Don't get me wrong, I have some durp durp durp moments from time to time... but some people... they live life like that...

Like the other day, I was cooking dinner for my parents... ( Oh how nice of you Mew ) Yes, yes I know... Don't let that fool you! ( I'm a momma's / daddy's girl

) Anyway, I had dumped the contents of the pan out and turned and my wrist had popped or weakened, it was weird... and I lost grip of the BURNING HOT PAN!!! What did I do? I went to catch it with my other hand that was not protected with an oven mitt... Yes, brilliant... I know... So yes, I have common sense durp moments... everyone does...

Burned the living HELL out of my hand...

Asked myself WHY I went after it a million times, my parents asked why... couldn't explain it... all I could do was laugh in pain... but it happens! However, durp moments happen to the best of us!

Just a matter if they happen on a regular basis or not! :P