Question about SSI


What are you talking about? No, you can't get SSDI if your dad retires. When he dies, only your mom can get SS retirement benefit as long as he pays SS taxes during employment. If their children are under 18, SSA will pay them until they become 18. In other words, if you are 18 or over, you will not get his SS retirement benefit at all.

No, because my boyfriend is over 18 and his dad is retired, he got SSDI because of his dad..Dad still alive. My ssi asked me if my parents retired, I could ask for request apply for SSDI.

My mom and dad got divorce since I was 2. I don't think my mom can get ss retirement benefit.
Dont worry, Im capable enough of getting a job :) . ( I used to work at Walmart for 3weeks then quit.) But first, I need to get cochlear implant. Communicate with many ppl is VERY frustrating and also most of time, I cant hear the car engines very well and I tend to walk past cars while backing up. (My job is collect carts outside) Then I will go back to walmart or look for another different job. Hopefully I can work again in time for holiday when I get my cochlear implant

If you get cochlear implant, it'll take long time to learn the sounds. And talk too if you don't know how to talk yet too. I saw some deaf people work at walmart, they don't need to hear, they just write on small notebook..carry with them all the times in the pocket.
If you get cochlear implant, it'll take long time to learn the sounds. And talk too if you don't know how to talk yet too. I saw some deaf people work at walmart, they don't need to hear, they just write on small notebook..carry with them all the times in the pocket.

Yup, that's correct.

Having CI will not magically turn you into oralist because you have a lot of practice with speech.

Quit workplace because of communication issues are stupid.
no they will not give you more money from SSI when you not live with ur parents anymore. I lived with my mom, I had my ssi whole my life since I was born, gain little bit every years on January. Then I moved out of my mom's house, my ssi still the same. Ssi knows I moved to my own place, nothing change my ssi.

If your parents retired, you can ask SSI about their retired, if you can change it to SSDI, get more money. Or you used to work before, then ask for SSDI..SSI is small amount than SSDI or SSA. grr. my dad still works for 30 years, and still counting. When he's retired. I'll try ask for SSDI..hehe.

When I think of the awful conditions I've worked in over the years, it just warms my heart that I bust my behind 80 hours a pay period so you could suck off the system on my dime. No, I don't see anyone abusing the system...reform? We need reform?? :roll:
No, because my boyfriend is over 18 and his dad is retired, he got SSDI because of his dad..Dad still alive. My ssi asked me if my parents retired, I could ask for request apply for SSDI.
Thanks for correcting me. You are right. I am learning something new.

Retirement Planner: Benefits For Your Children

To receive benefits, the child must:

be unmarried; and
•be under age 18; or
•be 18-19 years old and a full-time student (no higher than grade 12); or
be 18 or older and disabled from a disability that started before age 22.

However that doesn't mean you will get a full amount of SSDI.

Within your family, each qualified child may receive a monthly payment up to one-half of your full retirement benefit amount. However, there is a limit to the amount we can pay your family.
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When I think of the awful conditions I've worked in over the years, it just warms my heart that I bust my behind 80 hours a pay period so you could suck off the system on my dime. No, I don't see anyone abusing the system...reform? We need reform?? :roll:

Don't be mad at members who receiving SSI or SSDI.

Just leave them alone instead of rant at them.
no they will not give you more money from SSI when you not live with ur parents anymore. I lived with my mom, I had my ssi whole my life since I was born, gain little bit every years on January. Then I moved out of my mom's house, my ssi still the same. Ssi knows I moved to my own place, nothing change my ssi.

If your parents retired, you can ask SSI about their retired, if you can change it to SSDI, get more money. Or you used to work before, then ask for SSDI..SSI is small amount than SSDI or SSA. grr. my dad still works for 30 years, and still counting. When he's retired. I'll try ask for SSDI..hehe.

You must be inspire to kids and continue with their SSI benefit for next life. Bless your kids soul because whenever their life have children and turn out have hearing kids. They would live trash mobile/home which I have seen. I met people who is CODA aren't proud of their parents due the SSI matter because they don't try while the CODA learn the hard way. CODA learn the best from partner until they get married.

I knows the couple who are Deaf and have job. Again, their both kids are Deaf too that are Deaf family. They use the kids' SSI to cover the house payment until they turn 18. The kids are 2 years apart mean they keep going on with SSI for almost 21 years. The house mortgage offer 15 or 30 years but they keep moving like 5 or 7 times for school reason. Now... they are no longer able to afford the house payment. The payment is over 1,000 dollars per month and the house bit too big to live that kind budget. See their income 1,600 dollars per month and the both kids was 600 dollars each means 1,200 dollar more enough cover the house payment and electrics. Don't forget that they do own the car payment... now they are on own with 1,600 dollars to figure budget.

I have BIG flash news for you... the SSI fund will run out by 2023 if they didn't figure the solution for more fund. Just remember that SSI is just 'resource' for your living. Don't correct me because its what I have seen and that what you are being inspire wander that community?

While they have to figure out about SSDI and SSA because those people who work and took our pay check by weekly, bi-weekly or monthly to take care our society. What you describe is not a American.

You know out there have VR got frozen fund for new client because of those SSI sucking out their system. It is fair for who not expect their life turn to disability and working to restore their strength and able get both feet on road to work.

For those who are on long term require with SSDI start cut in December 2013 unless interview complete before the deadline.

It is only 11 years away before your fund out then you are going be SeriOUS poverty!

SSI rules are no value than 2,000 dollars ... mean in bank, house value, car value cannot be than 2,000. If renting the house is fine, if leasing the car is fine but we are looking at renting and leasing are wasted.

It is hard to believe that you are like that end sentence with 'hehe.'
I know. Well, she is one of many, many deaf people living on SSI. There are three reasons for that. One is laziness (never looking for a job). Another one is that some of them looked for a job but were not hired because they are deaf. Third one is that some of them lost their jobs (got laid off or got fired or quit) in less than 10 years.

True that SSA might run out of money in the future if U.S. government doesn't pay money back that it borrowed.
When I think of the awful conditions I've worked in over the years, it just warms my heart that I bust my behind 80 hours a pay period so you could suck off the system on my dime. No, I don't see anyone abusing the system...reform? We need reform?? :roll:

I'm sure those 80 hours earn you a lot more than a measly $698 a month. :hmm:

Besides, Congress spends money into existence. There is no limit to that other than inflation. Taxes help to keep it in check.
I know. Well, she is one of many, many deaf people living on SSI. There are three reasons for that. One is laziness (never looking for a job). Another one is that some of them looked for a job but were not hired because they are deaf. Third one is that some of them lost their jobs (got laid off or got fired or quit) in less than 10 years.

True that SSA might run out of money in the future if U.S. government doesn't pay money back that it borrowed.

There few more reasons.

Some deaf people are severely LD in reading or writing and not prepared for job so they usually live with parent, spouse, supportive housing, group home or foster care. I met some deaf people who do ASL but unable to understand the reading or writing. Having a job require a lot of communication - oral, typing or writing.

Some deaf people have additional disabilities to make unable to work, especially medical reason and body injuries. The deaf people with usher syndrome usually have limited job options, especially their vision get degrading. Some people are in pain everyday and heavily medicated with strong painkiller medicines so keep up with job is extremely difficult until it has permanent solution.
There few more reasons.

Some deaf people are severely LD in reading or writing and not prepared for job so they usually live with parent, spouse, supportive housing, group home or foster care. I met some deaf people who do ASL but unable to understand the reading or writing. Having a job require a lot of communication - oral, typing or writing.

