Am thinking I agree with Botti and caz, about venting
parents are people not gods and sometimes if they've been mean and cruel and hurtful, people need to be able to say that.
my mom has a lot of emotional stuff from her own childhood abuse and neglect and while she has never been physical with me, she has been emotionally hurtful at time, one time she was so upset with me when I accidentally knocked over a glass of water that I'd brought into the room with me. We were watching tv and I set it down on top of a glass-topped table that had a magazine rack undeneath. I'd seen her do the same at other times. I sometimes have motor skills issues and I knocked the glass over somehow and she was so mad - she yelled - how could you be so stupid? I was shocked because it was the first time she'd ever said anything quite that way to me, and it brought to me all the times kids had called me stupid and the "r' word and other things as a kid when I was in Special Ed. <I was in high school when the this glass incident happened>. I always cried easily and was emotionally somewhat behind... so I burst into tears and couldn't explain why I was so upset, when my dad came upstairs to the room, to see what was going on.
Botti- so happy to read your kitten is doing well; she's so cute!
parents are people not gods and sometimes if they've been mean and cruel and hurtful, people need to be able to say that.
my mom has a lot of emotional stuff from her own childhood abuse and neglect and while she has never been physical with me, she has been emotionally hurtful at time, one time she was so upset with me when I accidentally knocked over a glass of water that I'd brought into the room with me. We were watching tv and I set it down on top of a glass-topped table that had a magazine rack undeneath. I'd seen her do the same at other times. I sometimes have motor skills issues and I knocked the glass over somehow and she was so mad - she yelled - how could you be so stupid? I was shocked because it was the first time she'd ever said anything quite that way to me, and it brought to me all the times kids had called me stupid and the "r' word and other things as a kid when I was in Special Ed. <I was in high school when the this glass incident happened>. I always cried easily and was emotionally somewhat behind... so I burst into tears and couldn't explain why I was so upset, when my dad came upstairs to the room, to see what was going on.

Botti- so happy to read your kitten is doing well; she's so cute!