Basically speaking... Good economy = currency in circulation & responsible borrowing etc, bad economy = currency not in circulation held in corporate/foreign coffers, irresponsible fiscal deregulation, defaults etc. Recent solution: issue more currency = high inflation, result: currency devalued, raise prices = less purchasing power, less currency in circulation, cycle begins all over again...
Not until we find a way to get hoarders to spend it like there's no tomorrow.
I loves me a smart woman...![]()
that's covered in Economics 101, and 201, pretty basic 'theory' but yes its 'cycles'...but again,...i don't buy it totally, is it just 'theory' for office workers to learn and conform too, even accountants are cogs in the machine....ideology is really the tools of the trade in corporates/powers-that-be levels, hell, 7 families in the world owns, and controls the world, like the buy and own police, governments, military, arms everything...(not listing who though, NO way) even your president Obama is a puppet...
I'm curious--what form of government do you support that doesn't involve politicians?
I'm curious--what form of government do you support that doesn't involve politicians?