[Fox News Traitorous and Unpatriotic?] [Navy SEAL's book gives different account ..]

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If You Know What I Mean
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Apr 27, 2007
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Questions raised after SEAL's identity revealed - CNN.com
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The author of the yet-to-be-published book "No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama Bin Laden" wrote it under the pseudonym Mark Owen.

The book's publisher said the special operations forces team member did not want to reveal his name to protect himself and his family.

But only a day after the New York Times first reported the book was coming out, Fox News reported the author's real name on its website and posted photos of him in combat gear.

SEAL releasing book on bin Laden raid

Later Thursday, the Associated Press also revealed Owen's real name.

When CNN asked Pentagon officials if they could confirm the author's identity, it was asked not to report his name out of concern for his former colleagues who could still be active.

On Thursday, the New York Times said the book's publisher, Dutton, put out a statement after Owen's name was revealed.

"Mark Owen, like every SEAL he has served with, has put his life on the line time and again for his country for more than a decade. Sharing the true story of his personal experience in "No Easy Day" is a courageous act in the face of obvious risks to his personal security. That personal security is the sole reason the book is being published under a pseudonym. We respectfully request that all news organizations and all Americans consider these facts when deciding whether to pursue or publicize his real identity," the statement said.

The Pentagon will not say how many news organizations asked the Pentagon about the author's real name and were asked not to reveal it for security reasons.

'Swift Boat' attacks on Obama bogus?

A senior Pentagon official said Fox News did not contact the Department of Defense ahead of revealing the author's name. Fox did not respond to a request for comment.

The AP said it was not asked by the Pentagon to withhold the name.

The author and the book's publisher did not answer calls for comment.

TV interviews with the author must be put in shadow, and similar interviews for print would not reveal his real identity in order to keep the protection he is seeking, according to news reports.

News organizations have been asked to sign a non-disclosure document in order to do the interviews.

Pentagon officials told CNN that Owen and the publishing company did not submit the manuscript through the proper Department of Defense channels to check if secret tactics, techniques and procedures were revealed about the 2011 bin Laden mission.

"Mark Owen" spent more than a decade in the military and left the service last April, Pentagon officials said. If classified military or intelligence information is found to have been revealed in the book, Owen could be charged by the Department of Justice.

Thread merged with previous discussion 09/01/12
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You do realize that a group of SEALs are blaming Obama for the leaks don't you?

They did this just a few days ago. Now - blaming it on FOX seems awfully fishy. :hmm:

Actually, more than a few days ago .... but, these former and currently serving SEALs have had their say about the way in which Obama is exploiting them for his re-election bid. They have been giving Obama a stern warning over and over again to stop leaking details. For example, one of the Pakistani men who helped the SEAL team was identified - and because of this, is serving a 30 year sentence in Pakistan (for helping the U.S. locate Osama).


and the leaks did not start there, they started before ...


And, if you were to point blank ask a serving member of OpSpec their views, they will not tell you. It is their sworn duty to respect and serve the Commander in Chief.

Some have already come forward and said the SEALs are making an excellent point, but they need to stay out of politics and STFU. But, since the cat is already out of the bag .....
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You do realize that a group of SEALs are blaming Obama for the leaks don't you?

They did this just a few days ago. Now - blaming it on FOX seems awfully fishy. :hmm:

Actually, more than a few days ago .... but, these former and currently serving SEALs have had their say about the way in which Obama is exploiting them for his re-election bid. They have been giving Obama a stern warning over and over again to stop leaking details. For example, one of the Pakistani men who helped the SEAL team was identified - and because of this, is serving a 30 year sentence in Pakistan (for helping the U.S. locate Osama).

Doctor Who Helped Track Bin Laden Gets 30 Years - WSJ.com

and the leaks did not start there, they started before ...

Leif Babin: Obama Exploits the Navy SEALs - WSJ.com

And, if you were to point blank ask a serving member of OpSpec their views, they will not tell you. It is their sworn duty to respect and serve the Commander in Chief.

Some have already come forward and said the SEALs are making an excellent point, but they need to stay out of politics and STFU. But, since the cat is already out of the bag .....

this thread is not about Obama. it's about Fox News releasing his real name first so let's focus on that, shall we?
You do realize that a group of SEALs are blaming Obama for the leaks don't you?

They did this just a few days ago. Now - blaming it on FOX seems awfully fishy. :hmm:

Some have already come forward and said the SEALs are making an excellent point, but they need to stay out of politics and STFU. But, since the cat is already out of the bag .....
Great way to attempt to silence Jiro, by getting his thread locked with your anti-Obama political agenda. Typical. I hope the staff can read through the trolling trap, and delete your post.
Back to topic...

I thought Fox used "Fair and Balanced" as a byline. Maybe yours is better. Waiting for the "freedom of speech" crowd...
I agree that what "Mark Owen" did is traitiorous and unpatriotic.
"He" put his own profit from this book over the security of "his" fellow SEALS.
The article clearly stated that "he" and his publisher did not get clearance.
It would be of interest to know if these fellow SEALS have an opinion and they also see "Mark" as being a traitor.
I agree that what "Mark Owen" did is traitiorous and unpatriotic.
why don't we focus on Fox News releasing his real name when they shouldn't have done that?

"He" put his own profit from this book over the security of "his" fellow SEALS.
in case you missed this....

Bin Laden raid tell-all author revealed, questions raised whether ex-Navy SEALs have freedom of speech | Fox News
A spokesman at Dutton, a division of Penguin Group, said proceeds from the book will be donated to charitable causes that benefit the families of fallen Navy SEALs.

The article clearly stated that "he" and his publisher did not get clearance.
but it's not released to public yet. you are clearly judging him already before fact.

It would be of interest to know if these fellow SEALS have an opinion and they also see "Mark" as being a traitor.
but he's not the only one who had written books about military operations. none of them were viewed as traitor.

Book Will Describe Raid That Killed Bin Laden - NYTimes.com
No Easy Day” joins a crop of books by other former members of the Navy SEALs who have turned their experiences into literary drama and landed coveted spots on best-seller lists. Last year, Chuck Pfarrer, a former SEAL commander, wrote “SEAL Target Geronimo,” an account of the Bin Laden raid based on interviews with members of the Navy SEALs.

U.S. Special Operations Commander Cautions Against Exploiting 'Celebrity' Status - NYTimes.com
In another example of former members of Special Operations of trying to drive the news, the group Special Operations Opsec Education Fund began a campaign that includes the production of a 22-minute video called “Dishonorable Disclosures,” which accuses President Obama of recklessly leaking information about the raid that killed Bin Laden and other security matters to gain political advantage. (The group, which includes former C.I.A. officers and former Special Operations members describes itself as nonpartisan, but some of its leaders have been involved in Republican campaigns and Tea Party groups.)

With those two cases seemingly in mind, the head of the Unites States military’s Special Operations Command, Adm. William McRaven, sent out an e-mail to the command and special operators around the world, with his thoughts on the issue of nondisclosure and vetting requirements. It contains criticism of how the author handled the issue, as well as his own ruminations on the nature of public descriptions of military actions and political action by former members of Special Operations. That memo appears below.
And, if you were to point blank ask a serving member of OpSpec their views, they will not tell you. It is their sworn duty to respect and serve the Commander in Chief.


Bin Laden raid tell-all author revealed, questions raised whether ex-Navy SEALs have freedom of speech | Fox News
OPSEC, a group of retired military and intelligence officers, came under fire this week from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, who told Fox News on Tuesday he was "disappointed" by the group's political use of the military uniform in a recent anti-Obama advertisement. Dempsey said he feels those who serve ought to remain "apolitical."

OPSEC fired back, arguing that Dempsey's criticisms can be applied equally to the Obama campaign's "One Chance" ad, which featured images of Blackhawk helicopters in flight and military pilots. The video suggests Romney would not have made the same decision to call for the raid that killed Usama bin Laden.

yep... you're wrong as usual.
i do not know to much about it but for what it worth that guy should get medal all of them are hero's and world better place without that evil man bin laden..
"proceeeds from the book will be donated to charitable causes that benefit the families of fallen Navy SEALs"......did you happen to notice the absent of the word A-L-L?

"none of them were viewed as traitor".........would you care to list the people whom were ask the question as to if "none of them" is a traitor and the answers. Especially those whom were a member of "none of them's" specific group.

"judging him before the facts".......I am judging him based on the fact he has already revealed to unauthorized people (namely the publisher) military operation data without clearance.

Yes, lets do. Lets focus on FOX News and "Mark Owen"........which is MORE
traitorous and unpatriotic?
"proceeeds from the book will be donated to charitable causes that benefit the families of fallen Navy SEALs"......did you happen to notice the absent of the word A-L-L?
such a Debbie Downer, aren't ya? let's admit it. you didn't know he was going to donate to the families of fallen Navy SEALs. you thought he was looking for get-rich-quick for himself.

"none of them were viewed as traitor".........would you care to list the people whom were ask the question as to if "none of them" is a traitor and the answers. Especially those whom were a member of "none of them's" specific group.
I already did. read above again.

"judging him before the facts".......I am judging him based on the fact he has already revealed to unauthorized people (namely the publisher) military operation data without clearance.
1. Fox News wasn't supposed to release his name to public
2. what classified information? that's the fact we and Department of Defense don't know.
3. See #1 again.

