Went to the doctor today...not good news.

Dad just poured his liquors into a shot class and drank it , but first he would cough and gag , it was not a pretty picture! And the final result was one very abusive drunk SOB! Dad never had any trouble with his liver.
My dad would cough up blood. One time he was flying from the East Coast to the West Coast when he got sick on the plane. They landed in Chicago and put him in an ambulance to a local hospital. None of the family knew where he was or what happened for a couple weeks. When I finally found out, I flew from SC to Chicago to see him. He was in bad shape, physically and mentally at that point. He didn't recognize me. :(

I'm sorry that you had to experience abuse from your dad. I'm afraid alcohol doesn't bring out the best in parents.
My dad would cough up blood. One time he was flying from the East Coast to the West Coast when he got sick on the plane. They landed in Chicago and put him in an ambulance to a local hospital. None of the family knew where he was or what happened for a couple weeks. When I finally found out, I flew from SC to Chicago to see him. He was in bad shape, physically and mentally at that point. He didn't recognize me. :(

I'm sorry that you had to experience abuse from your dad. I'm afraid alcohol doesn't bring out the best in parents.

Oh wow, I'm sure it cost airline a lot of money for emergency stop. :(
Oh wow, I'm sure it cost airline a lot of money for emergency stop. :(
I don't know if it was an emergency stop or a scheduled stop. I know that he wasn't planning to get off there.
My dad would cough up blood. One time he was flying from the East Coast to the West Coast when he got sick on the plane. They landed in Chicago and put him in an ambulance to a local hospital. None of the family knew where he was or what happened for a couple weeks. When I finally found out, I flew from SC to Chicago to see him. He was in bad shape, physically and mentally at that point. He didn't recognize me. :(

I'm sorry that you had to experience abuse from your dad. I'm afraid alcohol doesn't bring out the best in parents.

Alcohol does not bring out the best in anyone.
I see everyone's point. Thank you for the advice so far. My ultrasound is coming up in less than a month and my next doctors appointment is in a little over a month. I should have some answers then, and depending on what the verdict is, I will seriously think about my drinking habit.
Here's the thing: I was in AA for 6 months and NA for 20 months. I was basically forced to go to both (my therapist at the time made me go to AA and my boyfriend at the time made me go to NA with him). During that time I had no privacy. I would be laying down and watching tv while falling asleep and my mom would come in and demand to search my room for alcohol (even though I was of age). She would be in my room for at least an hour, trashing everything. This was just one the things that was done, and it was when I was sober, which definitely turned me off from saying anything at all about alcohol. So even if I do have to quit, I am doing it on my own to avoid that.
As far as my meds + drinking go, I've never been told to avoid alcohol with my meds, just that it will make me drowsy.

Well I've been on the new medication for 2 days now. I don't like it. :( I don't know if it's a side effect from the medication or just the stress from my health, but I have gotten really emotional and sad. And last night I woke up having panic attacks thinking that my medication was going to mess up and it would lower my heart rate so much that it would stop beating altogether... :( I almost woke my mom up because I was panicking so much, but I decided against that. Which I'm glad for because when I mentioned it the next day, she shrugged it off and made me feel kinda stupid. I'm still panicking a little bit, partly about my fear that my heart will stop beating (I know it's silly, but it's a genuine fear so please don't make fun), and also because the meds are making my body feel strange and dizzy and nauseas and tired... :(
Contact your dr ASAP and let her/him know how you're feeling. S/he may need to make adjustments to your meds. If need be, go to a medical aid unit or ER if you can't get to your dr in a reasonable time.
.... One of the meds (Seroquel, which I've been on a high dose of for 7 years) is hard on the liver….
Honestly, if you have any kind of liver damage you must stop drinking immediately and completely, regardless of the cause.

If you won't stop drinking alcohol for the sake of your liver and your health, then you are addicted to alcohol. That's the bottom line.
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Wow...if you have all these problems at 24 you are in serious trouble gal. I am of the opinion that the 'medications' that are AMA approved are, by and large, poison. From personal experience I have learned that the natural route is the best way to go. I would suggest getting some Detox-tea that has milk thistle as the main ingredient. It detoxifies the liver and body. Also, I suggest doing research for natural alternatives for dealing with the bi-polar and get off that shit you're on now. Avoid the gluten PERIOD. I have Celiac disease....sounds like you do too. That alone can cause a HUGE amount of health problems because it trashes your small intestine and keeps you from absorbing nutrients. If you are gonna drink, and it sounds like you are, stick to wines. They are gluten free and tend to be a little easier on the bod...particularly red wines which have resveratol in them. But, as a lot of folks have pointed out, MODERATION is key.

Get rid of the cigarettes. Do the e-cig if you must. If you require something to keep you calm and help you sleep, (and I just know someone is gonna squawk at this suggestion), try cannabis. Contrary to a lot of bullshit propaganda...it is NOT addictive nor is it harmful. Certainly won't mess with your liver and there are studies that have shown cannabis to be most effective on such disorders like Bi-polar.

Essentially, it is still up to you. But, to be bluntly honest...if you don't so something, you aren't gonna live to see 30 at this rate, honey. As I said, the aforementioned suggestions are only that...suggestions. Ultimately your life is in your hands.
Wow...if you have all these problems at 24 you are in serious trouble gal. I am of the opinion that the 'medications' that are AMA approved are, by and large, poison. From personal experience I have learned that the natural route is the best way to go. I would suggest getting some Detox-tea that has milk thistle as the main ingredient. It detoxifies the liver and body. Also, I suggest doing research for natural alternatives for dealing with the bi-polar and get off that shit you're on now. Avoid the gluten PERIOD. I have Celiac disease....sounds like you do too. That alone can cause a HUGE amount of health problems because it trashes your small intestine and keeps you from absorbing nutrients.
It's dangerous for someone to stop medications abruptly without a doctor's supervision, so I hope that you're not recommending that.

If you are gonna drink, and it sounds like you are, stick to wines. They are gluten free and tend to be a little easier on the bod...particularly red wines which have resveratol in them. But, as a lot of folks have pointed out, MODERATION is key.
I don't think anyone is recommending moderation for alcohol consumption to someone with a diseased liver. Is this case, she must quit drinking all alcohol. Suggesting moderation to someone with an alcohol and/or liver problem is perilous and ill-advised. An alcohol-dependent person doesn't understand the concept of moderation. She has built up a tolerance and probably has a whole different idea of what moderation means.

Get rid of the cigarettes. Do the e-cig if you must. If you require something to keep you calm and help you sleep, (and I just know someone is gonna squawk at this suggestion), try cannabis. Contrary to a lot of bullshit propaganda...it is NOT addictive nor is it harmful. Certainly won't mess with your liver and there are studies that have shown cannabis to be most effective on such disorders like Bi-polar.
If her doctor prescribes it, that's one thing. If you want her to buy it on the street, unmonitored, unmeasured, and possibly illegal where she lives, that's unwise advice.
It's dangerous for someone to stop medications abruptly without a doctor's supervision, so I hope that you're not recommending that.
No, I am not.

As far as the cannabis suggestion goes, I just KNEW that was going to be met with scorn and disdain. I don't know where this person lives, so I don't know whether or how he or she could obtain it. It was merely a suggestion given from personal experience. It's up to him/her what to decide.

As for the alcohol, telling someone who doesn't want to quit drinking alcohol to quit doesn't work either. I'm merely being practical. At least getting them to cut back on it is a start. This is also from personal experience with a sibling who is a mean-ass vodka drunk. Everyone keeps telling her to quit...and all that does is make her drink more. Got to take the psychology into account here as well. Treating them like a recalcitrant 2 year old and stamping your foot and saying NO! in a loud voice doesn't work with someone who is old enough to make his or her own decisions. Gotta start some where...and when someone does NOT want to give up any vices...you got to work with them in a way that at least gets them to cut back.
Wow...if you have all these problems at 24 you are in serious trouble gal. I am of the opinion that the 'medications' that are AMA approved are, by and large, poison. From personal experience I have learned that the natural route is the best way to go. I would suggest getting some Detox-tea that has milk thistle as the main ingredient. It detoxifies the liver and body. Also, I suggest doing research for natural alternatives for dealing with the bi-polar and get off that shit you're on now. Avoid the gluten PERIOD. I have Celiac disease....sounds like you do too. That alone can cause a HUGE amount of health problems because it trashes your small intestine and keeps you from absorbing nutrients. If you are gonna drink, and it sounds like you are, stick to wines. They are gluten free and tend to be a little easier on the bod...particularly red wines which have resveratol in them. But, as a lot of folks have pointed out, MODERATION is key.

Get rid of the cigarettes. Do the e-cig if you must. If you require something to keep you calm and help you sleep, (and I just know someone is gonna squawk at this suggestion), try cannabis. Contrary to a lot of bullshit propaganda...it is NOT addictive nor is it harmful. Certainly won't mess with your liver and there are studies that have shown cannabis to be most effective on such disorders like Bi-polar.

Essentially, it is still up to you. But, to be bluntly honest...if you don't so something, you aren't gonna live to see 30 at this rate, honey. As I said, the aforementioned suggestions are only that...suggestions. Ultimately your life is in your hands.

