I am not going to vote. I don't know where to vote and how to sign up.
hmmm.. if you are of legal age and can vote, you shoud.
how about starting here:
find where you can vote
also, you may simply ask your neighbour what place they are going to vote, and register there. make sure you also have at least 2 or even 3 pieces od valid ID, with an address. if you don't have any ID with current address, bring any utilities or i.e bank mail addressed to you - something official. you may need it.
How to vote? it is simple, I don't know about US but here in Canada you get yourself informed about what presidential candidates talk about (it`s never too late) - that is called a platform:
A political party platform or platform is a list of the values and actions which are supported by a political party or individual candidate, in order to appeal to the general public, for the ultimate purpose of garnering the general public's support and votes about complicated topics or issues.
Party platform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
then, (they`ll tell you how) you check the window of your candidate party, i.e if you want to vote for X and X is a republican, you check the window with Y representant of
X-republican party.
and so on.
Simply, ask someone for explanation.
Hope you`ll have fun voting

choose wisely!