Charleston Church Shooting: 9 Dead At Historic Black Church

Oh they're catch them sooner or later. Just like they found the Olympic bomber and they found Osama Bin Laden. Tell me just how long did it take for Pat Garrett kill Billy the Kid?

They haven't found the Zodiac Killer, the murderer is still around, and is living next to your house. Who knows.
I read on news seeking death penalty...I no get head around why he did this how can anyone be filled with such hate
i just seen him going on to a plane there going be a video link today in court get better idea..Very sad day in Charlston
I read on news seeking death penalty...I no get head around why he did this how can anyone be filled with such hate

He said Black were taking over the country and raping White women and they all need to be gone,. He also he that he almost did not go through with the shooting b/c the people were so nice to him. :( I found this so upsetting when I heard it on the news. The victims welcome the shooter to study with them and now they're all dead. I can't get it around my head either . How can you kill people in cold blood when they trusted you. This so heartbreaking.
The shooter made some remark about Black men raping White women so all Blacks had to be killed. :shock: I saw this on World news with
David Muir tonight , I was not able to find this on line.

Well...I found that very "odd"...he said he killed them because "they are raping our women and taking over our country!".....:hmm:...most were older women that were killed...and several older black men....guessing the shooter suspect they were taking Viagra?.....
Well...I found that very "odd"...he said he killed them because "they are raping our women and taking over our country!".....:hmm:...most were older women that were killed...and several older black men....guessing the shooter suspect they were taking Viagra?.....

Robin, I believe the shooter was talking about black men in general, he hated all blacks. Just another of the thousands of mentally deranged we are dealing with today. It gets worse and worse by the day.
Stop blaming the gun, start blaming the criminal. Or rampant racism that is still alive and well in 'Merica
This has been a tragic event for my community but I'm very gratified by how the people here have reacted. I've also been blessed by the gracious public testimonies and prayers of Christians who've been touched by this evil crime.
Reba, glad to see you on, did you go camping? I thought of you during this tragedy, knowing that is your city. Hope all continues to remain calm.
Reba, glad to see you on, did you go camping? I thought of you during this tragedy, knowing that is your city. Hope all continues to remain calm.
Yes, we were camping since Monday, and just got home this afternoon. We had no internet access during that time. We had limited TV access, so we were able to follow the awful news about the shooting.

Thank you. Yes, I hope and believe it will stay calm. We have a lot of good people here. Even a few months ago, after the Walter Scott shooting, the Lowcountry stayed calm. There are some bad people but overall the local people are good.
Well...I found that very "odd"...he said he killed them because "they are raping our women and taking over our country!".....:hmm:...most were older women that were killed...and several older black men....guessing the shooter suspect they were taking Viagra?.....
The shooter is a coward--that's why he picked such an easy target.

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