It's not wise to tell someone to go the natural route when you do NOT know their whole medical history . Just because something is 'natural' that does not mean it's safe for everyone. I got very sick when I took
St Johnwort . I could had dies from urine toxicity as St Johnwiot can keep a person from being able to urine. And E cig are no better than real cig.
So you really need to stop telling people to go the 'natural route' as it could end up making a person very sick or worst. I found out the hard and painful way. Someone told me to go the 'natural route' and I end up having to go to the ER!
Wow...if you have all these problems at 24 you are in serious trouble gal. I am of the opinion that the 'medications' that are AMA approved are, by and large, poison. From personal experience I have learned that the natural route is the best way to go. I would suggest getting some Detox-tea that has milk thistle as the main ingredient. It detoxifies the liver and body. Also, I suggest doing research for natural alternatives for dealing with the bi-polar and get off that shit you're on now. Avoid the gluten PERIOD. I have Celiac disease....sounds like you do too. That alone can cause a HUGE amount of health problems because it trashes your small intestine and keeps you from absorbing nutrients. If you are gonna drink, and it sounds like you are, stick to wines. They are gluten free and tend to be a little easier on the bod...particularly red wines which have resveratol in them. But, as a lot of folks have pointed out, MODERATION is key.

Get rid of the cigarettes. Do the e-cig if you must. If you require something to keep you calm and help you sleep, (and I just know someone is gonna squawk at this suggestion), try cannabis. Contrary to a lot of bullshit propaganda...it is NOT addictive nor is it harmful. Certainly won't mess with your liver and there are studies that have shown cannabis to be most effective on such disorders like Bi-polar.

Essentially, it is still up to you. But, to be bluntly honest...if you don't so something, you aren't gonna live to see 30 at this rate, honey. As I said, the aforementioned suggestions are only that...suggestions. Ultimately your life is in your hands.

I think this is good food for thought for your doctor. People below the original quoted post said she shouldn't be advising anything... That's true. But same goes for quitting alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal is actually the one chemical dependency that can kill you. (Quitting heroin/benzos etc sucks and you get sick... But alcohol withdrawal stops your heart)...

Hoodoo had good ideas... Don't believe anything on the Internet though... Use Internet suggestions to chat with your physician.

And OP - I hope you're feeling better today! If you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed make yourself a cup of tea and relax or read a book or do some yoga. You'll make it out the other side... Patience. Your decision to take care of yourself puts you in a better place than if you neglected...give yourself some calm mental health and relaxation :)
I think this is good food for thought for your doctor. People below the original quoted post said she shouldn't be advising anything... That's true. But same goes for quitting alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal is actually the one chemical dependency that can kill you. (Quitting heroin/benzos etc sucks and you get sick... But alcohol withdrawal stops your heart)...

Hoodoo had good ideas... Don't believe anything on the Internet though... Use Internet suggestions to chat with your physician.

And OP - I hope you're feeling better today! If you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed make yourself a cup of tea and relax or read a book or do some yoga. You'll make it out the other side... Patience. Your decision to take care of yourself puts you in a better place than if you neglected...give yourself some calm mental health and relaxation :)

Thank you ChristineNeely! When push comes to shove...this person is the one living in her body...and ultimately all the doctor is going to do is make suggestions and give her pills to shove down her throat...pills with nasty side effects and that the doctor gets financial kickbacks for dealing.

Yes, she should discuss these options with her doctor...if said doctor refuses to even discuss any form of natural health or healing....then find another doctor.

As for advice...plenty of folks giving advice here...and I'm sure they think their advice is "good medicine". :roll:

Still, it is ultimately the OP's decision. Her/his body...her/his choice as to how they treat it and deal with the ill health...or not.

We can all tell this person to "relax", but frankly, if she/he is living in a very stressful situation then telling someone to "relax" is a moot point. Got to get out of the sitch that is causing the stress as well as get rid of the factors that are causing the health issues.
I think this is good food for thought for your doctor. People below the original quoted post said she shouldn't be advising anything... That's true. But same goes for quitting alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal is actually the one chemical dependency that can kill you. (Quitting heroin/benzos etc sucks and you get sick... But alcohol withdrawal stops your heart)...

Hoodoo had good ideas... Don't believe anything on the Internet though... Use Internet suggestions to chat with your physician.

And OP - I hope you're feeling better today! If you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed make yourself a cup of tea and relax or read a book or do some yoga. You'll make it out the other side... Patience. Your decision to take care of yourself puts you in a better place than if you neglected...give yourself some calm mental health and relaxation :)

I did not tell the OP to stop drinking , I did say "a person that has bipolar disorders they should not be drinking at all " . And by that I mean they should never pick up a bottle in the first place.
It's not wise to tell someone to go the natural route when you do NOT know their whole medical history . Just because something is 'natural' that does not mean it's safe for everyone. I got very sick when I took
St Johnwort . I could had dies from urine toxicity as St Johnwiot can keep a person from being able to urine. And E cig are no better than real cig.
So you really need to stop telling people to go the 'natural route' as it could end up making a person very sick or worst. I found out the hard and painful way. Someone told me to go the 'natural route' and I end up having to go to the ER!

