The guy in the picture
Ghost is real. A friend called me 'Ghost' (long story) and I am real.
Now that you and inochi have said about this man with a black trench coat and hat, which triggered my memory. I thought it must have been my imagination but you two have those stories as proof.
That has happened to me too, just last February while hubby & I were away on holidays in a small unit, 4 floors up. We had a storm going that night while we were sitting on the lounge next to the sliding glass door, watching TV and at the same time, when the lightning lit up, that very man was standing outside on the balcony. Just for that split second, and I looked at hubby but he didn't see it so told him about it. He admitted that a couple of nights beforehand, he saw that man twice inside, near the unit's front door entry. Again, only for a split second.
Strange, eh?
Lol, I was a kid and he was there almost every night for few years. So one point, I made decision to touch him but he moved away. Then I got out of bed and try to touch him then he moved away from me. Finally I try to chase him and he ran away from me. Finally he went out thru the door to outside and I did not want to go outside to look for him so I went back to bed.What! chase to it??... No way for me chase or touch to shadow man :Ohno:!!!
Yes they are cold when they touched me. Finally one night I told them to leave me alone cuz I did not get any sleep if they keep touch me. I was so tired and all I want was to go to sleep. Since then they leave me alone.ooooo
i have similar experience myself when my family stayed at a house renting for vacation in one summer in 1989 that time i was teenager in Northern Michigan few hours north of traverse city
there was hallway where bedrooms are in the basement actually not really a basement but it is a walk out basement it always act like a 1st floor as well and we had storm that night, 2nd night at the house when i walk down to the basement and i saw shadowy figure it look like a male. he was blocking the bathroom ahead of me
he didn't scare me and i bravely call to him say hello all suddenly he disappeared in front of me later i felt his hand touching me that night while i was sleeping it was cold. i didn't touch him i pull my hand under my chest
Have you heard the story in my hometown, Fremont- The White Witch? Its been around ages in Fremont. Yikes, i aint going to Niles on 84 going to Livermore/680 freeway at specific date and month. NO WAY!
Google it.
I think I may have dated this guy before!!!
how do you know its a guy? *smirk*
Anyway... i believe in ghosts, ive had a couple weird life expiriences with ouija boards and roach motel rooms that contribute to that.
What id REALLY want to see is a real life exorcism. Now that i bet would be fucked up lol
My daughter had a few experiences with the Ouja board too. She still has it but it is put up high on a shelf and she doesn't touch it.