And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

And you know what's interesting (of course this will NOT be interesting if I am wrong! :lol: ) but I thought that TV show (S-A-B) wasn't even on in Canada. Or am I thinking of something else?
And you know what's interesting (of course this will NOT be interesting if I am wrong! :lol: ) but I thought that TV show (S-A-B) wasn't even on in Canada. Or am I thinking of something else?

its not yet, but will be... In Sunnys case I don't think its her thing but in all the other girls who have joined I definitely think so.
Why would a deaf person need a fake personality to hang out here?

I don't think it is so much about being in the group as wanting to be the star of that group. I think the thrill of it is that people think of that person as being cool.

What these people are missing is that with a little work you can really be cool. :cool2:
...Im not kidding when I say this started happening when Switched at Birth came on TV. Dont get me wrong, the show is great and sheds some light on what it is like to be in a Hearing/Deaf world, but all of a sudden deafness is this cool thing everyone wants to know about and every hearing girl wants to know ASL and have a deaf boyfriend. But I can honestly say there was a spike in girls who came here looking for deaf love

If Sean Berdy weren't so darned cute, they'd be less interested.
I had no idea, and I am really sunk now. In my efforts to figure out ASL grammar, I actually had paid close attention to Sunny's and MyNameIsNo's posts, not for content (bleah) but to try to help me understand the grammar.

Maybe it's their fault I don't get it. That would be nice.
Blame them! lol If you want to look at text that is very well written in ASL there is a thread here for ASL only :)
Thanks to both of you. I read that thread before I joined, but then I forgot about it. :ty:

I haven't looked at it in a while. Probably should since I'm now taking Step 3 in my ASL classes.
I had no idea, and I am really sunk now. In my efforts to figure out ASL grammar, I actually had paid close attention to Sunny's and MyNameIsNo's posts, not for content (bleah) but to try to help me understand the grammar.

Maybe it's their fault I don't get it. That would be nice.

What do you mean? That was English grammar with the missing articles, prepositions, screwed up endings, etc.

Nothing to do with ASL in either of those posters.
What do you mean? That was English grammar with the missing articles, prepositions, screwed up endings, etc.

Nothing to do with ASL in either of those posters.

That's what she means. She thought they were using ASL grammar and now she feels she's mis-learned the grammar.
I did not know there was a newer version. Is Def Leppard's the newer one, or a newer one since DL's ?
I have reported Sunny several times and nothing happened. :mad: I thought it was very unusual for MyNameIsNo just to come right in here and talked everything about her life. Seems like Im very good to bring out the fakes. :lol:

EDIT: I wonder Sunny's tats pics were fake... SMH!

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