You're not going to believe this . . .

awww she's darn beautiful, enjoy each precious moments with her!!!! they grow up too dang fast... smile...


*noddin'* Yep, they sure are ! :D I guess, I better create my own thread about my granddaughter. :lol:

Hey psst, Pete : Please, accept my apologizes for going off-topic. :Oops:

*noddin'* Yep, they sure are ! :D I guess, I better create my own thread about my granddaughter. :lol:

Hey psst, Pete : Please, accept my apologizes for going off-topic. :Oops:

You are never off topic, Maria. :) :hug:
You can find love on the internet. I did.

I agree with what others have said:
Don't limit yourself to deaf/hoh women. or deaf only dating sites.
trust your gut/instinct. You'll be wrong some times but you'll learn something.

I'd like to add:

Figure out what you want. If you think you'll just know what you want when you see it, you'll never find what you actually want.

Okay! I see ads like "badassgirl" and don't bother reading them, as they really don't know what they're doing when they put a name like that up, they're asking for trouble and makes themselves look bad.
Okay! I see ads like "badassgirl" and don't bother reading them, as they really don't know what they're doing when they put a name like that up, they're asking for trouble and makes themselves look bad.

I bet they were trying to get you excited. This world is full of weird people. ;)
Its very rare to find honest people. Like my bf and I, we met thru yahoo chat room, I was from Oklahomo and he's from here in Ohio and now in Nov 1, we have been together for almost 4 yrs
im been using dating online for years but i dont using dating online anymores because my mom wont let me using this dating online for more reasons!

im been using deaf-match for years when im dating with my previous boyfriend who lives in Mississippii and i dont dating with him anymore because he is faraway from me.
I met my boyfriend through online friends, so i really don't see a problem with trying out dating sites. Just have to watch the scammers.
I hope this work for you, Pek1. Whatever happened to you and your ex gf oversea may not work very well. Good luck in finding a Miss Right. Sorry I am already taken.
It didnt work out for me, too but I like to say i did made alot of good friends along the way. I guess others are lucky to find love. Its impossible for me! ha.. :)
It didnt work out for me, too but I like to say i did made alot of good friends along the way. I guess others are lucky to find love. Its impossible for me! ha.. :)

Aww :lol: That's understandable ! :hug:
So how's it going Pete? Any updates?

Do I detect a note of 'hope' and being 'available' if really interested??? :giggle: If my hunch is all wrong...pardon me~ :cool:

Anyhow, hope things are going well..and he is now filling a small black book with numbers and addresses. :lol:

On a serious note, (to pek1)I do wish you much hope with finding someone whom you can share many moments with in all happiness! ;)

Do I detect a note of 'hope' and being 'available' if really interested??? :giggle: If my hunch is all wrong...pardon me~ :cool:

Anyhow, hope things are going well..and he is now filling a small black book with numbers and addresses. :lol:

On a serious note, (to pek1)I do wish you much hope with finding someone whom you can share many moments with in all happiness! ;)


LOL, you asking for trouble (hehehehe) wink it sure was funny!!
So how's it going Pete? Any updates?


I had one other one write me, but nothing as of yet. I know Miss Right is out there and, Rachel, thanks for the heads up! :) Hope everything works out well for you, my friend! :hug: You're a super gal, so don't let anyone tell you that you're not, okay? ;)
Do I detect a note of 'hope' and being 'available' if really interested??? :giggle: If my hunch is all wrong...pardon me~ :cool:

Anyhow, hope things are going well..and he is now filling a small black book with numbers and addresses. :lol:

On a serious note, (to pek1)I do wish you much hope with finding someone whom you can share many moments with in all happiness! ;)


:aw: Thanks, Roadrunner! That was very nice of you! :ty: Wish I could get at least someone's name in my "small black book" if only I could find it! ;) Not to worry, classes start in a week, this campus should be teaming with beautiful women. Despite what Rachel & I had said much earlier to each other, I have no hard feelings and have forgotten all about what she said. No, she still hasn't come in and I have the feeling she won't because of all the red tape that is involved. To be quite frank, I've seen enough red tape on this one to last me a lifetime!
GoodLuck!!! My sister found her husband on a dating site within a month so good luck major goodluck i hope your find ms.right

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