Turkey Leftovers


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
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What are you doing with your left over turkey?

So far--I've had a turkey sandwich with mayo, cranberry-cream cheese, lettuce on toasted bread.

Tonight for dinner is turkey casserole with turkey on the bottom of the dish, mixed with a cream of chicken and 1 cup of mayo, topped with broccoli florets and cheddar cheese.

Any other ideas or ? ? ? ? ? ?
Turkey sandwiches yesterday and right now I'm making Turkey noodle soup.
:roll: I am not crazy over turkey...we got tooo much! I put some in freezer... and one pint of zip lock of turkey in fridge.
With what?

Well with the sandwiches I use Italian bread and mayo.

For the soup I use the bones and turkey I add potatoes,celery,tomatoe sause, bay leaf, poultry seasoning,sage,parksley flakes and noodles.
Well with the sandwiches I use Italian bread and mayo.

For the soup I use the bones and turkey I add potatoes,celery,tomatoe sause, bay leaf, poultry seasoning,sage,parksley flakes and noodles.

And a glass of Pepsi to go with that right? :)
I just basically snack on leftover turkey...like go to the fridge every hour to take a piece and eat it...do that all day for a few days. LOL!
We had a lot of guests and they ate most of it. Small amount leftover and it is going to work in sandwiches for my husband.
i made turkey sandwiches with extra mustard on them.

like pepsi, i also like to make my turkey sandwiches with french bread.

aside from that, i don't do anything else with the leftovers.
There aren't any leftover turkey from my Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone ate it all up the next day. ;)
Hope we still have leftover turkey so I can make a turkey sandwich later today.
We make creamed turkey. It freezes well and goes nicely on rice on a cold winter night.
I'd rather stick w/Butterball Turkey with dressing stuffing.
Avoid feel drowsy drugged becz of huge turkey made me!
Turkey Tettrazini. Very simple. 1/2 lb of cooked spaghetti, left over turkey chopped, about 1/2 c each of chopped onion and celery sauteed, can of cream of mushroom soup, couple of tablespoons of Worchestershire sauce, cup of grated Cheddar cheese. Mix all together, put in greased casserole, top with Parmesan and choppped pecans. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes to an hour.

Great with steamed asparagus.
Just turkey and all the stuffing I can find. ;) My roommate made a Thanksgiving dinner last Sunday, then I had real Thanksgiving on Thursday, so between all the leftovers, I think I had like, 7 days total of only eating Thanksgiving.

Such a good week. :lol: