Is GHOST really real?

A story---
"My name is Brita, and I am 15. The story I'm going to tell happened last year and it involved my sister. My mom believes in ghosts and demons and she also practices witch craft. She had a book on raising demons and stuff. My sister would have been seven years old. The book was dangerous and my mom always told us not to even pick it up to open it. I would sometimes sneak away and just look through it and try to say the words, but never anything else.

My mom always tells me that I have a lot of power, and over the years I noticed that I can see ghosts and connect to them. I have my own that hangs around just to watch over me. That's another story though. My sister Anna took the book and was drawing symbols out of it. Just one symbol though, she drew it on the walls, door, on her skin even. My mom found her with the book and freaked. She took it away and I haven't seen it since then. That night though, Anna was sleeping on the couch while my dad and I were downstairs also. My dad was sitting watching TV and I was standing in the kitchen.

There was a black mass sitting beside Anna, to me it looked like a man wearing a trench coat and a hat. You couldn't see his face, he was all black too. He was sitting there, rubbing Anna's arm. My dad just sat there shocked but I stepped forward. The thing stood up and walked towards me. I just stood there and looked at it. It got right up to me, and gently touched my shoulder then dissolved.

Anna never even moved and she usually walks up at the slightest things, my dad just looked at me confused. We talked about it and told my mom too. She ran around the house and did all these "spells" and stuff. My dad put Anna to bed in their room and I just sat in my room for most of the night. I could feel the thing was there with me, but I wasn't scare nor did I feel in danger.

A couple nights after that my friend slept there, we were just talking and then she looked above me. Her colour drained and she started shaking and crying. I looked up and could only see a black shadow, but that was nothing new to me. I asked her what she saw, and she said it looked like me only dead, and my skin had gone a pale green colour. I brought her out of my room and she was fine after that, and I went back into my room to see if the shadow was still there. The man was sitting on my bed again he just got up and walked towards me, disappearing at the last second. I still see him sometimes, walking beside me or sitting in my room but he hasn't done anything to me or my sister."

Yeah, I have seen similar as yours, black hat and black long coat with can not see his face. I used to chase him around the house in the middle of night while everyone else sleep. Been doing this for few years. He won't let me touch him and he never had harm me. So he must be one of guardian angel to watch over me.
That is awesome. I have never seen anything, but had the experiences I wrote about before.One of the houses here in town was written about in a true ghost stories book and one day my ex asked me to go there. It was spooky. It is an old victorian type house and absolutely beautiful. When I got inside, I was amazed to see antique furniture pushed up against doors and windows. It was like they were trying to keep things out. Or maybe in. They invited me to go into the basement and I said No thanks
Cool, I would love to go down to the basement and to expereince feeling of spook. My sister once told me a story of the old house they used to live. She was in bed and breastfeed her baby, she heard little foot running in hallway and went into her bedroom and straight to her bed and jumped on her bed. She felt waterbed moved. She saw a little girl there, she got killed few years before my sister and her husband bought the house. She ran into the road and car hit her and killed her instantly front of her house. It was only one time, my sister ever saw little ghost at that house.
Yeah, I have seen similar as yours, black hat and black long coat with can not see his face. I used to chase him around the house in the middle of night while everyone else sleep. Been doing this for few years. He won't let me touch him and he never had harm me. So he must be one of guardian angel to watch over me.

Now that you and inochi have said about this man with a black trench coat and hat, which triggered my memory. I thought it must have been my imagination but you two have those stories as proof.

That has happened to me too, just last February while hubby & I were away on holidays in a small unit, 4 floors up. We had a storm going that night while we were sitting on the lounge next to the sliding glass door, watching TV and at the same time, when the lightning lit up, that very man was standing outside on the balcony. Just for that split second, and I looked at hubby but he didn't see it so told him about it. He admitted that a couple of nights beforehand, he saw that man twice inside, near the unit's front door entry. Again, only for a split second.

Strange, eh?
Yeah, I have seen similar as yours, black hat and black long coat with can not see his face. I used to chase him around the house in the middle of night while everyone else sleep. Been doing this for few years. He won't let me touch him and he never had harm me. So he must be one of guardian angel to watch over me.

What! chase to it?? :shock: ... No way for me chase or touch to shadow man :Ohno:!!! ;)
A story---
"My name is Brita, and I am 15. The story I'm going to tell happened last year and it involved my sister. My mom believes in ghosts and demons and she also practices witch craft. She had a book on raising demons and stuff. My sister would have been seven years old. The book was dangerous and my mom always told us not to even pick it up to open it. I would sometimes sneak away and just look through it and try to say the words, but never anything else.

My mom always tells me that I have a lot of power, and over the years I noticed that I can see ghosts and connect to them. I have my own that hangs around just to watch over me. That's another story though. My sister Anna took the book and was drawing symbols out of it. Just one symbol though, she drew it on the walls, door, on her skin even. My mom found her with the book and freaked. She took it away and I haven't seen it since then. That night though, Anna was sleeping on the couch while my dad and I were downstairs also. My dad was sitting watching TV and I was standing in the kitchen.

