Should I fight for an interpreter?

Thanks. Now there are totally no reasons for her to say that there is not any Deaf camps in the area.

We don't know what the constraints are. Just because one lives in California, which is an awfully big state, she could be living in some small town, way off somewhere from any nearby big cities. I wouldn't be so dismissive off of her right away.
We don't know what the constraints are. Just because one lives in California, which is an awfully big state, she could be living in some small town, way off somewhere from any nearby big cities. I wouldn't be so dismissive off of her right away.

Who cares? My parents drove me 5 hours ONE way, 2x per summer to go to a deaf camp. You do the math. Any parent who wants to get their child to a deaf camp, will.

*Edit: they did this for SIX summers.
We don't know what the constraints are. Just because one lives in California, which is an awfully big state, she could be living in some small town, way off somewhere from any nearby big cities. I wouldn't be so dismissive off of her right away.

What are there? Growing up my parents made sure i went to camps all over the place. One every year was a 5 hour drive one way. They had totally no problems doing that.

I thank them for doing that. A lot.
Keep it coming guys. Load it on me. I know I'm a shitty hearing parent.
Who cares? My parents drove me 5 hours ONE way, 2x per summer to go to a deaf camp. You do the math. Any parent who wants to get their child to a deaf camp, will.

*Edit: they did this for SIX summers.

GMTA. Exactly the same situation here.

Good experience.
Keep it coming guys. Load it on me. I know I'm a shitty hearing parent.

Nobody was trying to say you were a "shitty hearing parent".

All we were doing was pointing out that there are multitudes of deaf camps around. Maybe you didn't know of them until now. And, if finances are an issue, most of these camps offer scholarships to cover the cost of attending a camp.
I'm not in Csign's shoes or any parent's shoes to determine a parental's "value" regarding his or her deaf/hh son/daughter. If ya'll want to make an impression, offer something constructive to parents, and let them make the decision instead of "Well, so and so drove this deaf son/daughter hundreds and hundreds of miles everyday to camp, (what have you)" which decidedly implies/imparts a certain slight to parents whose constraints we don't even know or understand and say they are essentially not "doing enough" or worse "shitty parents."

Not my call. It is after all a parental decision. Give them the info so they make an informed decision instead. Leave crap in the wake is not going to work.
Nobody was trying to say you were a "shitty hearing parent".

All we were doing was pointing out that there are multitudes of deaf camps around. Maybe you didn't know of them until now. And, if finances are an issue, most of these camps offer scholarships to cover the cost of attending a camp.

I said we don't know exactly what CSign's constraints are and we shouldn't even go there. And you said, "Who cares..." and do the whole spiel about how your parents traveled so many miles and such and such to deliver a deaf/hh kid (you) to camp. Flinging the words "who cares" means, in CSigns' eyes, that her constraint(s) doesn't matter and that she is essentially not "doing enough." To her, it means you calling her a "shitty parent."
I'm not in Csign's shoes or any parent's shoes to determine a parental's "value" regarding his or her deaf/hh son/daughter. If ya'll want to make an impression, offer something constructive to parents, and let them make the decision instead of "Well, so and so drove this deaf son/daughter hundreds and hundreds of miles everyday to camp, (what have you)" which decidedly implies/imparts a certain slight to parents whose constraints we don't even know or understand and say they are essentially not "doing enough" or worse "shitty parents."

Not my call. It is after all a parental decision. Give them the info so they make an informed decision instead. Leave crap in the wake is not going to work.
might want to tell her to leave the sarcasm at work too
I said we don't know exactly what CSign's constraints are and we shouldn't even go there. And you said, "Who cares..." and do the whole spiel about how your parents traveled so many miles and such and such to deliver a deaf/hh kid (you) to camp. Flinging the words "who cares" means, in CSigns' eyes, that her constraint(s) doesn't matter and that she is essentially not "doing enough." To her, it means you calling her a "shitty parent."

I think once is enough. no need to repeat your same message in different words and longer. and no need to put the words in someone's mouth. if nobody called her a shitty parents, then nobody did and that's a fact.
Who cares? My parents drove me 5 hours ONE way, 2x per summer to go to a deaf camp. You do the math. Any parent who wants to get their child to a deaf camp, will.

*Edit: they did this for SIX summers.

Wow! That's great! My mom drive two hours one way each summer to take my brother to the Deaf camp in Eastern AZ.
I'm not in Csign's shoes or any parent's shoes to determine a parental's "value" regarding his or her deaf/hh son/daughter. If ya'll want to make an impression, offer something constructive to parents, and let them make the decision instead of "Well, so and so drove this deaf son/daughter hundreds and hundreds of miles everyday to camp, (what have you)" which decidedly implies/imparts a certain slight to parents whose constraints we don't even know or understand and say they are essentially not "doing enough" or worse "shitty parents."

Not my call. It is after all a parental decision. Give them the info so they make an informed decision instead. Leave crap in the wake is not going to work.

I said we don't know exactly what CSign's constraints are and we shouldn't even go there. And you said, "Who cares..." and do the whole spiel about how your parents traveled so many miles and such and such to deliver a deaf/hh kid (you) to camp. Flinging the words "who cares" means, in CSigns' eyes, that her constraint(s) doesn't matter and that she is essentially not "doing enough." To her, it means you calling her a "shitty parent."

Thanks for the input.
I'm not in Csign's shoes or any parent's shoes to determine a parental's "value" regarding his or her deaf/hh son/daughter. If ya'll want to make an impression, offer something constructive to parents, and let them make the decision instead of "Well, so and so drove this deaf son/daughter hundreds and hundreds of miles everyday to camp, (what have you)" which decidedly implies/imparts a certain slight to parents whose constraints we don't even know or understand and say they are essentially not "doing enough" or worse "shitty parents."

Not my call. It is after all a parental decision. Give them the info so they make an informed decision instead. Leave crap in the wake is not going to work.


Just because you're in love with CSign doesn't mean you need to bash everyone else's advice about finding camps, distance, and even scholarships. And that it can be done. And that her son can appropriate access his surroundings. Sorry if you don't like the tone that went with it. :)

Oh, since you conveniently forgot, we offered her this BASED ON HER POST:

I would love to get my son involved in a deaf camp, unfortunately there aren't any around here. I wanted to make sure my son was appropriately accessing his surroundings in the extra curricular activities that he wants to do.

We helped her find some. Oops, SORRY !!!!!!! Our bad.
I think once is enough. no need to repeat your same message in different words and longer. and no need to put the words in someone's mouth. if nobody called her a shitty parents, then nobody did and that's a fact.

That's right, nobody did, even if anyone wants to conveniently infer so.

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