Z vrs?


New Member
Dec 28, 2012
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Anyone use Z vrs? How does it compare to other VP's?
ZVRS is a service provider called VRS, Video Relay Service. VP is a videophone which is an equipment. It's impossible to compare a service provider (VRS) and a VP. Do you want a comparison between one VRS and another VRS or one VP and another VP?

As you may know, so far two companies provide a free VP to deaf people.

Apply for ntouch VP®


Pick one, not both if you are eligible to receive a free VP.

FCC allows you to pick any VRS you want, therefore you can change VRS anytime.
I don't own a ntouch VP, but I DO have ntouch PC, P3 Desktop, Z5 Desktop, and Convo. I also have the mobile versions of the same VP's. Only thing I'm missing is ntouch tablet.
ZVRS is a service provider called VRS, Video Relay Service. VP is a videophone which is an equipment. It's impossible to compare a service provider (VRS) and a VP. Do you want a comparison between one VRS and another VRS or one VP and another VP?

As you may know, so far two companies provide a free VP to deaf people.

Apply for ntouch VP®


Pick one, not both if you are eligible to receive a free VP.

FCC allows you to pick any VRS you want, therefore you can change VRS anytime.

Does Purple provide Cams? I used to have purple account and used it with my laptop but I no longer have a laptop that had a videocamera built in and stopped using Purple VP.
I checked the site. I know for Sorenson, they have someone come to your house to install the equipment and provide videocamera but I don't think Purple does. Purple lets you download their application to use which is what I did with my laptop. I no longer have the laptop so I can't use Purple anymore.
Hmm. Well, they have a new Smart VP, and not just software for laptops these days. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it-- it's quite the topic in some places. My friend in Skokie, IL has one, and she's deaf.
I had Purple 3 years ago. Apparently it's improved and upgraded since then. 3 years ago they did not have these new services that they have now. Like I said after I got rid of the laptop, I just got it out of my mind. Today I logged after 3 years in and watched the video demo of SmartVP and there is a machine on top of the tv as they were describing the features. That's new to me because Sorenson was the only VP that I knew of that offered to install and give you the equipment for it.

Now I need to look into what kind of internet it works for. I heard cable is best which is what I have now but I was planning on switching to DSL to get cheaper internet.
May I suggest AT&T? You can get cable AND Internet together. I'm not too familiar with their prices, but I have a deaf friend who pays about $54/month for the services.
I had AT&T DSL internet. My location does not have AT&T's Uverse available which uses cable type of internet. I am using Comcast right now that uses cable internet. (When I said I had cable, I meant type of internet, not paid cable tv with shows/movies)

I plan on switching back to AT&T DSL internet only plan since they are cheaper but their internet sucks. Comcast is excellent but higher priced and I'm done with my 'new customer' discount. I cannot afford Comcast's regular price for their internet.
Hmm. If the AT&T internet sucks for that area, you might have a bit of a problem with smooth and clear chatting. To solve that problem, I recommend trying various speeds and finding the best possible match. For example, my ntouch PC doesn't run well on any other speed but 512 kbps, and it's done well since I discovered that.
I had Purple 3 years ago. Apparently it's improved and upgraded since then. 3 years ago they did not have these new services that they have now. Like I said after I got rid of the laptop, I just got it out of my mind. Today I logged after 3 years in and watched the video demo of SmartVP and there is a machine on top of the tv as they were describing the features. That's new to me because Sorenson was the only VP that I knew of that offered to install and give you the equipment for it.

Now I need to look into what kind of internet it works for. I heard cable is best which is what I have now but I was planning on switching to DSL to get cheaper internet.

really -- basically any "hardwired" internet to your home basically works. cable internet, high speed DSL/FIOS are your ONLY options. Anything wireless aka satellite internet is just not the best answer. Satellite CAN work, but I am not going into pros/cons for it as the cons is more then pros reasoning so I dont endorse sat internet for VRS/VP calls. It will work with skyping and etc but not VRS/vp calls.
There are no other options that I know of for home use.

As for VRS's to make calls, right now the new current products seems to be: sorenson has ntouch in both software for pc/tablets/cell phones and hardware form. purple has hardware smartvp or software p3 for tablets/cell phone/pc . ZVRS has software z5's for pc/tablets/cell phones. They used to give out hardware z20's. ZVRS and sorenson give out tablets as a promotion for their software versions but they are in high demand and not enough tablets right now IMHO. I know because we been waiting for ipad from Z and the date keeps getting pushed back further and further.
I have ntouch PC and Z5 Desktop, and I notice that on my laptop, ntouch seems to work just slightly better.
Why not get both? I have both.
You are right! I just asked my ex-BIL who is a VP installer for Sorenson about it. Since Purple video said, switch to SmartVP, I thought nVP or VP200 had to be given up. My bad!
I have Convo, Ntouch, and Purple on my iphone and ipad. Also, I have Ntouch VP at home.