Some deaf people have additional disabilities to make unable to work, especially medical reason and body injuries. The deaf people with usher syndrome usually have limited job options, especially their vision get degrading. Some people are in pain everyday and heavily medicated with strong painkiller medicines so keep up with job is extremely difficult until it has permanent solution.
Of course, some deaf people have other disabilites or mental/health problems.

BTW, at the deaf bowling I met several deaf able-bodied people who live on SSI and their reason is that they don't like to work.
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Of course, some deaf people have other disabilites or mental/health problems.

BTW, at the deaf bowling I met several deaf able-bodied people who live on SSI and their reason is that they don't like to work.

Wow, they are just laziness.

When ask a question about "Employment" so they should say Laziness.
ohh thanks! thats a relief whew! lol. But is it possible for SSI to give me more money since I dont live with my parents anymore

You cant just ask or get more money. You have to be PAID into the system and change from ssi to ssd.

Well, I suggest you go to take a career or training school for your future. After 10+ years due to lay off, fired, resign, quited for reason: hate crimes against disabled workers. You will receive SSDI is high income than SSI due to you're a taxpayer.

funny - this is becoming all to common now to all deaf/HOH workers. sad isnt it? Also you sound like you are speaking from experience?

Your friend is required to report all income she get. Have you given the SS office your friend's address , if so they might pick up that and realize your friend get SSI too. You'll need to give your new address to SSI
which is your friend's address and SSI have that on file already . I would think about this .

yup - SSA wants to know ALL sources of income and will be mean and take it out on your SSI. On the other hand with IRS- they want you to FILE the income you recieve so you can pay taxes on it and lose even more money. DUMB i know but its the government.. Im sick of it.:roll:
Wow, they are just laziness.

When ask a question about "Employment" so they should say Laziness.

Why should you say its laziness. I dont blame them I'm one of those people who put in full time and a part time job.

I do sometimes wonder if my life would be so much easier if I just went on SSDI and would take home a check that would amount to the same money if I did only did one full time hours not the overtime hours/extra shifts part time I'm always putting in, no worries about insurance, as dont need a car to go to work, no more worries about gas, no more worries about the hours in this rat race I'm in right now I have seriously given this a consideration and just kick back and go back to school for another degree as its affordable on SSDI If I became jobless now for any reason.
yup - SSA wants to know ALL sources of income and will be mean and take it out on your SSI. On the other hand with IRS- they want you to FILE the income you recieve so you can pay taxes on it and lose even more money. DUMB i know but its the government.. Im sick of it.:roll:

Huh? Its tax free. When one file for taxes they dont tax that amount. Yes you need to report it but its not counted towards the TAX owed. I work with clients on SSDI/SSI its not taxed, only the portion that is taxed is the work they put in besides SSDI/SSI but they usually get alot of it back due to the low income level anyhow.

For example year SSI 10,000 none of it is taxed but if client earned 2500 in wages that part is taxed but the taxed amount is refunded due to the fact that the clients combined income of 12500 is not in the tax threshold.
ohh thanks! thats a relief whew! lol. But is it possible for SSI to give me more money since I dont live with my parents anymore

Only if the cost of living is more and depends on which state you live in, if you moved to a different state the SSI amount is different.

But now that youre finally away from the nest, you need to learn how to budget within the cost of living the SSI and if that amount does not satisfy you then do not complain about living off taxpayers dime and get a job. Or even better go to school of some type the VR are willing to work with people on SSI better than those who are already working and makes too much. Take advantage of it.

FYI I know few deaf people whose SSI is really low but they manage by living together to cut down on rent/etc and hold fundraisers to help pay for the rest. Some people are fortunate to have parents who want their kids to live with them in this state of economy. Do whatever is needed to survive out there. Just dont complain about what is given to you. Earn the rest.
There are some states that have a program called "Supplementary Payment Programs, the federally adminstered optional:
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
There are some states that have a program called "Supplementary Payment Programs, the federally adminstered optional:
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

You forgot Washington state. Wa state supplements SSI. NOT by much, but the state does.

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