"You're not deaf"


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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Someone instant messaged me, that person claim to be deaf
and a lesbian. And said she wants to chat with me. I told
her I am not interesting in talking with her. And then
she said that I am not deaf.

So what is DEAF?

Deaf person has to be totally deaf?

And I heard some people said that if deaf people at Gallaudet
find out that you can talk and can hear alittle, you'll be excluded in
the deaf culture.

I think that is a myth.

I remember Julia Dameron, she and the hearing person
were passing notes... and I was watching them.
Then Julia Dameron was sign language to me....
and I heard a little sound she was making...
And I said to her, "oh you can talk."
And she talked BETTER THAN ME :eek3:
She can talk like a NORMAL PERSON.
And plus she can hear better than ME.

And I told the hearing person, "She can talk and hear."

The hearing person got confused and said, "You still want me
to write notes?"

JD spoke, "well, no not have to."
And she volunteered as Sound Editor.
And plus I saw her talking to hearing people.... especially
the 2 Black men at the Bowling Alley.

Then at Chad Taylor and Wayne Betts' house...
they have 2 stories house... and they don't have doorbell Flasher
or Smoke Alarm Flasher. And when their dog barking, they
command him to shut up. They aren't totally deaf.
When the smoke alarm went off, they turned it off...
plus they don't wear hearing aids.

So why are they calling themselves DEAF FILMMAKERS when
they are not totally deaf and most of the deaf crew can hear some
and talk better than me.

Then you think about Marlee Matlin and Heather Whitestone...
They can talk way BETTER THAN ME.... and I don't think
their parents pressure them to learn ORAL strictly.
I believe Marlee Matlin and Heather Whitestone can hear some sound.
Just like my cousin who can hear some and Talk like a normal person.

I grew up with deaf people and went to school with small group
of deaf... and I know all about deaf and deafness.
Because James.... he can't hear NOTHING.... he can't
wear Hearing AIDS.... because he is TOTALLY DEAF
and he is mute... I know him all of my life.

Why do Deaf people PRETEND they are deaf?

I wear glasses, because I can't see well and plus I got astigmatism, does that mean I am BLIND?
Do I said... I am half Blind or partially Blind?

Since I am wearing a bone conductive hearing aids and can
talk, but not clearly, does that mean I am partially Deaf and partially Mute?

When someone said... I am not deaf... does that mean I am
a hearing person?
Someone instant messaged me, that person claim to be deaf
and a lesbian. And said she wants to chat with me. I told
her I am not interesting in talking with her. And then
she said that I am not deaf.

So what is DEAF?

Deaf person has to be totally deaf?

And I heard some people said that if deaf people at Gallaudet
find out that you can talk and can hear alittle, you'll be excluded in
the deaf culture.

I think that is a myth.

I remember Julia Dameron, she and the hearing person
were passing notes... and I was watching them.
Then Julia Dameron was sign language to me....
and I heard a little sound she was making...
And I said to her, "oh you can talk."
And she talked BETTER THAN ME :eek3:
She can talk like a NORMAL PERSON.
And plus she can hear better than ME.

And I told the hearing person, "She can talk and hear."

The hearing person got confused and said, "You still want me
to write notes?"

JD spoke, "well, no not have to."
And she volunteered as Sound Editor.
And plus I saw her talking to hearing people.... especially
the 2 Black men at the Bowling Alley.

Then at Chad Taylor and Wayne Betts' house...
they have 2 stories house... and they don't have doorbell Flasher
or Smoke Alarm Flasher. And when their dog barking, they
command him to shut up. They aren't totally deaf.
When the smoke alarm went off, they turned it off...
plus they don't wear hearing aids.

So why are they calling themselves DEAF FILMMAKERS when
they are not totally deaf and most of the deaf crew can hear some
and talk better than me.

Then you think about Marlee Matlin and Heather Whitestone...
They can talk way BETTER THAN ME.... and I don't think
their parents pressure them to learn ORAL strictly.
I believe Marlee Matlin and Heather Whitestone can hear some sound.
Just like my cousin who can hear some and Talk like a normal person.

I grew up with deaf people and went to school with small group
of deaf... and I know all about deaf and deafness.
Because James.... he can't hear NOTHING.... he can't
wear Hearing AIDS.... because he is TOTALLY DEAF
and he is mute... I know him all of my life.

Why do Deaf people PRETEND they are deaf?

I wear glasses, because I can't see well and plus I got astigmatism, does that mean I am BLIND?
Do I said... I am half Blind or partially Blind?

Since I am wearing a bone conductive hearing aids and can
talk, but not clearly, does that mean I am partially Deaf and partially Mute?

When someone said... I am not deaf... does that mean I am
a hearing person?

Since you had been banned recently... still NOT GROW UP... STOP WHINING...
DeafFilm I used to be able to talk and hear, even to the point of being able to talk on a telephone.

Does that make me hearing? NO, because without my hearing aid, I could hear nothing although still be to talk.

You have to remember many of our deafies today either grew up hard of hearing or hearing then latened deaf.

I am the latter, I grew up hearing and then lost my hearing at 14 years old.

I am just as deaf as anyone else. Even though I am not generational deaf. The fact of the matter is, anyone with a hearing defect is welcome, at least to me.

We should not accept deaf only, whom cannot speak or hear anything.

We are all the same no matter what.
its' interesting though

as a hoh raised in a mostly Hearing world, I have had aids since 6mos old. I talk really well, so much that people who hear me talk are surprised to find out I am hoh. When around Deaf people, I am embarrassed about it though. Even on this forum, I am sometimes embarrassed that my language comes across more English than ASL! I don't know why this is, I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
I used to think like DeafilMedia. You should not be able to understand anything on the telephone to be "deaf." Then I learned that it doesn't matter what you call yourself, it's arbitrary to define someone as "deaf" just because a number on a chart says they're "deaf."

With my implant, most of the time no one knows I'm deaf. I can call people out of the blue and they assume I'm completely hearing.

So, it doesn't matter if you want to call yourself deaf or hard of hearing or whatever -- only those people who think that being deaf is something important or a badge of honor have this hang up with only labeling those who fit their definition of "deaf" care.

If you've got some hearing loss, you're able to call yourself deaf. If you're fakin' it (and only you know you're faking it) then you're not. Simple as that.
With my implant, most of the time no one knows I'm deaf. I can call people out of the blue and they assume I'm completely hearing.

So, it doesn't matter if you want to call yourself deaf or hard of hearing or whatever -- only those people who think that being deaf is something important or a badge of honor have this hang up with only labeling those who fit their definition of "deaf" care.

If you've got some hearing loss, you're able to call yourself deaf. If you're fakin' it (and only you know you're faking it) then you're not. Simple as that.

I'm with Dennis on this one. This business of classifying some as not "deaf" just because they can do as the Romans do is totally asinine. That shouldn't be held against them. Some can do as the Romans do and some can't...the world comes in many flavors and we just have to learn to live with the differences. Classifications simply serve to divide people against people (us against them) and that gets old and plain ugly.

I myself like Dennis and some others, we can get along in the hearing world pretty well but we know that we are not hearing. We don't get everything we hear and that points out our limitations every time.
I don't have middle ears. No eardrums. So I have to have a bone conductive aids. I can't wear those regular hearing aids with earplugs... cause
my outer ears are deformed.
I can talk, but my voice is too high... because of the roof of my mouth
is high up.
I tried to talk like a man... but I feel silly doing it.
I'm with Dennis on this one. This business of classifying some as not "deaf" just because they can do as the Romans do is totally asinine. That shouldn't be held against them. Some can do as the Romans do and some can't...the world comes in many flavors and we just have to learn to live with the differences. Classifications simply serve to divide people against people (us against them) and that gets old and plain ugly.

I myself like Dennis and some others, we can get along in the hearing world pretty well but we know that we are not hearing. We don't get everything we hear and that points out our limitations every time.

. . . With my implant, most of the time no one knows I'm deaf. I can call people out of the blue and they assume I'm completely hearing.

So, it doesn't matter if you want to call yourself deaf or hard of hearing or whatever -- only those people who think that being deaf is something important or a badge of honor have this hang up with only labeling those who fit their definition of "deaf" care.

If you've got some hearing loss, you're able to call yourself deaf. If you're fakin' it (and only you know you're faking it) then you're not. Simple as that.

I concur, Dennis. I wear two hearing aids and unless I mention it to someone, they don't know I'm deaf, either. I have a severe hearing loss, but yet my speech is practically clear and I can sing (most of the time) on pitch, although to harmonize I have some difficulty and the best part, I can dance and keep beat. :bump:

I also want to learn how to play the pedal steel guitar!
it's arbitrary to define someone as "deaf" just because a number on a chart says they're "deaf."
Yes, why are people so damn obessed with dcB numbers? You can be Deaf but have a perfect audiogram. Some people who have other disabilites use Sign as a first language. Besides the people who are so obessed with audiogram readings are hearing people. I'm hoh, but I'm more visual then a hearing person ever could be. Despite what some people think and say, hoh folks aren't more hearing then deaf.
I myself like Dennis and some others, we can get along in the hearing world pretty well but we know that we are not hearing. We don't get everything we hear and that points out our limitations every time.

In the near future, I'm going to be writing a trivia thread about myself. This is one place, among other threads that I have posted in and started, that you can find out the answers to what I say.

I like the hearing world, but even my limitations in hearing, just like sr said. Among my dreams when I was a kid (just a couple years ago) was to become a country singer. Deaf people can do anything they want to and if other deaf people belittle them, it is they that have a problem and deserve to be left without access.
I find that whole user-defined line between "deaf" and "hearing" amusing. imho, I have NO problem calling someone who is moderate/severe or severely hard of hearing "deaf." It's just a word.

I can alot of sounds thanks to the wonders of science . Students in classes still sometimes call me "deaf" (cos of the terp.) Is it my duty to correct them, that no, I am just hard of hearing and not worthy of the title?

This is especially aparent in the deafblind community, I think. Alot of hoh people who are blind to whatever extent call themselves "deafblind," and alot of people who are visually impaired and fully blind might call themselves "deafblind," as might someone who is hoh and vi, but not deaf or blind. Nobody cries over the technical details. Dual sensory impairment? You're in the club, buddy.

I myself like Dennis and some others, we can get along in the hearing world pretty well but we know that we are not hearing. We don't get everything we hear and that points out our limitations every time.

I agree :) I remember my old days with hearing and compare it to the current 'hearing' I have... it is gone ! but I can function in hearing world via hearing aids or CI to some degree.
I was born severly profoud deaf but wasnt considered deaf cuz I acted like hearing person. Now, I learned ASL..I am deaf now. LOL!
been hoh since I was born, could be considered deaf in legal terms, but I choose to be whatever I choose to be deaf or hearing.

I dont sit and whine about what I DONT have instead I try to think of things that I DO have and run with that.