correct, in a way you may say you 'lost' your cancer.
Did you had cancer once? yes. now you don't? no. so - you 'lost' it. do you grieve loss of cancer? probably not.

  1. 1.
    past and past participle of lose.
  1. 1.
    unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.
    "Help! We're lost!"
    synonyms: off course, off track, disorientated, having lost one's bearings, going around in circles,adrift, at sea, astray
    "I think we're lost"
  2. 2.
    denoting something that has been taken away
    or cannot be recovered.
    "if only one could recapture one's lost youth!"
    synonyms: bygone, past, former, one-time, previous, old, olden, departed, vanished, forgotten,consigned to oblivion, extinct, dead, gone
    "lost traditions"
Hope that helps :)


Keep reaching... you may get there one day...
So you believe I should disregard my medical doctor's advice which ear I should implant, and implant the one where I end up not getting any sound from CI?


no im just stating in the end, the choice has to remain yours, or by definition its not your choice.
if one gives another person the final word, by definition they are relinquishing choice.

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