There was a black mass sitting beside Anna, to me it looked like a man wearing a trench coat and a hat. You couldn't see his face, he was all black too. He was sitting there, rubbing Anna's arm. My dad just sat there shocked but I stepped forward. The thing stood up and walked towards me. I just stood there and looked at it. It got right up to me, and gently touched my shoulder then dissolved.

Anna never even moved and she usually walks up at the slightest things, my dad just looked at me confused. We talked about it and told my mom too. She ran around the house and did all these "spells" and stuff. My dad put Anna to bed in their room and I just sat in my room for most of the night. I could feel the thing was there with me, but I wasn't scare nor did I feel in danger.

A couple nights after that my friend slept there, we were just talking and then she looked above me. Her colour drained and she started shaking and crying. I looked up and could only see a black shadow, but that was nothing new to me. I asked her what she saw, and she said it looked like me only dead, and my skin had gone a pale green colour. I brought her out of my room and she was fine after that, and I went back into my room to see if the shadow was still there. The man was sitting on my bed again he just got up and walked towards me, disappearing at the last second. I still see him sometimes, walking beside me or sitting in my room but he hasn't done anything to me or my sister."

Oh wow. when did all this happen?
Yeah, I have seen similar as yours, black hat and black long coat with can not see his face. I used to chase him around the house in the middle of night while everyone else sleep. Been doing this for few years. He won't let me touch him and he never had harm me. So he must be one of guardian angel to watch over me.

i have similar experience myself when my family stayed at a house renting for vacation in one summer in 1989 that time i was teenager in Northern Michigan few hours north of traverse city
there was hallway where bedrooms are in the basement actually not really a basement but it is a walk out basement it always act like a 1st floor as well and we had storm that night, 2nd night at the house when i walk down to the basement and i saw shadowy figure it look like a male. he was blocking the bathroom ahead of me
he didn't scare me and i bravely call to him say hello all suddenly he disappeared in front of me later i felt his hand touching me that night while i was sleeping it was cold. i didn't touch him i pull my hand under my chest
How creepy. My kids always said they could see shadow people in this house. I never did see them. I just attributed it to two little girls that didn't want to go to bed. I have a friend who said she had a little old lady in her house. I've never seen that but she and her kids did.
How creepy. My kids always said they could see shadow people in this house. I never did see them. I just attributed it to two little girls that didn't want to go to bed. I have a friend who said she had a little old lady in her house. I've never seen that but she and her kids did.

I never did but i have a feeling there someone is in the house.
If you smell fart and you see nobody in there. Then you know there is ghost exist in your home.
Oh yeah, there's something else... afterimages.

When a person looks at a bright light or something that glows for a while, then looks away quickly... they're likely to see an afterimage that moves with that person's vision. That's part of the way our eyes work.

When we look at something bright for a while, the shape is usually temporarily burned into our eyes. (Each person is affected differently.) For an easier understanding, try looking at a bright lightbulb directly for 30 seconds then look away quickly. You will likely see a similar shape floating in front of you. If you look to the left a bit, it will sometimes "float" towards the left.

So, if you're watching television and there's a bright light next to it... then look away from the television towards a dark part of the room, you will probably see "orbs" or "ghosts".

I have friends who are extremely gullible when it comes to ghosts. There's one apartment complex that one friend is scared to go to because she claims to have seen a couple ghosts in one apartment during her visit at her friend's place one night. :roll:
Oh yeah, there's something else... afterimages.

When a person looks at a bright light or something that glows for a while, then looks away quickly... they're likely to see an afterimage that moves with that person's vision. That's part of the way our eyes work.

When we look at something bright for a while, the shape is usually temporarily burned into our eyes. (Each person is affected differently.) For an easier understanding, try looking at a bright lightbulb directly for 30 seconds then look away quickly. You will likely see a similar shape floating in front of you. If you look to the left a bit, it will sometimes "float" towards the left.

So, if you're watching television and there's a bright light next to it... then look away from the television towards a dark part of the room, you will probably see "orbs" or "ghosts".

I have friends who are extremely gullible when it comes to ghosts. There's one apartment complex that one friend is scared to go to because she claims to have seen a couple ghosts in one apartment during her visit at her friend's place one night. :roll:

Interesting. Never thought of it. :lol::rofl: And I like your picture.

Just I saw this ghost in my house.. Oh my god. I'm no longer change my clothes because ghost seen me while I'm naked.


Actually, I do believe supernatural and spirits.

Just I saw this ghost in my house.. Oh my god. I'm no longer change my clothes because ghost seen me while I'm naked.


Actually, I do believe supernatural and spirits.

Seen that picture before, but BTW, welcome back to AD! :thumb:

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