Court of public opinion looms large in George Zimmerman murder trial

Deaf people are also a minority but we don't protest. Remember one deaf guy who was an Indian got shot by a cop in Seattle, I think. We didn't protest. We moved on.

Too much hatred by black people. If I were black, I would get involved in a protest with other black people because TM was black, even though he tried to kill GZ.

We will shut up if you, Foxrac and WDYS shut up.

I guess you do not watch the news , if you did you would have known there are White people protesting GZ being found not guilty . I do not know why I wasting time with you , but , if you where being followed by some strange man in a car at night how would made you feel?
GZ is now in hiding as he is getting death threats. Where does the killing stop! Killing GZ does not bring back TM, it could create more protests and more killing could happen. I disagree with the verdict but wanting to kill GZ
does not make any person any better than GZ. People needs to think with mind and not their emotions before another person is killed.

The 'Not guilty' verdict does NOT mean Zimmerman is innocent . It just mean there was 'reasonable doubt'. He was just lucky and that is all .
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that would be illegal. you're not allowed to point a gun at a person and not use it.
Not exactly.

You're not allowed to point a gun at a person in a threatening or playful or showing off manner. In other words, if you take your gun out of concealment and aim it, it better be for the reason of self defense.

Once drawn, circumstances can change, and you don't have to fire the gun in order for it to be a lawful action. That is, suppose you draw your gun in self defense and the attacker runs away, or another person gets into the line of fire, or the police arrive and take over the scene. There are various reasons for not shooting, and they can all be lawful.

However, it is true that once you draw your gun you should be ready and willing to fire it. Don't draw your gun unless you are ready to follow thru with firing it.

if Zimmerman pointed a gun at Trayvon and Trayvon put up his hands... and ran away to his home... Zimmerman would be arrested for assault with deadly weapon and worse….
It depends on the circumstances. Did Zimmerman point a gun at Martine while Martin was on top of him and beating him? Or are you saying that they were both standing, facing each other, without touching? That's a big difference in scenarios.
Deaf people are also a minority but we don't protest. Remember one deaf guy who was an Indian got shot by a cop in Seattle, I think. We didn't protest. We moved on.

Too much hatred by black people. If I were black, I would get involved in a protest with other black people because TM was black, even though he tried to kill GZ.

We will shut up if you, Foxrac and WDYS shut up.

That's not true at all - I was extremely upset about deaf Native Indian man got killed by police officer in Seattle and I have 1/3 Native Indian side.

No, I won't shut up, so what about you? It is great opportunity for you to getting this thread locked up. ;)
Not exactly.

You're not allowed to point a gun at a person in a threatening or playful or showing off manner. In other words, if you take your gun out of concealment and aim it, it better be for the reason of self defense.

Once drawn, circumstances can change, and you don't have to fire the gun in order for it to be a lawful action. That is, suppose you draw your gun in self defense and the attacker runs away, or another person gets into the line of fire, or the police arrive and take over the scene. There are various reasons for not shooting, and they can all be lawful.

However, it is true that once you draw your gun you should be ready and willing to fire it. Don't draw your gun unless you are ready to follow thru with firing it.
yes if that person is retreating, you are not allowed to chase and/or shoot but.... that just adds more complication for yourself depending on situation and that person can claim whatever unless he's a known criminal.

It depends on the circumstances. Did Zimmerman point a gun at Martine while Martin was on top of him and beating him? Or are you saying that they were both standing, facing each other, without touching? That's a big difference in scenarios.
we never know...
yes if that person is retreating, you are not allowed to chase and/or shoot but.... that just adds more complication for yourself depending on situation and that person can claim whatever unless he's a known criminal.

It's important to be the first person to call the police after an incident as they are generally viewed as the victim.
It's important to be the first person to call the police after an incident as they are generally viewed as the victim.

if the situation doesn't fall into your favor... you're screwed
Of coarse. But do you want the police showing up to your call or to their call?

it wouldn't matter who calls first if the situation doesn't fall into your favor because a person can fake-claim it.
Tebow is football player and he doesn't believe in gay marriage, so I don't agree with his opinion, however I respect his opinion. I don't go after players whatever I don't agree with them.

I treat legislators differently from citizens (including professionals, players), though.
it wouldn't matter who calls first if the situation doesn't fall into your favor because a person can fake-claim it.

So would you rather have to police coming to your call of "I've just been attacked and I had to draw my pistol please come help" Or the other guys call "Some crazy guy was just waving a gun at me and threatened to kill me?

If the situation isn't in your favor being second to call is not going to help you at all. Being first to call is viewed by most people as the victim and that's police and jury and everyone. It's human nature.

Please note that I didn't say you should always call the police, just that you should be the first.
So would you rather have to police coming to your call of "I've just been attacked and I had to draw my pistol please come help" Or the other guys call "Some crazy guy was just waving a gun at me and threatened to kill me?

If the situation isn't in your favor being second to call is not going to help you at all. Being first to call is viewed by most people as the victim and that's police and jury and everyone. It's human nature.

Please note that I didn't say you should always call the police, just that you should be the first.

for example - road rage (let's assume there is no witness around). an angry guy angrily approached you with a crowbar/bat and you took your gun out but you didn't shoot. he went :eek3: and ran away. so it doesn't matter if you or he called a cop first. it's just very icky because he can claim that you took your gun out in anger and he was scared shitless.
for example - road rage (let's assume there is no witness around). an angry guy angrily approached you with a crowbar/bat and you took your gun out but you didn't shoot. he went :eek3: and ran away. so it doesn't matter if you or he called a cop first. it's just very icky because he can claim that you took your gun out in anger and he was scared shitless.

Did you read the last sentence of my last post?
Did you read the last sentence of my last post?

yes. like I said - it would be icky situation for you regardless of who called first.... as well as if he called cop on you.
yes if that person is retreating, you are not allowed to chase and/or shoot but.... that just adds more complication for yourself depending on situation and that person can claim whatever unless he's a known criminal.

we never know...
You can know from the forensics of the shooting.

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