no they will not give you more money from SSI when you not live with ur parents anymore. I lived with my mom, I had my ssi whole my life since I was born, gain little bit every years on January. Then I moved out of my mom's house, my ssi still the same. Ssi knows I moved to my own place, nothing change my ssi.
If your parents retired, you can ask SSI about their retired, if you can change it to SSDI, get more money. Or you used to work before, then ask for SSDI..SSI is small amount than SSDI or SSA. grr. my dad still works for 30 years, and still counting. When he's retired. I'll try ask for SSDI..hehe.

You must be inspire to kids and continue with their SSI benefit for next life. Bless your kids soul because whenever their life have children and turn out have hearing kids. They would live trash mobile/home which I have seen. I met people who is CODA aren't proud of their parents due the SSI matter because they don't try while the CODA learn the hard way. CODA learn the best from partner until they get married.
I knows the couple who are Deaf and have job. Again, their both kids are Deaf too that are Deaf family. They use the kids' SSI to cover the house payment until they turn 18. The kids are 2 years apart mean they keep going on with SSI for almost 21 years. The house mortgage offer 15 or 30 years but they keep moving like 5 or 7 times for school reason. Now... they are no longer able to afford the house payment. The payment is over 1,000 dollars per month and the house bit too big to live that kind budget. See their income 1,600 dollars per month and the both kids was 600 dollars each means 1,200 dollar more enough cover the house payment and electrics. Don't forget that they do own the car payment... now they are on own with 1,600 dollars to figure budget.
I have BIG flash news for you... the SSI fund will run out by 2023 if they didn't figure the solution for more fund. Just remember that SSI is just 'resource' for your living. Don't correct me because its what I have seen and that what you are being inspire wander that community?
While they have to figure out about SSDI and SSA because those people who work and took our pay check by weekly, bi-weekly or monthly to take care our society. What you describe is not a American.
You know out there have VR got frozen fund for new client because of those SSI sucking out their system. It is fair for who not expect their life turn to disability and working to restore their strength and able get both feet on road to work.
For those who are on long term require with SSDI start cut in December 2013 unless interview complete before the deadline.
It is only 11 years away before your fund out then you are going be SeriOUS poverty!
SSI rules are no value than 2,000 dollars ... mean in bank, house value, car value cannot be than 2,000. If renting the house is fine, if leasing the car is fine but we are looking at renting and leasing are wasted.
It is hard to believe that you are like that end sentence with 'hehe.'