Care to explain how they take advantage of profitting off the Deaf?
Deafies have NOT paid a penny to use their service, and how they can profit from them?
I couldn't see how they could profitting from Deaf, John Yeh, yes they are profitting from Deafies TSK TSK TSK on John Yeh.
guys!!! guys!!! guys !!!!!!!! WE all need to calm down. MY whole point of this thread is the sensitivity from Sorenson. I personally know some people who were let go and they were upset. Some things were cut off without a "grace period" or time to switch over, etc. I am do not like the severe bashing here on this thread. Everyone has thier valid points, diehardbiker, posts from hell, eyesbluedeaf, royal, lilsbugs, and others I havent named yet. In my eyes, nearly all of you have good points, many speculations, opinions both good and bad.
Its VERY VERY easy to point fingers with facts, statements, speculations. I only want a killer VRS service, and its easy to blame the largest company. Just like people blame microsoft to apple. Look at it this way, there are more viruses and worms for pc's then apple computers because the largest target is what ? PC with MICROSOFT!!!!!!! same with VRS community. THE LARGEST provider is SORENSON!!!
Sorenson says they welcome competition, but somehow I don't think so. when post from hel lsays don't like profiterring from the DEAF, HMMMM
we are deaf, the market is geared towards the deaf. The deaf doesnt pay money directly to VRS. We just don't have a direct voice. We have to go through Vrs comments or FCC complaint center. Take a moment and imagine all the hate mail from the deaf community going through FCC complaint center. I'd would HATE working there, trying to sift through all the complaints to group together the complaints to find the biggest issue to take care of first. But that can be another thread!!
Back to the point, posts from hell, if you are giving up trying to make your point, others will think others are winning over you. This is supposed to be a heathy debate. I do not agree with many things here, but you all have good points brought up and I have grown and learned from it. You readers are my fans.