What Makes You a Sex Offender?

tier 2 and 3 need castration then gps. tier 1 needs common sense before do anything
I was caught short in middle of London I found what must been only bush and with my friends coat the deed was done was desperate
tier 2 and 3 need castration then gps. tier 1 needs common sense before do anything

Castration would not really solve the issue...just because you take the equipment doesn't end there...and while men are the more likely sex to commit theses crimes...what about the woman?
With women (and some men) I would think there are drugs that reduce or hobble the desires related to the more awful sex crimes? :dunno: Some drugs do help as well as therapy but it's not totally successful in many cases...
Castration would not really solve the issue...just because you take the equipment doesn't end there...and while men are the more likely sex to commit theses crimes...what about the woman?

You're right...taking away or disable the equipment solves nothing...there are other ways to rape and molest.

Women do rape, and read a story awhile back of 3 women kidnapping a man and raping him over several days....even women with children. The reason we don't read about rapes committed by women against men?...Men are too embarrassed to admit it...and vise versa with women too.

No no...its very easy to pee in public as in outdoors, without pissing your pants. Take my sign For it. Not only have i peed in public as a sex offender while driving scross america, back in the day, i also peed in public countless times when i hitchicked to the yokun territory, from blane washington state alas, i also peed in public while i did a three in. Half month bycicle treck fron toronto to halifax
Obviously im a serial repeat sex offeder for all those monstrous public peeing i did,,,
Not once did i get pee all over me, welll, one time outsiide of whitehorse, a large mamal of somesort related to big foot, jumped from the bushes and i was wee willly in hand doing my sex crime when i had to run.....into the wind....
But besides that not clean get away....ive always managed to if i had to pee in public. And commit.a sex crime do it rather safely...guess i have good muzzle control....
In a public area, there are not always people around. That's where you peed, right? Cuz you wouldn't dare to do so when there were people around, would you?
You're right...taking away or disable the equipment solves nothing...there are other ways to rape and molest.

Women do rape, and read a story awhile back of 3 women kidnapping a man and raping him over several days....even women with children. The reason we don't read about rapes committed by women against men?...Men are too embarrassed to admit it...and vise versa with women too.

sorry but would make me feel better if the creep castrated as would any parent..
as for women that difficult,i know of young boys who had childhood taken away bc of women who do this,obviously prison and a great deal of aversion therapy (I think that what it called)being tagged and staying away from children if 100%sure then named..i don't know what answer is
sorry but would make me feel better if the creep castrated as would any parent..
as for women that difficult,i know of young boys who had childhood taken away bc of women who do this,obviously prison and a great deal of aversion therapy (I think that what it called)being tagged and staying away from children if 100%sure then named..i don't know what answer is

Why would you feel better removing the equipment, knowing that the threat does not go away as well?
I know the desire still there but no equipment nothing to use...some of these little girls end up having hysterectomies read about little baby few days old last week who had one...
every time the creep takes a leak he be reminded.Sorry but that my views but then I would not put a murderer to death America do.
I know the desire still there but no equipment nothing to use...some of these little girls end up having hysterectomies read about little baby few days old last week who had one...
every time the creep takes a leak he be reminded.Sorry but that my views but then I would not put a murderer to death America do.

I can understand that... And know there are some really sick freaks out there. But with desire comes the fact that the assailant just uses something else which would still cause harm.
these freaks afraid with us always and nothing going to stop them that the reality.castration is just part of punishment as I cant think of anything else if was something not so drastic then fair play use it...lobectomy
sorry did't finish that statement lobectomy I think can change desires not sure the ethics but compare with death penalty it got to be better
I know the desire still there but no equipment nothing to use...some of these little girls end up having hysterectomies read about little baby few days old last week who had one...
every time the creep takes a leak he be reminded.Sorry but that my views but then I would not put a murderer to death America do.

Feel in a lot of cases. casteration without consent would make the man more angry towards women, hence other ways to torture them...Boils down to hatred of women (for some reason) and control. ...Feel also that older men who have lost the ability to have an ********, expose themselves...for the shock of it, I'm guessing, disgusting as it is...:giggle:....
Death penalty in America?...Feel it's coming back stronger...in the South...being said "an eye for an eye"...
sorry did't finish that statement lobectomy I think can change desires not sure the ethics but compare with death penalty it got to be better

Honestly I have to say some people just need to not be on this earth any longer, people that would do this to our babies are one of them.... But, I also have issues with the death penalty. Personally the father of the 5 year old was right in his action, but to say yes put these people in the chair...well what good is a punishment 20-30 years later. Its either immediate or ineffective... I do wonder what the repercussions would be if the area(s) of the brain that deal with sexual desire were removed or otherwise deactivated with... Seems would have a whole slew of back lash though.
I don't think in my life time be an answer to it but thank god majority of human race are not like this
just been topic on our news little girl punched so hard by father her little lungs pushed through her back.
this creature won custody battle using child get house and more benefits her little life from two years old was hell the system let this little lass down,she had every abuse you can think of..
the creature looked up on net how stick teeth back in her mouth.
It crimes like this I have look into myself and ask am I really against death penalty
It is a moral delima...but it is crimes like that that keep me in support of it...
I think it must come down to natural juctice at time bc laws an ass
Laws are useless...much like the system we have...more often then not these crimes are not found out until much later...the ones that we do...beyond hideous... On times like those I start believing the colonials had the right of it...
Laws are useless...much like the system we have...more often then not these crimes are not found out until much later...the ones that we do...beyond hideous... On times like those I start believing the colonials had the right of it...
Whoa! If there were no laws, do you know what would happen?

We must have laws. Of course, some laws are unreasonable. Mostly those laws were passed by politicians who don't respect human rights (I am not talking about Democrats, get it?).

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