Zoo (In Negative View)

Oh no,I love horses....that makes me truly sad to read this.:cold: Phillips


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My sister worked at a zoo and i'm pissed to see them making such accusations. My sister and her coworkers spent hours doing enrichment and making sure that the habitats were as close to the wild as they could be. And i'm sorry but it's the truth of the matter that horses are sometimes used as meat we see it horribley because they are our pets but in some countries it's a delicacy. plus did you ever think that in the wild lions are eating zebra's and antilope and if they are trying to match the diet as close as they can on a budget because all zoos have budgets and we arn't trying to take away animals that we are protecting and don't have an over population of you have to look for cousins of those animals to match the diet aka horses and deer.