You're a 90's kids if...

We were such fools now weren't we?

But we have to admit as corny as we consider the Spice Girls now, we have to realize that even still today they are all richer than many of us could ever hope to be as I am sure they still receive royalty checks. I mean even Victoria, even at her least successful times as a performer, she is still making more. (And I envy the fact that she's living in a California home with David Beckham.)
I remember the death of Princess Di and 911. Monica Lewinsky. Kurt Corbain. The boy bands and Spice Girls. Cool Saturday morning cartoons (nowadays they are shit). Tiny Toon Adventures, Ducktales and Rescue Rangers. Nick at nite. Home Improvement. The crazy neon colored clothes and McHammer pants in the early 90's!! Spandex. Grunge look. Supernintendo. Mortal Kombat. Archie comics. Jim Carey movies. Y2k!!!


Princess Diana was mostly glamorous woman on the global when she married to Prince Charles in 1981 till collaspe dues Prince Charles had mistress to Camilla since 1970's they now his wife in April 2005.Camilla known as Duchess of Cornwall

Princess Diana and Prince Charles been fued for years in taboilds and magazines every years and every days about affairs,split and divorces but both got split in 1992 for 4 years but the Waleses had interview Prince Charles had in 1994 about Camilla and lots of mores.After Prince of Wales's interview done they Princess Diana's turn interview in 1995 and Princess Diana talk about her affairs to James Hewitt,paparazzi and lots of mores and many million people listen to waleses's interview but HM Queen Elizabeth II says that ENOUGH! HM plans order Waleses divorces in taboilds!! But Princess Diana is no longer member in Royal Family as Her Royal Highness but HM Queen Elizabeth strip Diana as HRH but Diana known as Diana,Princess of Wales or Princess Diana in behalf.
I was born in 1993 so that kind of makes me a 90 kids

you're a 90's kid if you remember...

that those glowing shoes when walking in the dark lights and is very popular

that you watched rugrats

that boys had cooties

and so much more
No, it is English custom that when an heir to the throne divorces, their spouse must relinquish all titles associated with the throne. The reason HM Queen Elizabeth allowed her to keep the title of Princess of Wales is because she bore two heirs to the throne - William and Harry - at the pushing of the British public and through conversations with her public advisors and so forth.

You should watch the movie titled "The Queen". While it is not 100% accurate to the detail, it does however offer some insight as to what was taking place at Buckingham Palace in the days weeks and months following Diana's death in Paris.
No, it is English custom that when an heir to the throne divorces, their spouse must relinquish all titles associated with the throne. The reason HM Queen Elizabeth allowed her to keep the title of Princess of Wales is because she bore two heirs to the throne - William and Harry - at the pushing of the British public and through conversations with her public advisors and so forth.

You should watch the movie titled "The Queen". While it is not 100% accurate to the detail, it does however offer some insight as to what was taking place at Buckingham Palace in the days weeks and months following Diana's death in Paris.

oh yeah!

I watch "The Queen" its really good movie but someone says its shooting in Balmoral,Scotland and also Buckingham Palace but Ms.Mirren very talent actress and she got golden awards,sag awards and Oscars for her roles as playing of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
I used to play PS one, furbies, 90s gameboy, old fashioned computers, pokemon things and watched the tool time on the tv LOL good old days!
Seen it, its not a bad film, more of an insight on how the royals are still so old fashioned, they think they are actaully living on a higher existence than the rest of us. It is stil fascinating, like how they are a sort of upholder of the English culture, this itself really kind of a romanticise the old world, the world which mannerisms and respect and certain ways of being, almost as if they treated royal concept is not old world but 'timeless'.

but anyway,
FUCK now who is going to remember the 2000-2009's?
FUCKKKKKKKKK now whos gonna remmy the 2000-2009's???
not much to remmy , except wars in the desert....
Nothing's good in the 2000's but these excellent technology we never forget! :lol:
yeah i agree, well wait and see if other reply, might comes some surprises that our memory could indeed be short!
I haven't thought about the group Hanson in years. I still remember their song "MMMBop." I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually liked that song. :giggle:

I was in my early to late 20s during the 90s and some of the things I remember include:

* Kurt Cobain/Nirvana
* Grunge
* Boy bands like 98 Degrees and the Backstreet Boys
* The dotcom craze and the release of Windows 95
* Beevis and Butthead
* Playing music on a boombox as opposed to an iPod or MP3 player
* Beanie Babies
I LOVE this thread! Takes me back to the old days. The only thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned yet is slap wrist bracelet. I thought they were so cool....

I used to watch TGIF religiously which had Step by Step, Family Matters, Full House, Mr. Cooper. Were there more?

Does anyone remember Perfect Strangers with Balki??? Or MacGyver? Or Who's the Boss? I loved Mona! Man this thread opened a floodgate of memories! Quantum Leap was the BEST show ever.

What about the Skip It toy? I could have sworn that meter was not counting right! I would do 100 "skips" and it would count like.. 80.
Does anyone remember Perfect Strangers with Balki??? Or MacGyver? Or Who's the Boss? I loved Mona! Man this thread opened a floodgate of memories! Quantum Leap was the BEST show ever.

Yes on all counts. I think i've seen every single eppy of Quantum Leap. Still comes on the Sci-Fi channel. Just as awesome now as it was then.
I LOVE this thread! Takes me back to the old days. The only thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned yet is slap wrist bracelet. I thought they were so cool....

I used to watch TGIF religiously which had Step by Step, Family Matters, Full House, Mr. Cooper. Were there more?

Does anyone remember Perfect Strangers with Balki??? Or MacGyver? Or Who's the Boss? I loved Mona! Man this thread opened a floodgate of memories! Quantum Leap was the BEST show ever.

What about the Skip It toy? I could have sworn that meter was not counting right! I would do 100 "skips" and it would count like.. 80.

Didn't "Who's The Boss?" come out during the 80s? I seem to remember it being aired sometime between 1984 and 1989 or so.
Apparently, I wasn't too far off with my guesstimate. "Who's The Boss?" aired from 1984-1992 which would qualify it as being a TV comedy from the early 90s:

"Who's the Boss?" (1984)

It's amazing how quickly time flies. :)
What about Growing Pains?


does anyone remember the line dancing craze of the 1990's when all these western clubs were opening up. And the big rave of the movie "Pure Country".
does anyone remember the line dancing craze of the 1990's when all these western clubs were opening up. And the big rave of the movie "Pure Country".

Or La Macarena! Omg that music video kept playing over and over and over and over!
oh, I sure do remember that "Macarena"! I worked at a facility with people frail elderly people and people with Altzheimer's and one of the offerings was "adaptive" dance/movement classes. The instructor for this class brought radio and songs to use, one of which was the "Macarena" song-
What about Growing Pains?


does anyone remember the line dancing craze of the 1990's when all these western clubs were opening up. And the big rave of the movie "Pure Country".

I remember "Growing Pains" from way back in the 80s. That decade rocked! :rockon: