If any of you are Wells Fargo customers, You're not alone. I've tried apply home loan 6 years ago and it turned out that I was denied cuz I am deaf. My Real Estate Agent who signs ASL and she was sooo frustrated and mad at them. She said that I have an excellent credit and it makes no sense for Wells Fargo deny loan to me and also I worked for Government for long time, they're a jerk!!. She said it's plain stupid. So we switched over to Countrywide loan and got approved quickly for lower rate than Wells Fargo. It's their loss!!
If you are not happy with Wells Fargo, just switch over to different bank that will work with deafie. I would do the same if I have problem with them. I don't want problems with stupid caller service that can't take VRS calls. They got to understand that technology changed that TTY are obsolete and more than half of deafie no longer use TTY. How can they expect deafie to switch back to old TTY. It won't work that way. The only way are that they should have their own VideoPhone for Caller service so they can see who's who on other end of line to prevent Identity theft...
Many companies have to be careful not to assume that Deafie still have TTY. Soon 5 years from now, They'll get chewed by DOJ for discrimination against Deafie.
Dodger post #23, Yes, Option #2 would be good choice. Cuz if they don't follow what Deafie signed for, they'll get sued for not accepting VRS calls.