I am aware of this. Frankly, it just makes common sense to do the research on anything before you use it. Some people can't do chamomile because they have ragweed allergies.

I wasn't the only person who mentioned the e-cigs. How do you know they are no better? I don't "need" to do anything. I was simply giving some ideas learned from personal experience. If I need to quit giving advice then so does everyone else on this forum, and that includes you whatdidyousay.
It's dangerous for someone to stop medications abruptly without a doctor's supervision, so I hope that you're not recommending that.

No, I am not.

As far as the cannabis suggestion goes, I just KNEW that was going to be met with scorn and disdain. I don't know where this person lives, so I don't know whether or how he or she could obtain it. It was merely a suggestion given from personal experience. It's up to him/her what to decide.
A little sensitive? What scorn and disdain? It wasn't in my post. If I were to scorn and disdain something, you'd know it. :lol:

As for the alcohol, telling someone who doesn't want to quit drinking alcohol to quit doesn't work either. I'm merely being practical. At least getting them to cut back on it is a start. This is also from personal experience with a sibling who is a mean-ass vodka drunk. Everyone keeps telling her to quit...and all that does is make her drink more. Got to take the psychology into account here as well. Treating them like a recalcitrant 2 year old and stamping your foot and saying NO! in a loud voice doesn't work with someone who is old enough to make his or her own decisions. Gotta start some where...and when someone does NOT want to give up any vices...you got to work with them in a way that at least gets them to cut back.
I don't know of any sobriety groups or people who have been thru alcohol addiction and are now sober who would agree with that method.

You seem to see a lot more emotion in responses than what are there. Who has been stamping their feet and saying NO! in a loud voice?

Enabling and coddling a serious problem does nothing useful. The drinker already knows how to rationalize. What the drinker needs is help confronting the issues, not living with them.

You are right about one thing. The individual has to make the decision to get healthy. No one can force it, at least not long term.
A little sensitive? What scorn and disdain? It wasn't in my post. If I were to scorn and disdain something, you'd know it. :lol:

I don't know of any sobriety groups or people who have been thru alcohol addiction and are now sober who would agree with that method.

You seem to see a lot more emotion in responses than what are there. Who has been stamping their feet and saying NO! in a loud voice?

Enabling and coddling a serious problem does nothing useful. The drinker already knows how to rationalize. What the drinker needs is help confronting the issues, not living with them.

You are right about one thing. The individual has to make the decision to get healthy. No one can force it, at least not long term.

Yes, Reba I'm sure I would... and, on that fine point, I imagine we both are pretty straight forward and blunt speaking people. :lol:

Watched my sister get forced to go to a lot of "Sobriety groups"...did no good. Seen a lot of friends go to these self-help groups and keep right on guzzling booze.

Thing is, you are just assuming this person is an alcoholic...fact is you don't know for a fact she/he is an alcoholic. You don't know her/his sitch any better than anyone else here. The doctor says she/he is...she/he says they aren't. Who is to say she/he is lying? Certainly not I.

The OP asked for advice...everyone put their two cents worth in, and I'm sure they all thought their advice was good...whether it actually was or not.

Sensitive? Possibly...especially when someone tells me I have no right to be posting my ideas on the matter just because they don't agree with them.:|

And with that, I will digress. ChasingRainbows, it is, ultimately, up to you what to do with your life. We can all say this or that, and tell you our opinions because that is all they are...but it is you who has to make the decision to do what is right, or not, for yourself.
Yes, Reba I'm sure I would... and, on that fine point, I imagine we both are pretty straight forward and blunt speaking people. :lol:

Watched my sister get forced to go to a lot of "Sobriety groups"...did no good. Seen a lot of friends go to these self-help groups and keep right on guzzling booze.

Thing is, you are just assuming this person is an alcoholic...fact is you don't know for a fact she/he is an alcoholic. You don't know her/his sitch any better than anyone else here. The doctor says she/he is...she/he says they aren't. Who is to say she/he is lying? Certainly not I.

The OP asked for advice...everyone put their two cents worth in, and I'm sure they all thought their advice was good...whether it actually was or not.

Sensitive? Possibly...especially when someone tells me I have no right to be posting my ideas on the matter just because they don't agree with them.:|
Of course, unless someone is motivated to do what is necessary to get healthy, all the advice and support groups are for naught.

Whether or not she is an alcoholic, the fact is, every drop of alcohol she ingests will continue to damage her already stressed liver.

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