I am a hearing person. I agree with you on you should be able to use sign language freely. Nobody should and could tell you to stop.
But there is something I do not understand and I hope you will help me in this. If I wanted to talk to you in person and I do not know sign language , and you can speak, why is it wrong for me ask you to use your voice also? If I do that, why am I insulting you?
I dont get it, because to me if I was hostile to you, if I wanted to insult you, I would totally ignore you instead of trying to communicate with you. I would say he is deaf anyway, who bothers caring what he does, forget about him. So if I take you serious, if I try finding a way to talk to you, and I realize you can speak while I can not use sign language, what is wrong with us having a voice conversation, or at least me asking you?
I am not judging, I really dont see why this is insulting and I would like to understand it.
P.s: I read couple messages above somebody saying be carefull jasin is anti hearing. So if its a personal issue, there is no need to argue about it at a personal level. But I hope we can still talk about this in general.