Yes, lets do. Lets focus on FOX News and "Mark Owen"........which is MORE
traitorous and unpatriotic?
this thread is about Fox News so let's focus on that, shall we? any comment about Fox News' traitorous and unpatriotic release of his name to public?
The title of this thread is...Traitorous and Unpatriotic

the first two sentences of the OP focus on "author"

first things first....lets focus of this "author"

IMO, yes, this "author" IS traitiorous and unpatriotic
and ALL American news organizations are obligiated to call "him" out
The date of the article posted in the OP is August 24, 2012.

This video is not captioned, but the video synopsis can be read underneath the video (copy and pasted). The OpSpec team posted this youtube video on August 15, 2012.

It would only be natural for the Obama Administration to try and censor what these men have had to say by using MSM - to quash anything FOX has reported (and to blame FOX News for his own "leaks"):

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Xfti7qtT0&feature=share]Dishonorable Disclosures - YouTube[/ame]

What is really going on:
Published on Aug 15, 2012 by OPSECTeam

Intelligence and Special Operations forces are furious and frustrated at how President Obama and those in positions of authority have exploited their service for political advantage. Countless leaks, interviews and decisions by the Obama Administration and other government officials have undermined the success of our Intelligence and Special Operations forces and put future missions and personnel at risk.

The unwarranted and dangerous public disclosure of Special Forces Operations is so serious -- that for the first time ever -- former operators have agreed to risk their reputations and go 'on the record' in a special documentary titled "Dishonorable Disclosures." Its goal is to educate America about serious breaches of security and prevent them from ever happening again.

Use of military ranks, titles & photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement of the Dept of the Army or the Department of Defense. All individuals are no longer in active service with any federal agency or military service.

That is as close to a transcript as I can find - the purpose was to show the date of this video in relation to the OP's article. If anyone can post a transcript, I would greatly appreciate it. :ty:
The title of this thread is...Traitorous and Unpatriotic

the first two sentences of the OP focus on "author"

first things first....lets focus of this "author"
no.... why don't we do what MY thread is intended for? You are free to create a new thread that focuses on Mark Owen but my thread is focusing on FOX News' release of his name to public so can we do that, pretty please?

IMO, yes, this "author" IS traitiorous and unpatriotic
and ALL American news organizations are obligiated to call "him" out

but... NY Times said -
"Mark Owen, like every SEAL he has served with, has put his life on the line time and again for his country for more than a decade. Sharing the true story of his personal experience in "No Easy Day" is a courageous act in the face of obvious risks to his personal security. That personal security is the sole reason the book is being published under a pseudonym. We respectfully request that all news organizations and all Americans consider these facts when deciding whether to pursue or publicize his real identity," the statement said.
The date of the article posted in the OP is August 24, 2012.

This video is not captioned, but the video synopsis can be read underneath the video (copy and pasted). The OpSpec team posted this youtube video on August 15, 2012.

It would only be natural for the Obama Administration to try and censor what these men have had to say by using MSM - to quash anything FOX has reported (and to blame FOX News for his own "leaks"):

Dishonorable Disclosures - YouTube

What is really going on:

That is as close to a transcript as I can find - the purpose was to show the date of this video in relation to the OP's article. If anyone can post a transcript, I would greatly appreciate it. :ty:

You are continuing to politicize this non-political thread. This thread is purely about FOX News' release of Mark Owen's real name to public. Obama did not do that.

I'll repeat. This thread is not about:
2. Obama Administration
3. Censoring

This thread is about FOX News' release of Mark Owen's real name to public. . Why haven't you made any single comment about FOX News' release of his real name to public?

You are clearly asking for a ban and you must be very eager to get it.
You are continuing to politicize this non-political thread. This thread is purely about FOX News' release of Mark Owen's real name to public. Obama did not do that.

I'll repeat. This thread is not about:
2. Obama Administration
3. Censoring

This thread is about FOX News' release of Mark Owen's real name to public. . Why haven't you made any single comment about FOX News' release of his real name to public?

You are clearly asking for a ban and you must be very eager to get it.

Allow me to correct you once again Padawan. This thread is very political. Why would you ask if the author was unpatriotic and a traitor?

The answer is a simple no. He is exercising his rights to Free Speech. But why would he be painted on a portrait as a traitor ... by you?

Possibly because you want all the information leading up to this to be hush hush too .... and, deem the author a traitor in an attempt to censor his book ...

Oh yeah (wink,wink) it isn't political at all :laugh2:
no.... why don't we do what MY thread is intended for? You are free to create a new thread that focuses on Mark Owen but my thread is focusing on FOX News' release of his name to public so can we do that, pretty please?

but... NY Times said -

You are BLACK-PEDALING real fast!!! The very fact you did not use the Time quote in your OP proves this.

Congradulations to Fox News and A.P. for doing what responsible news organizations are suppose to do. No, neither is traitorous, they did nothing to harm America nor put American forces at risk, and yes, they are patriotic for keeping the public informed equally.
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