Obama burns!


Can't live with them... can't live without them.

Shoot them all.
It is tasteless although it is an art.

An art can be tasteless.
Or destroy us. Remember the X-Men? :p

Hey! That was only 'cause the Phoenix, the disemodied force of universal life, had never before needed to deal with human emotions such as love, anger and betrayal. She gets a pass from me :P
Jiro said:
1. not a single response to my posts for quite a while
2. probably put me on ignore cuz I'm always exposing him of intellectual dishonesty?
If you are on his ignore list, I highly doubt that is the reason. As we all know koko loves to openly debate.
As for my impression of the "art". I find it tasteless. Obama can roast politically on his own policies, he needs no help.
For a person to complain about how others who don't respond to his/her particular post is so laughable. I'll respond when I see fit to respond. Period. No need to whine about these things. What's next? More shadows?
I read that the artist considered this a tribute to President Obama. It must mean something different in Chinese culture. Some things do not translate well. It's unusual to make statues that have flames.
If you are on his ignore list, I highly doubt that is the reason. As we all know koko loves to openly debate.

As long as we don't confuse him with facts. You don't seem to like facts either.
I read that the artist considered this a tribute to President Obama. It must mean something different in Chinese culture. Some things do not translate well. It's unusual to make statues that have flames.

yep. could be symbolic. I tried to look for more information but it was very very limited. and yes you're right - the translation was bad.
I read that the artist considered this a tribute to President Obama. It must mean something different in Chinese culture. Some things do not translate well. It's unusual to make statues that have flames.

The idea of a phoenix... or burning oneself in a Buddhist way are big in Southeast Asia...
I read that the artist considered this a tribute to President Obama. It must mean something different in Chinese culture. Some things do not translate well. It's unusual to make statues that have flames.

Really? That's of interest. If that had been America, I'd be offended but I'm going to say nothing till I know the context behind the burning of this in China.
Barack Obama will be visiting China next week, and as this video report from Reuters shows, the Chinese are enthusiastic about Obama, if not in ways that always make immediate sense. For example, an artist in Beijing, Liu Bolin, has made a bronze sculpture of Obama, based on a Time magazine image of the president, that he lights on fire for three minutes at a time (He apparently hopes to sell it for $15,000.) While this--no pun intended--may seem inflammatory, Bolin says he doesn't mean for the piece, called "Burning Man Obama," to be seen as an attack: "I think it represents more his popularity... I think my piece represents more the fact that Obama's on fire," he said.

Right-Wing View
Reuters reported on a sculpture by Chinese artist named Liu Bolin that is titled "Burning Man Obama." The Reuters image depicts the artist testing the piece at his workshop in Beijing this month.

The artist explains that the sculpture represents U.S. President Barack Obama's impact on the world!"

This fits what conservative radio and TV have been trying to tell Americans. Obama’s calling is to destroy capitalism and the American that we love. The most divisive President history in a scorched earth policy is systematically destroying individual freedoms of most Americans.

Obama the Burning Man who leaves charred ruin in is wake and can’t even call the FT Hood extremist by his true name: Islamic Terrorist! Does this remind you of the legend of Nero?

deafskeptic said:
As long as we don't confuse him with facts. You don't seem to like facts either.
Your idea of “facts” and mine seem to differ greatly. From what I have seen, Koko posted plenty of facts that don’t seem to fit your agenda, therefore you discount them as false.
Barack Obama will be visiting China next week, and as this video report from Reuters shows, the Chinese are enthusiastic about Obama, if not in ways that always make immediate sense. For example, an artist in Beijing, Liu Bolin, has made a bronze sculpture of Obama, based on a Time magazine image of the president, that he lights on fire for three minutes at a time (He apparently hopes to sell it for $15,000.) While this--no pun intended--may seem inflammatory, Bolin says he doesn't mean for the piece, called "Burning Man Obama," to be seen as an attack: "I think it represents more his popularity... I think my piece represents more the fact that Obama's on fire," he said.

'Burning Man Obama' (VIDEO): Chinese Artist Builds Effigy Of President As Tribute

I cannot hear the video at this link. The video shows the artists lighting his statue. He is speaking in Chinese with a translator voice over. Two different accents and low volume--a listening nightmare for me.
Well, people complain that they don't give a chance to Obama yet, no one gave a chance to Bush when he was a president.

I'm not surprise if you never give Bush a chance for the same reason...

This is a little off topic, but I did give GWB a chance. Unfortunately, he failed big time. Now it's time for Obama to pick up the pieces of what GWB left behind.

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