Question about CI...urgent


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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This question is for those with CI who were hearing before.
After receiving the CI and having it activated, did things sound the same or different, like someones voice? Music? I am just curious as I am seriously considering the option to have it done. Ive heard various stories but Id like to know first hand from someone who actually had it done. Thank you.
This question is for those with CI who were hearing before.
After receiving the CI and having it activated, did things sound the same or different, like someones voice? Music? I am just curious as I am seriously considering the option to have it done. Ive heard various stories but Id like to know first hand from someone who actually had it done. Thank you.

Much different ... had a bad echo robotic sound to it at first ... but that is only temporary ... once your brain becomes used to the signals of the CI it adapts and sounds start to become more normal as they used to sound pre CI ... that could take 1 to 3 months or more depending on the person receiving the CI ...
Much different ... had a bad echo robotic sound to it at first ... but that is only temporary ... once your brain becomes used to the signals of the CI it adapts and sounds start to become more normal as they used to sound pre CI ... that could take 1 to 3 months or more depending on the person receiving the CI ...

Thanks for your reply, Ive heard so many stories like it sounds like a tin can forever or static and whatever else all besides anything normal but this was from those who dont have it or never heard anything before. Ive been a hearie since birth but HOH all my life just getting worst as the years go and coming close to the end as it is, I am seriously thinking to have it done and still keep learning ASL so I can go either way. I know doctors tell you this and that but they dont have the experience that someone who actually goes through it and has it done. Thank you again, very much on this subject.
It will pass ... I'll have had mine 5 years February 2014 .... There's times the CI is worthless in some place noisy with a lot of people talking or traffic noise everything just blends together ... but CI is still a good thing I went from below 10% speech discrimination with HA's in both ears at max volume to 94% 1 year after activation with just the CI on the left ear and no HA on the other ear. Big difference so I take the good with the bad.
I will be getting them in both ears if I do, both are bad. And Id rather do both at the same time as well.
I will be getting them in both ears if I do, both are bad. And Id rather do both at the same time as well.

I take it, then, that you have an insurance policy that will pay for this?
I take it, then, that you have an insurance policy that will pay for this?

I'm not positive but I don't think they'll do them at the same time even if insurance will cover bilateral. I could be wrong......
I take it, then, that you have an insurance policy that will pay for this?

I was informed my medicare will cover the cost from the VR when I went about replacing my HA a few months ago, our insurance will pay a percentage but wont need it. Also our insurance plan will be changing so we have an option to add more to it soon. If I use our insurance I will be responsible for 10%
I'm not positive but I don't think they'll do them at the same time even if insurance will cover bilateral. I could be wrong......

Should I get two cochlear implants at the same time?
Some bilateral cochlear implant recipients have both devices implanted during the same surgery. Other bilateral recipients receive their second device later during different surgery. There are a variety of reasons that can influence a recipient's decision. You should discuss your options with your audiologist and cochlear implant surgeon to find out which approach is right for you.

Getting two cochlear implants
I'm not positive but I don't think they'll do them at the same time even if insurance will cover bilateral. I could be wrong......

I heard you can get both done if you request it, I just dont want to deal with 2 seperate surgeries.
I heard you can get both done if you request it, I just dont want to deal with 2 seperate surgeries.

Well apparently you can :) like I said I could be wrong, I wasn't positive. It might be more that most people don't get then done at the same time?? Cross that bridge when you get to it, there must be pros and cons for doing it simultaneously and sequentially. You'd have to talk to the docs.
Well apparently you can :) like I said I could be wrong, I wasn't positive. It might be more that most people don't get then done at the same time?? Cross that bridge when you get to it, there must be pros and cons for doing it simultaneously and sequentially. You'd have to talk to the docs.

I think its so you can make out the sounds yourself... Id rather just go 100% than go through the pain 50%
I have two, one was done in '03 and the other in '10, and I can say one at a time, otherwise your brain will be overloaded. Plus, if you do both at the same time, and have medical issues, it will be harder to troubleshoot which side is the problem.

Some folks are perfectly happy with one.
It'll also depend on the surgeon doing the surgery. Some would rather do 1 CI, then the 2nd a few months later, while some will be fine doing both in a single surgery.
I have two, one was done in '03 and the other in '10, and I can say one at a time, otherwise your brain will be overloaded. Plus, if you do both at the same time, and have medical issues, it will be harder to troubleshoot which side is the problem.

Some folks are perfectly happy with one.

I wouldnt be with one. I have had just one HA work and it throws me off to no end... and it still doesnt help. I can hear with both in but take one out and I cant...either side... its odd but my audiologist even knows about this (forgot what its called) right now with what residual hearing I have if i stick a finger in one ear i cant hear a thing out the other and vice versa...
I am fighting the start of a sinus infection now and I think its in my ear as well (right side) as it hurts and i cant hear at all. Been hurting the last 2 days, but today is the tell tale I have an infection ( yellow snot ) so I will probly be going to the doc soon if it doesnt let up soon for antibiotics which is the only thing that will knock this out for me. (Ammoxicillin 875 normally)
But on the other hand, Id rather get both at the same time... there is going to be issues if any that differs from person to person. I heal fairly quickly so I should be good.... Im willing to take that chance. Hell I had 2 spinal surgeries and still need 5 more or 1 BIG surgery.
If you use Medicare ... if they keep you over night its inpatient if its same day surgery out patient ... you'd only be liable for the Medicare inpatient deductible what ever that is now if they kept you at least 1 night ...($1000 - $1500???) Otherwise it would be 20% of the Medicare approved amount if outpatient.

EDIT: not sure here but I'd THINK if you got 2 done at the same time as inpatient you'd still only have to pay the deductible ...
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It'll also depend on the surgeon doing the surgery. Some would rather do 1 CI, then the 2nd a few months later, while some will be fine doing both in a single surgery.

Like my spinal surgeries, I had a top of the line doc... but he would only do 1 at a time on my neck since the one was extremely high risk. I was scared all for the fact i had to get notorized papers I wouldnt sue, A living will, and all these other documents... I didnt need them the second go around, but I took 2 years to get the courage to go under again for the second surgery for the shear fact of the Pain I endured from the first for 1-1/2 years before it let up then start all over again. with the 5 in my back ( a group of 2 and a group of 3 ) needs to be fused since the discs are collaspsing and causing extreme pain, I cant get comfortable at all trying to sleep, cant stand for long periods and even sitting hurts... so its constant shifting around.
My body i can deal with to an extent, but my head and neck, Just get it over with !!!!! :laugh2:
If you use Medicare ... if they keep you over night its inpatient if its same day surgery out patient ... you'd only be liable for the Medicare inpatient deductible what ever that is now if they kept you at least 1 night ...($1000 - $1500???) Otherwise it would be 20% of the Medicare approved amount if outpatient.

EDIT: not sure here but I'd THINK if you got 2 done at the ame time as inpatient you'd still only have to pay the deductible ...

sounds like a win win either way, Im thinking the 10% deductable with our insurance would be close, hell they may even cover the balance? I dont bother with calling the insuance, I let the docs do it, they work magic with insurance companies.

When I had my first spinal fusion my Ded was $9K, the second time the docs talked to the ins company and I ended up with a $1,900 ded for the same surgery.:shock: so since then I have the docs do the talking. They even explained what was said and done, what they did and didnt want to pay and the doc got them to submit !
Whether I was "egiible" for 2 Cochlear Implants here in Ontario and have OHIP-Ontario Health Insurance Plan- pay for both was brieful discussed. The costs at that time-2007 was $55,000. for one. I wasn't. Didn't bother me-as there was no "great benefit to me".Does being 70 have a bearing on the matter?

For adults 2 were not "usually beneficial". The ear used is the Latest one to go deaf.

I uderstand from Sunnybrook/Toronto no one has decided to pay for one while OHIP paid for the other.

aside: babies/young children are considered for 2- due to "help in speaking"
Canada has different regulations from the USA regarding CI coverage.