Yuck! Poor Horse does not match with Loin or Tiger.

Yikes. That lion doesn't look friendly. My 26-lb cat doesn't look friendly either. :D
This is disgusting. China is notorious for its animal cruelty. They even throw live cats into boiling water since it makes it easier to skin them.
This is disgusting. China is notorious for its animal cruelty. They even throw live cats into boiling water since it makes it easier to skin them.

I wish you didn't mention that. :( :( :(
This is disgusting. China is notorious for its animal cruelty. They even throw live cats into boiling water since it makes it easier to skin them.

<beep> :mad2:
This is disgusting. China is notorious for its animal cruelty. They even throw live cats into boiling water since it makes it easier to skin them.

Really! Yuck! Same thing with Lobsters! :ugh:
I left a comment on the site. It is as follows:

This is absolutely disgusting! I hate circuses and roadside carnivals for this very reason. If you look more closely at the horse you can see that its legs and hocks are in very poor condition, possibly with open sores. Its coat is also in poor condition as it may be a sign that the horse is not being fed a proper diet.

Unfortunately the United States keeps feeding money to China by using Chinese products and cheap labor. The more this horrid relationship between American capitalism and Chinese communism grows, the more I want to move to a place that is less reliant on China and it's fallacies.
This is disgusting. China is notorious for its animal cruelty. They even throw live cats into boiling water since it makes it easier to skin them.

Banjo, I lost my appetite after reading this. It's animal cruelty. Of course, it's gross!
Sosie, the cat lover (and animal lover as well..)

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