Go, Ron Paul, Go!

It's not going to happen. The Supreme court, which has been dominated by conservative justices for the the last--well, since forever, has upheld the current interpretation, and for good reason.

You are free to practice your religion however you want in privacy, and even in public, but you cannot bring it to a state-sponsored event or establishment, which includes public school football games and courthouses. To adopt any sort of religious activity in state-sponsored events would show favoritism toward the religion in question. Defending against this is not an infringement of religious freedom at all. In fact, it protects it.

2012 Presidential Campaign Blog: Ron Paul National Campaign Chairman Blasts CBS News
"Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are in a dead heat as the top choices for Iowans likely to attend the Jan. 3 Republican presidential caucuses.

A Bloomberg News poll shows Cain at 20 percent, Paul at 19 percent, Romney at 18 percent and Gingrich at 17 percent among the likely attendees with the caucuses that start the nominating contests seven weeks away...."

Republican Party Candidates in Four-Way Dead Heat - Bloomberg
"Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are in a dead heat as the top choices for Iowans likely to attend the Jan. 3 Republican presidential caucuses.

A Bloomberg News poll shows Cain at 20 percent, Paul at 19 percent, Romney at 18 percent and Gingrich at 17 percent among the likely attendees with the caucuses that start the nominating contests seven weeks away...."

Republican Party Candidates in Four-Way Dead Heat - Bloomberg

Yep. I am counting on Ron Paul to be the spoiler this year. He will ensure that Obama wins a second term. :giggle:
Did anyone catch Ron Paul on Jay Leno's show last night? Did you see all the cheers and applause he got from the audience?
Still, not much media coverage he gets. :hmm:
Did anyone catch Ron Paul on Jay Leno's show last night? Did you see all the cheers and applause he got from the audience?
Still, not much media coverage he gets. :hmm:

The more I read about him, the more I can't stand the thought of him being president. He will never win over moderates or liberals with his stances on abortion and social welfare programs. Plus, he's a cold blooded capitalist. He'd be bought off in no time.
The more I read about him, the more I can't stand the thought of him being president. He will never win over moderates or liberals with his stances on abortion and social welfare programs. Plus, he's a cold blooded capitalist. He'd be bought off in no time.

If he could have been "bought off," it would have happened by now. This guy is consistent, you have to admit. :giggle:
If he could have been "bought off," it would have happened by now. This guy is consistent, you have to admit. :giggle:

I thought the same thing about Obama before he became president. Silly me. :roll:
I wonder if Presidents are "bought off" or if they begin to realize the awful reality of the "power behind the throne" once they get in?
I wonder if Presidents are "bought off" or if they begin to realize the awful reality of the "power behind the throne" once they get in?

Both. They realize they have no choice but to be bought off, lest they end up like JFK.
I loved the video replay of Perry's brain dead episode. Ron Paul standing next to him saying "five, five" and waving his hand at Perry and the audience. Then saying "EPA? EPA?" It was like watching a bad game of charades.:lol:

Perry is taking pain med as he had surgery on his back recently. He said taking the med making it hard to think clearly. Remember Obama forgot how many states we have.
Perry is taking pain med as he had surgery on his back recently. He said taking the med making it hard to think clearly. Remember Obama forgot how many states we have.

Blame it on the pain meds.:lol: Perry showed evidence of brain damage long before this most recent incident.:D
Blame it on the pain meds.:lol: Perry showed evidence of brain damage long before this most recent incident.:D

And do you think Obama is doing a good job as president??

I don't think there is one candidate that should be president this election! We're really screwed this election! I want to vote none of the about!!
Where has anyone been deprived of their freedom to practice their religion? Except when it interferes with the rights of others?

The Constitution does not provide the right for some to practice their religion while interfering with the rights of others not to practice the same religion.:cool2: In fact, that is what freedom to practice your religion is all about.

Except of course when other's impose their right to not practice on another's right to practice freely, right?
Here is my proposal. If Congress fails to pass a budget resolution by April 15, every member would be docked $500 a day (including weekends and holidays) in pay until the resolution passes. (If that doesn’t work, we could up the ante by contributing significant money into the campaign war chest of members’ competitors in the next general election.) There could be similar penalties for failure to pass appropriations bills by the end of July. And Congress should not be allowed to recess for the summer until they finish work on the budget.

To sweeten the pot, we could also raise Congress’s base pay levels and increase the penalties proportionately. If Congress actually were doing its job, members would deserve a raise.

Time to End the Budget Brinksmanship in Congress - Forbes

Yeahhhh....good ideas.
Ron Paul wants to get rid of governmental involvement on the federal level, so that means invidividuals are at their states' mercy. He wants to get rid of laws that guaranteed us our rights, so we then would be at our states' mercy. If he becomes president and gets the laws abolished, nothing will stand in the way of discrimination (unless a state has laws against discrimination).

The very reason we had the laws in the first place was because we were oppressed. Without the laws, women wouldn't be equal. Without the laws, we can't do anything if we are denied jobs or accommodations.

Ron Paul also wants to get rid of mandatory opt-in for social security. Meaning, there would be fewer people supporting people with disabilities. So, if a deaf person can't get SSI and can't get a job, he's doomed to die. If a deaf person can't find a job and hits retirement age, he has nothing coming his way.

I know a lot of people here are supportive of federal assistance for deaf people, but do you realize how much impact Ron Paul will have on federal programs like relay services, Voc Rehab assistance with college, etc?

Ron Paul expects people of disabilities to be cared for by their families, even well into their adult years instead of being indepedent on taxpayer's dime.

43 Americans with disabilities. That's a lot.
Ron Paul wants to get rid of governmental involvement on the federal level, so that means invidividuals are at their states' mercy. He wants to get rid of laws that guaranteed us our rights, so we then would be at our states' mercy. If he becomes president and gets the laws abolished, nothing will stand in the way of discrimination (unless a state has laws against discrimination).

The very reason we had the laws in the first place was because we were oppressed. Without the laws, women wouldn't be equal. Without the laws, we can't do anything if we are denied jobs or accommodations.

Ron Paul also wants to get rid of mandatory opt-in for social security. Meaning, there would be fewer people supporting people with disabilities. So, if a deaf person can't get SSI and can't get a job, he's doomed to die. If a deaf person can't find a job and hits retirement age, he has nothing coming his way.

I know a lot of people here are supportive of federal assistance for deaf people, but do you realize how much impact Ron Paul will have on federal programs like relay services, Voc Rehab assistance with college, etc?

Ron Paul expects people of disabilities to be cared for by their families, even well into their adult years instead of being indepedent on taxpayer's dime.

43 Americans with disabilities. That's a lot.
Can a President by himself really "get rid of" laws and programs that are already in effect? :hmm:
Can a President by himself really "get rid of" laws and programs that are already in effect? :hmm:

Not really. That's why our ingenious form of government is set up on a system of checks and balances.

But, it would be a little troubling to have a president in the white house who has this sort of contempt for many of our best and most important civil laws.
Not really. That's why our ingenious form of government is set up on a system of checks and balances.

But, it would be a little troubling to have a president in the white house who has this sort of contempt for many of our best and most important civil laws.


Who are you talking about? Educate me.

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