You're hurting the economy...

What's hurting the economy is all the corporate mergers and the ridiculous salaries the CEO's receive for playing golf.
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Basically speaking... Good economy = currency in circulation & responsible borrowing etc, bad economy = currency not in circulation held in corporate/foreign coffers, irresponsible fiscal deregulation, defaults etc. Recent solution: issue more currency = high inflation, result: currency devalued, raise prices = less purchasing power, less currency in circulation, cycle begins all over again...

Not until we find a way to get hoarders to spend it like there's no tomorrow.
^^ then there is politics and ideological framework re-structure.....makes is very hard for people to speak up, because like, their arguments is 'not logical' particularly when it set in the neo-liberalism framework
Basically speaking... Good economy = currency in circulation & responsible borrowing etc, bad economy = currency not in circulation held in corporate/foreign coffers, irresponsible fiscal deregulation, defaults etc. Recent solution: issue more currency = high inflation, result: currency devalued, raise prices = less purchasing power, less currency in circulation, cycle begins all over again...

Not until we find a way to get hoarders to spend it like there's no tomorrow.

I loves me a smart woman... :naughty: :laugh2:
we wouldnt need to raise wages if we would stop shipping jobs overseas . still all boils down to the corporate greed.
I loves me a smart woman... :naughty: :laugh2:

that's covered in Economics 101, and 201, pretty basic 'theory' but yes its 'cycles'...but again,...i don't buy it totally, is it just 'theory' for office workers to learn and conform too, even accountants are cogs in the machine....ideology is really the tools of the trade in corporates/powers-that-be levels, hell, 7 families in the world owns, and controls the world, like the buy and own police, governments, military, arms everything...(not listing who though, NO way) even your president Obama is a puppet...
Time for everyone to spend money here in America.
I wonder how many jobs have been lost to the advent of the computer and everything that has come with it.
that's covered in Economics 101, and 201, pretty basic 'theory' but yes its 'cycles'...but again,...i don't buy it totally, is it just 'theory' for office workers to learn and conform too, even accountants are cogs in the machine....ideology is really the tools of the trade in corporates/powers-that-be levels, hell, 7 families in the world owns, and controls the world, like the buy and own police, governments, military, arms everything...(not listing who though, NO way) even your president Obama is a puppet...

*facepalm* Oh I know, I have suffered through more college than I care to talk about ever.... I have definitely been through Economics unfortunately.... Unfortunately I know how our economy works and functions and what shape it is in... I was attempting to make light of the situation and poke at Jess because if there is one thing in this world that makes me want to gouge out my eyeballs with dull butter-knives and little tiny needles filled with acid is talking about politics and the economy. THAT... is where my comment was pointing... Jess knew where I was coming from...


I... HATE.... POLITICS.... AND.... TALKING.... OR... LISTENING.... OR.... READING.... ABOUT.... THEM.... EVER.....

I WOULD RATHER SLEEP WITH A MAN FOR A NIGHT THAN TO LISTEN, HEAR, TALK OR ENGAGE IN A CONVERSATION ABOUT ANY SORT OF POLITICS!!! THEY MAKE ME WANT TO JUMP OFF THE SKYWAY BRIDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As much as sleeping with a man makes me want to cut off my naughty bits and die... I would almost rather do that... than to engage in politics... yes, you heard that right... that is how much... I loathe... politics... the conversation you posted... made me want to leap off the skyway and I didn't even read .%5 of it. I saw Obama and powers / military and boom... nope.... avoid avoid do not read do not read ABORT ABORT ABORT!!! BEEP BEEP BEEP... MEW SENSORS TINGLING RUN AWAY RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When those sensors go off, I just leave the room and avoid all contact. I know enough about what is going on in the situations... I'm not by far stupid, of course. I just can not stand talking about it.... BLECH! :barf:

The end.
I have this Jackie Chan mood now....

its not Politics per see......I'm a sociologist, im talking about power structures, and vested powers in the ideas where people 'agrees' with, which endorses such mass stupidity that exists....

I loathe politicians too,
from the beginning.
I have this Jackie Chan mood now....

its not Politics per see......I'm a sociologist, im talking about power structures, and vested powers in the ideas where people 'agrees' with, which endorses such mass stupidity that exists....

I loathe politicians too,
from the beginning.
I'm curious--what form of government do you support that doesn't involve politicians?
I'm curious--what form of government do you support that doesn't involve politicians?

there's no easy answer to this, I sometimes think that politicians actually are necessary evil for society.....what else can i say?
in addition, I don't support anarchism, (used to) but having complete free for all is liken to be begging for total chaos...(ok Indians might have small proofs of it working but bear in mind they are a highly religious country...effectively this is 'governed' by their religion , much like the old middle ages up towards, before the "1800's Enlightenment era"...

we're far too down the track to revert, except by brute force, that is, if oil ran out......forcing society to operate like it was in the bronze age.....or worse the dark age....

greed is something , I believe it could potentially be controlled....and for that I don't mean the masses, i mean in those in powers-that-be.....groups....they need education...not else? i don't know to be honest...
that's all for now...too drunk....
We need politicians, but unfortunately we need better ones than we have now and we need to get rid of the worthless ones we have now. When asked the vast majority of people say that congressmen need to be sent packing, yet when you ask them about their representative they say "mine is doing a great job!" I will say that mine need to go and that is at the state and federal level. If we could hold these idiots accountable and put some of them in jail we might be able to get the mess straightened out.
We need dictatorship over these