MainstreamVRS for Android phone


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
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VP-Register for MainstreamVRS for Android

Android Market description

This program will register your Android phone for VRS service at MainstreamVRS using your gmail account name and Sprint phone number.
After running this application, you must complete your user profile at MainStream HTC Evo VRS Video Relay Service before MainstreamVRS can provide VRS service to you.

Version 1.0 Date sensitive

Package: com.mainstreamvrs.register

They're here already? Cool. I'll tell my friend about it.
lol, I use to a QR code scanner with my EVO device is easy than typing search online.

*downloaded app and sign up register*... Oh, it's not open until Sept. 15th. scoff...
I downloaded it to the HTC Incredible, however it's not the VRS program. This is just a download to register your phone to use the eventual VRS program.

So yes, you can download this to the Epic. However, my understanding is that Mainstream has an exclusivity contract to be on on the EVO. So the program will probably only work on the EVO.
*reading MainstreamVRS' description*... Aw, I have to sign up gmail account. VRS using your gmail account and Sprint phone number.
Look like you cannot register to use MainstreamVRS until Sept 15. LAME
Why is that "LAME?"

Have to finish developing the software. Sounds like Sept. 15th is the release day. Plus, it's only 7 days away.
*reading MainstreamVRS' description*... Aw, I have to sign up gmail account. VRS using your gmail account and Sprint phone number.

Just use the gmail account you have linked to your current EVO. No need to make a brand new one.
[ame=]YouTube - Go to register VRS for HTC EVO 4G![/ame]
Why is that "LAME?"

Have to finish developing the software. Sounds like Sept. 15th is the release day. Plus, it's only 7 days away.

Also, it's lame because my friend manage to register MainStreamVRS. How? He change date to Sept 15, and it's unlock and ready to use. Unfortunately, no VRS available to take his call. LOL
My friend like to share that he receive email from MainstreamVRS

Hi xxx,

We see from our website you were able to register at MainstreamVRS before September 15.

Because we are in final test mode, all data is being written into our test databases instead of our production databases.
As you can imagine, we do not want to inconvenience our future customers by asking them to register a second time.

Would you mind sharing how you were able to change the date in your EVO so we can prevent other people from being inconvenienced?

ok its sept 15th at 12:17 am eastern time zone now no mainstreamvrs yet?? perhaps its the timezone funny thing is in "contact us or about us" that there is no address of the office probably a scam ,by the law a physical address is required by them to display along with phone number so webmasters and internet providers can verify its a legit web so.....

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