Wells Fargo Discrimination!!


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Mar 16, 2007
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I am Wells Fargo customer and have been in their service for over 6 years. I love their service. I got very upset from calling to Wells Fargo customer service. I am on florida vacation now and also I live in california. Somehow, on father's day, I thought I lost my wallet so How I can fly back to California if I need to prove them that I have california ID? Anyway, I didn't have any money because I have cash in wallet so It get "lost". How I can get a withdraw the cash out of bank with no prove at all? I had to call Wells Fargo customer service to ask some questions if there is any way to withdrawal the cash? I was using VP 200 at that time. I got very very pissed off because the worker said they are no longer accepting relays that is for ASL video and even CRS relay! They are offering TDD service. I told them "HUH? WHY ARE YOU NOT ACCEPTING THE RELAYS ANYMORE? WE ARE NO LONGER USING THE TTYS ANYMORE! LOT OF DEAF PEOPLE USE VIDEOPHONE THAT MUCH! TTY IS JUST OLD FASHIONED BUT FEW OF THEM ARE STILL USING THEM. ALSO I DON'T HAVE TTY ANYMORE! HOW I CAN COMMUNICATION?!! They said they are very sorry to hear but we are not accepting relays because the policy changes. it all started last month! I got tempered really bad! I YELLED AT THEM. YOU ARE DISCRIMINATING DEAF PEOPLE! IT IS NOT FAIR THAT HEARING PEOPLE CAN CALL ANYTIME THEY CAN AND THEY WON'T EVEN LET DEAF PEOPLE TO USE USEFUL SERVICE THAT ARE GOOD FOR DEAF PEOPLE! THAT MEAN YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT DEAF PEOPLE OR WHAT? THIS IS NOT RIGHT! PLEASE GIVE ME A ONE QUESTION BECAUSE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW. THEY KEPT SAYING OVER AND OVER "SORRY, THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO". BLAH BLAH BLAH! I SAID FINE I WILL FIND SOMETHING TO SUE YOU! I WILL BE SO HAPPY TO QUIT WELLS FARGO AND LOSE YOUR CUSTOMER BECAUSE YOU ALL MAKE THIS WORSE FOR DEAF PEOPLE. I KNOW MOST OF DEAF PEOPLE DO HAVE WELLS FARGO ACCOUNTS. They said Well, they do understand but they can't do anything. RIP OFF! I hanged up on them. It kinda pissed me off! Do I need to contact ADA about this? This is WRONG! Why they do offer TDD/TTY service? We almost never use them anymore. It is no good at all! (Sighs) I can't believe they changed the policy to not accept relays anymore. SO UNFAIR! Hearing people can do anything to call and even talking on cell phone on road while deaf people can't! This life is SUCKS! Anybody agrees? :-(
I agree... Just about 5 mins ago, I was trying to call to pay for my water bill and the person on the phone keeps saying to call the TTY line and then disconnecting. I am like, "Huh..I dont have a TTY nor a phone line anymore! "

I wonder if it has to do with the Nigerian scams taking over the relay services making them change their policies. Now, I am wondering if the county changed theirs too.

That 's just so wrong...hearing people do not like to be inconvienced...too FUCKING bad for them!
So are you still stuck in Florida?


Yes I agree.
Because I cant pay for my water bill by calling, I have to go in person. What an incovienence for me!
Because I cant pay for my water bill by calling, I have to go in person. What an incovienence for me!

Just to pay the water bill can't you do it online?

Although I actually still send checks to the utility companies.
Just to pay the water bill can't you do it online?

Although I actually still send checks to the utility companies.

I can but I overlooked a late fee so I have to get it paid by June 26th or my water gets cut off. My bank wont let it get delivered until after June 26th and since the cashier's office is just down the street, it is easier to go than mailing it.

I always pay my water bill from my online banking but somehow, it arrived after the due date resulting in a fee. I got the notice but was so sick last week and just opened it and saw what it said. I went to my online bank to pay for it but it said delivery date would be June 29th...shit..so i called hence my problems with the stupid rep saying I need to call the TTY line.
I am sorry that you are having a hard time. I am also Well Fargo customer.

I understand why the agent cannot help you with that because it is very very easy for a non-honest interpreter on the video relay service to steal your ID and your face. It does not mean that Well Fargo is bad, and they have to right to protect their customers' money no matter what.

I am sure that your family or brother/sister would have wired the money to you so that you could pay it back later.

Please do NOT use Western Union because it is extremely bad company which is in Canada (headquarter) because it is very popular for scammers to use in their business. In short, Western Union do not deal with deaf people. (Oh, yes believe me.) We need our congress to shut down the entire Western Unions in the United States.
Because I cant pay for my water bill by calling, I have to go in person. What an incovienence for me!

Same here! THey told me to go in person instead. I told them HELLO! There are no Wells Fargo locations in here. Actually, there are some Wachovia ATMS location that do accepts Wells Fargo ATMs cards. I don't need Wachovia because I need Wells Fargo to support how I can withdraw. I am not Wachovia customer. HELLO! They said, there is another way to do. I have to go through on internet and write email. I told them HUH! I don't need these services! I rather live person, period! BLAH BLAH! Same thing, what they said to me! Now i noticed businesses to starting to get strict with relays now. I know ecomony are bad but it is not right for deaf people to be have limited lives! They should be flexible and understanding their concerns. THey said They do understanding. Yeah RIGHT! They are brownnosing on us and made lot of deaf people so upset and frustrating! SEE! That's my point! They are RIP OFF! ARG! I don't know what to do next.
I can but I overlooked a late fee so I have to get it paid by June 26th or my water gets cut off. My bank wont let it get delivered until after June 26th and since the cashier's office is just down the street, it is easier to go than mailing it.

I always pay my water bill from my online banking but somehow, it arrived after the due date resulting in a fee. I got the notice but was so sick last week and just opened it and saw what it said. I went to my online bank to pay for it but it said delivery date would be June 29th...shit..so i called hence my problems with the stupid rep saying I need to call the TTY line.

Ah, that sucks!
I am sorry that you are having a hard time. I am also Well Fargo customer.

I understand why the agent cannot help you with that because it is very very easy for a non-honest interpreter on the video relay service to steal your ID and your face. It does not mean that Well Fargo is bad, and they have to right to protect their customers' money no matter what.

I am sure that your family or brother/sister would have wired the money to you so that you could pay it back later.

Please do NOT use Western Union because it is extremely bad company which is in Canada (headquarter) because it is very popular for scammers to use in their business. In short, Western Union do not deal with deaf people. (Oh, yes believe me.) We need our congress to shut down the entire Western Unions in the United States.

But that doesnt make sense...anyone can use a TTY and fake an identity.
I am sorry that you are having a hard time. I am also Well Fargo customer.

I understand why the agent cannot help you with that because it is very very easy for a non-honest interpreter on the video relay service to steal your ID and your face. It does not mean that Well Fargo is bad, and they have to right to protect their customers' money no matter what.

I am sure that your family or brother/sister would have wired the money to you so that you could pay it back later.

Please do NOT use Western Union because it is extremely bad company which is in Canada (headquarter) because it is very popular for scammers to use in their business. In short, Western Union do not deal with deaf people. (Oh, yes believe me.) We need our congress to shut down the entire Western Unions in the United States.

Yes, but one problem. How I can show California ID if I "lost' it? They wont even give me the money if wired from friends or family. That's my point. Also, I did experience with Western Union and they were not accepting relays too! They told me to use TTY service! I was like HUH! STUPID! You are not only one, some of them did experience that problems!
I have similiar problem with customer representative of Wells Fargo last month. I was told to use TTY. I flatly told the manager that I am no longer using a TTY plus VRS is also under the ADA law. I got impressed that she is a stupid lady that told me that TTY is under the ADA law. Yes, I know that.. duh at her. I asked my dad to call WF to activate my card due to inactivity (opps). Finally, my card is now activated (my checking card only). I also have a WF credit card. :roll:
I know exactly what you mean! One time I was on the road and I had to use sidekick to use IP relay to call a car tint shop and I was pulling into the lot...actually my wife called them while I was driving. The secretary or lady worker who answered the phone, was pissed that she got a relay call through IP relay.
Keep in mind...we were just pulling into the lot but the business was quite a ways down. The lady was saying "oh f*** I got this damn relay call..what do the wackos want now?" and was just saying things more and more and more. I was P I S S E D!! No one was ever gonna talk to my wife like that. We pulled in and she was still yelling while we walked in the door with sidekick in hand. She looked at me like "whats your problem?" without even hanging up. I yelled "don't you ever f***ing talk to my wife like that!!"
The manager ran out and ask what was going on. I told him she was yelling and insulting my wife on the phone. Lady of course, denied it. I told her she had 1 chance to come clean or I would have her FIRED!! She again denied it. So I happily showed the convo from SK to the mgr. The lady was dumb enough to announce her name on the phone. Mgr looked at it..and I told him that he had a choice...fire her right now..or I go and report the business to BBB. He couldn't fire her fast enough and offered me a full free tint job. I naturally accepted. Great job tho!

As for Wells Fargo...if I was a long time loyal customer...If they did that to me..but told me to come in person..I would have tried to work with them telling them I'm in Fla and I need help!! If they still refused to help me...I would hang up...find other ways to fly back home..and then march into Wells Fargo bank and raise hell!!!!! Cops would have to haul me out.
Well, if you do that at the Well Fargo bank, you might be arrested because they would think that you are the robber no matter what. They don't deal with the yelling or robbers. They don't care anyone except smiling to see their customers with their money up front. That's a sad part of the reality. And, especially, you would not be able to read and post on the AD if you are in the prison.
But that doesnt make sense...anyone can use a TTY and fake an identity.

Yep, that's the problem, too.

I had a problem with Western Union that I lost a lot of money in my business. I really hate the Western Union so badly because they don't treat deaf people on the TTY. They refused to cooperate with me to freeze my account for emergency within 12 or 24 hours. I really hope that everybody need to stop using the Western Union's service in the U.S. so that it would make me very happy about that. The FBI doesn't care, and they really care about the people who work for the government period. It is just unbelievable!

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